Chicago democrat strategy…tax their way into new feudalism…


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The people of Chicago decide that driving over a cliff wasn’t going fast enough so they put nitro into their fuel……and put the petal through the floor…..

the democrats in Chicago want the wealthy to leave the city so they can rule over the hell they are creating…

As I have posted before, the democrats would rather rule in hell than live in heaven….

The package includes a metric butt-ton of new spending, naturally, but it’s the $12 billion in new taxes that will make people scream in agony. For reference, Chicago’s “historic” “recovery” budget last year was “just” $16.7 billion.

New or increased taxes include but are not limited to:

An annual head tax of $33 per worker for companies with 50+ employees
Quadruple the tax on jet fuel.
A 3.5% income tax on households making more than $100K
A 0.4% “wealth tax” for the top 10% of city earners.
$1-2 transaction tax for financial exchanges.
Needless to say, the taxes mostly hit one kind of Chicagoan with two particular (but related) skills: The ability to pay and the ability to get the hell out of Dodge and not pay.

Think I’m kidding? The Chicago Mercantile Exchange — founded in the city in 1898 and one of the largest trading floors in the world — on Monday threatened to relocateout of Chicago.

The Merc leaving Chicago would be like the NYSE decamping for Tampa, taking with it all of the high-paying jobs with those high-flying bonuses and destroying all the attendant service-sector jobs.

Are there any leftists out there who will defend this? Who can explain how this does anything but destroy the city?
The craziest thing about this is that the Chicago Democrat Party is estimating the amount of money they will generate from these new taxes based upon the theorem that the taxes won't change people's behavior at all.

They will never get the $12 Billion they want to waste.

We've seen these assumptions before when governments decided to fund children's health care with cigarette taxes so the other taxpayers wouldn't have to pony up. Didn't work, because millions quit smoking. And its a lot easier for rich guys to move to Florida than for people to quit the tobacco habit.
The craziest thing about this is that the Chicago Democrat Party is estimating the amount of money they will generate from these new taxes based upon the theorem that the taxes won't change people's behavior at all.

They will never get the $12 Billion they want to waste.

We've seen these assumptions before when governments decided to fund children's health care with cigarette taxes so the other taxpayers wouldn't have to pony up. Didn't work, because millions quit smoking. And its a lot easier for rich guys to move to Florida than for people to quit the tobacco habit.

After watching them over the years....they know. They dont care. They talk about how much they will generatw only as a fig leaf for the biden voters, the dumb people who vote democrat and for the minions in the democrat party media...who simply repeat what they are told...

the goal is to wreck the economies of these cities....they want to destroy them so that they can "rebuild" them in their new utopia....with the arrogance all leftists have....

They want to rule in hell not live in heaven
Quadruple the tax on jet fuel.

The people of Chicago voted for this insanity, they deserve what comes about. I was reading up about this new plan, they will also be cutting the police budget by 31%. That will definitely reduce the crime rate. There will be little point in calling the police to report crimes, and anything not reported doesn't go into the crime rate.
After watching them over the years....they know. They dont care.
In NY each individual is out to get theirs. Nobody gives a shit if it wrecks the state, businesses or if people leave. It's all about the individual and mooching as much as you can.

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