Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

I'm simply reiterating what human rights groups and UNICEF say. If you have an issue take it up with them. They are the ones on the ground tracking this and trying to make changes. Not you, sitting at your computer.

Stating that poverty (or anything else) is a factor is not making an excuse.

Are you attempting to dismiss it or make excuses by blaming it on religion?

People are pedophiles because they are born that way.
UNICEF also states that child brides occurs highest in Muslim majority countries. Yet you failed to "reiterate" that little tidbit. LOL

And you fail to look at any other reason given by UNICEF which repeatedly states poverty is the major driver. You fail to "reiterate" that little tidbit just like you completely bypass the fact that it's prevalent in Hindu India and there is even a Hindu festival promoting it. You are so focused on Islam being the only reason in Muslim majority countries. Are you going to continue to be a Hindu apologist?
Come back when you learn how to put two and two together. Perhaps a math tutor will help.

Right now you keep answering "five". LOL
I am not the one who started a thread based on a lie and spread hate based on the lie in the OP.

Lies exist to be confronted with Truth, for some of us that is true anyway.

For me, it all goes back to a man who was crucified on a Cross, who died for every person. That includes every child the victim of child marriages.

Any person demonizes people as they have used this thread to do, and uses innocent children to do it with, deserves to have what they are doing exposed.

As far as discussing Jews here, the point is they have been a part of this too.
"Thread based on hate"?

So let us get this straight, nutmeg. Muslim animals forced an 8 year old to marry, and the poor girl dies from internal bleeding because of being RAPED, and bringing that to light, is considered "hate".


Sherri makes one very good point. You and your supporters don't give a damn that it occurs in non-Muslim countries. All your posts are focused on Islam. What do you really care about child brides and the brutality they have to endure? You only care that's it is another way you can demonize Islam.

Not once do you address the actual issue - what these girls go through, how they are treated and what can be done.

In your haste to defend islam, you choose not to understand that there is an acknowledgenent religion is not a single factor in child marriage. What you hope not to address is that islam has a built-in allowance for child marriage and such abuse could be considered a pious, holy act as it is striving in the way of islam's inventor.

What can be done to change islam and reform such attitudes?
Any persons in our world who are members of Abrahamic religions can choose to pick a Patriarch and follow his example. We could all be like Abraham and marry our siblings. We could marry our first cousins, we could marry as children as was normal once in our world. And the Truth is some members of all Abrahamic religions, often called religious extremists by many of us today, do choose to follow past examples that simply do not belong in the world we live in today.

When we see such things happen in our world today, like child marriages, we all have a choice, how do we respond to what is happening. What this thread illustrates is our diversity in the choices each of us makes.
I don't get what this Ashkenazi stuff has to do with anything...much less child marriage.

I don't get what your obsession with the correlation between poverty and
what you call "child marriage" has to do with a 40 year old man pounding
an eight year old to death. I little tidbit for you-------lots and lots of those
child marriages to which you refer, not only do not include first nite sex----
in some cases they do not even include first nite being alone together----and MOST
do not involve extreme age disparities. The little girl did not die easily. The case here
is a 40 year old man who murdered a screaming child-----it was not an accident
The incident addressed in the OP did not even happen.

And let us just call it what it is, if it had happened, child abuse.

And when I look for articles about child abuse, I find a leading cause for it is Poverty.

We may have great difficulty relating with perpetrators of child abuse, but the fact is none of these incidents occur in a vacuum. There is poverty and a lack of education in many places in our world, even inside our own country, and unfortunate incidents happen. The child of course is a victim, but often perpetrators are victims, too, of their own pasts and their experiences.

I think about another form of child abuse, the sexual abuse of young children by adults. I live in a place where it is so common and kept so secret. Even for the victims, I dont know what is better, keeping the secret or bringing it in the open.

The abuse of children is a horrible thing and all societies confront it.

Demonizing groups and people does not fix the problem.
No concern for the children at all.

I'm afraid your only goal in this thread was to further your rabid jooooooo hatreds.

I am not the one who started a thread based on a lie and spread hate based on the lie in the OP.

Lies exist to be confronted with Truth, for some of us that is true anyway.

For me, it all goes back to a man who was crucified on a Cross, who died for every person. That includes every child the victim of child marriages.

Any person demonizes people as they have used this thread to do, and uses innocent children to do it with, deserves to have what they are doing exposed.

As far as discussing Jews here, the point is they have been a part of this too.

Jews "have been a part" of what? It is true that Jews living in Yemen were
vulnerable to BOTH rape and the perverted shariah filth which included the
Dhimmi orphan law-----My own mother-in-law could have ended up in the same
miserable situation that afflicted the little 8 year old girl ---- LEGALLY RAPED BY
A MUSLIM. the good news is that she was rescued from the isa respecting filth.

The sad news is that hubby's grandmother was raped and murdered as a young mother
of three----the two babies died with her ------The only good news is that the experience
of the beauty of shariah did galvanized hubby's grandfather to get his son----and the
little orphan OUT OF THAT HELL HOLE

The bad news that sherri ignores is that thousands of christian children are still living
in slavery---including perverted sexual slavery in SUDAN----legal under shariah law

I wonder if sherri will claim that "the jews are part of this" regarding the filth of
Khartoum which she endorses as "ISA RESPECT"
JEWS are participants in child marriages too.

This thread is about a 40 year old man who pounded an eight year old to death----not
particularly a "child marriage" Forced sex upon a wife in Jewish law is utterly and
completely disallowed. At to the jews of Yemen---they are utterly fascinated with
MAIMONIDES and every word he wrote which they consider authoritative (it verges on
neurotic) My own mother-in-law was married at about age 12-----or 11----Her father
had died making her in danger of physical confiscation and legal enslavement to the local
imam (imam is the term yemeni muslims use for their chieftains---even the KING was
called "IMAM" back then) In any case---even you can read maimonides if you wish----
he effectively declared LAW-----and outlawed any hint of coercion in sex to the point
that he disallowed quarreling spouses to engage in sex or------fascinatingly, did not allow
a husband to wake his wife from sleep in order to engage in sex and (gasp) considered
any attempt to so engage while she was asleep to be a perversion. The lady had to
be awake and entirely willing-------I will not get into his foreplay advice-----you can seek
that yourself. Also ---like Hindus of India----kids who are "married" or often
"married" for quite awhile---only by virtue of Betrothal. I understand that you
never read the New Testament----however the description of the conception
of Jesus----involves a miraculous conversation between Mary and Gabriel (?) ----
in which the betrothed Mary states that she never had sex She is thought to
be 14 at that time----all of which would be consistent with the more's of pharisee
jews in her time. Notice that she was never pounded to death.

UNDER 18 marriage as a definition for CHILD ABUSE THRU FORCED MARRIAGE-----
is silly. however it is a good idea in places in which force is actually a real problem---
like India and muslim countries ---and lots of african countries of any creed

now what point were you struggling to make? Baptists are also
known to engage in very early marriages ------Loretta Lynn---was 14
I'm not concerned only because it involves Muslims. What concerns me is the fact that Islam incorporates paedophilia into it's religion and the other major religions don't. And what's odd is the impression that you seem to be defending the sickening practice.

i quess priests fucking litle boys dont count
Who invited you? Knock before entering and wipe your muddy paws.
I dont need a invite from the likes of you meathead when your a person of importance you can do the inviting
The story in the OP is not true.

Try to deal with Reality!

The specific story is most likely true-----AND ----there are many more
such incidents in Yemen. The BRIDE PRICE is a very important feature
of Yemeni marriage----just as important as is the "dowry" among hindu
indians. A 40 year old Yemeni man could very likely want an eight year old---
afterall-----when he is 60 she will be 28. The father of SIX daughters and no
sons-----could very well want to marry a few of the little girls off ASAP.
It is MOST LIKELY that he has not stopped "trying" for a son.
The sad news is that hubby's grandmother was raped and murdered as a young mother
of three----the two babies died with her ------The only good news is that the experience
of the beauty of shariah did galvanized hubby's grandfather to get his son----and the
little orphan OUT OF THAT HELL HOLE
Don't you ever get tired of rehashing your 40 yr. old antecedal stories allegedly told to you by family members??

I know that we are all sick of hearing them......... :eusa_hand:
The sad news is that hubby's grandmother was raped and murdered as a young mother
of three----the two babies died with her ------The only good news is that the experience
of the beauty of shariah did galvanized hubby's grandfather to get his son----and the
little orphan OUT OF THAT HELL HOLE
Don't you ever get tired of rehashing your 40 yr. old antecedal stories allegedly told to you by family members??

I know that we are all sick of hearing them......... :eusa_hand:

Then get off the internet and go preach Jew hatred at your mosque :cool:
The sad news is that hubby's grandmother was raped and murdered as a young mother
of three----the two babies died with her ------The only good news is that the experience
of the beauty of shariah did galvanized hubby's grandfather to get his son----and the
little orphan OUT OF THAT HELL HOLE
Don't you ever get tired of rehashing your 40 yr. old antecedal stories allegedly told to you by family members??

I know that we are all sick of hearing them......... :eusa_hand:

Child abuse at the hand of a pious Moslem is what the thread is addressing. It's also about an unreformed politico-religious ideology invented by an Arab warlord which has not been able to claw its way out of the 7th century.

You're not able to sit at the grown-up table so buggar off.

.... True story

..... :cool:
Ya... those wonderful muslims... they likes 'em young...


The sad news is that hubby's grandmother was raped and murdered as a young mother
of three----the two babies died with her ------The only good news is that the experience
of the beauty of shariah did galvanized hubby's grandfather to get his son----and the
little orphan OUT OF THAT HELL HOLE
Don't you ever get tired of rehashing your 40 yr. old antecedal stories allegedly told to you by family members??

I know that we are all sick of hearing them......... :eusa_hand:

The fact of the rape of a young woman and the murder of two of
her babies became TIMELY with the genocide comitted against the
Christians of South Sudan-----That rape murder, incident in Yemen took place sometime
in the 1920s ----it is far older than 40 years. The near enslavement and rape
of my mother-in-law in Yemen---took place sometime in the early 1930s. It
is important to me since it galvanized the marriage that produced dear
hubby. and also describes the "legal system" which rendered tens of
thousands of christian children enslaved to the dogs of Khartoum. The history
is important here because it provides a perspective of the "life-style" in question

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