Durham/Mueller Reports: Valuable Bookends


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
The release of the Durham report provides a helpful bookend to the Mueller report, a reminder that two opposing things can exist simultaneously in the universe, and yet another example of how America would benefit if both ends of the spectrum would clean their own fucking house instead of just pointing the finger:

Durham says the FBI essentially engaged in confirmation bias, especially on stories like the Carter Paige FISA request and the Steele Dossier. They went too hard, too fast and too far with available information, and that plays right into the hands of the GQP's ongoing rage against any government agency (unless that agency does something they like, of course, like Comey causing Hillary great harm right before the 2016 elections). So the Durham report is a gift to the GQP and keeps that whole conspiracy culture running at full speed. Way to go, FBI, it looks like you were pretty biased, and that looks like shit. This kind of thing has to fixed and stopped, now.

AT THE SAME TIME, the Mueller report manifested in indictments of +/- 30 people, including REAL RUSSIAN OPERATIVES, securing REAL CONVICTIONS of several Trump associates, from George Papadopolous to Paul Manafort to Mike Flynn to Rick Gates. So clearly there was communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and we know that the campaign was asking for Russian assistance on getting dirt on Hillary. Was their actual collusion, where plans were made and carried out? Mueller could not prove that, although he did say that a pursuit of Trump obstruction by Congress would be appropriate.

The final score on this? Yes, the GQP is correct that there was (and maybe is) bias at the FBI, and that makes it perfectly fair to wonder if that's just the tip of the iceberg. And yes, Trump and his campaign leaned on one of our two most dangerous adversaries for help in 2016. This cuts across our entire political spectrum, and denying/ignoring that only makes things worse.

The release of the Durham report provides a helpful bookend to the Mueller report, a reminder that two opposing things can exist simultaneously in the universe, and yet another example of how America would benefit if both ends of the spectrum would clean their own fucking house instead of just pointing the finger:

Durham says the FBI essentially engaged in confirmation bias, especially on stories like the Carter Paige FISA request and the Steele Dossier. They went too hard, too fast and too far with available information, and that plays right into the hands of the GQP's ongoing rage against any government agency (unless that agency does something they like, of course, like Comey causing Hillary great harm right before the 2016 elections). So the Durham report is a gift to the GQP and keeps that whole conspiracy culture running at full speed. Way to go, FBI, it looks like you were pretty biased, and that looks like shit. This kind of thing has to fixed and stopped, now.

AT THE SAME TIME, the Mueller report manifested in indictments of +/- 30 people, including REAL RUSSIAN OPERATIVES, securing REAL CONVICTIONS of several Trump associates, from George Papadopolous to Paul Manafort to Mike Flynn to Rick Gates. So clearly there was communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and we know that the campaign was asking for Russian assistance on getting dirt on Hillary. Was their actual collusion, where plans were made and carried out? Mueller could not prove that, although he did say that a pursuit of Trump obstruction by Congress would be appropriate.

The final score on this? Yes, the GQP is correct that there was (and maybe is) bias at the FBI, and that makes it perfectly fair to wonder if that's just the tip of the iceberg. And yes, Trump and his campaign leaned on one of our two most dangerous adversaries for help in 2016. This cuts across our entire political spectrum, and denying/ignoring that only makes things worse.

What we know for sure is the top echelons of the FBI committed a minimum of 3 federal crimes.
1. Perjury before the FISA court.
2. Violations of the Hatch Act.
3. Interfering with a federal election.
Oh 4. Committing a fraud against the US.

BTW, both Durham and Mueller exonerated Trump and his campaign. The only cooperation with the Russians was the bitches campaign and the DNC. And since there was no predication for the investigation all convictions should be vacated and expunged.

What we know for sure is the top echelons of the FBI committed a minimum of 3 federal crimes.
1. Perjury before the FISA court.
2. Violations of the Hatch Act.
3. Interfering with a federal election.
Oh 4. Committing a fraud against the US.

BTW, both Durham and Mueller exonerated Trump and his campaign. The only cooperation with the Russians was the bitches campaign and the DNC. And since there was no predication for the investigation all convictions should be vacated and expunged.

Then why, pray tell, didn't Durham charge anyone with any of these crimes?
The release of the Durham report provides a helpful bookend to the Mueller report, a reminder that two opposing things can exist simultaneously in the universe, and yet another example of how America would benefit if both ends of the spectrum would clean their own fucking house instead of just pointing the finger:

Durham says the FBI essentially engaged in confirmation bias, especially on stories like the Carter Paige FISA request and the Steele Dossier. They went too hard, too fast and too far with available information, and that plays right into the hands of the GQP's ongoing rage against any government agency (unless that agency does something they like, of course, like Comey causing Hillary great harm right before the 2016 elections). So the Durham report is a gift to the GQP and keeps that whole conspiracy culture running at full speed. Way to go, FBI, it looks like you were pretty biased, and that looks like shit. This kind of thing has to fixed and stopped, now.

AT THE SAME TIME, the Mueller report manifested in indictments of +/- 30 people, including REAL RUSSIAN OPERATIVES, securing REAL CONVICTIONS of several Trump associates, from George Papadopolous to Paul Manafort to Mike Flynn to Rick Gates. So clearly there was communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and we know that the campaign was asking for Russian assistance on getting dirt on Hillary. Was their actual collusion, where plans were made and carried out? Mueller could not prove that, although he did say that a pursuit of Trump obstruction by Congress would be appropriate.

The final score on this? Yes, the GQP is correct that there was (and maybe is) bias at the FBI, and that makes it perfectly fair to wonder if that's just the tip of the iceberg. And yes, Trump and his campaign leaned on one of our two most dangerous adversaries for help in 2016. This cuts across our entire political spectrum, and denying/ignoring that only makes things worse.

Two tier justice system
Two tier justice system

Durham just coudn't find much in terms of criminal activity. He managed 1 plea deal, to the tune of 400 hours of community service.

Durham had all the same authority, all the same resources that Mueller did. And yet Mueller managed 37 indictments, 8 convictions, with 25 of those indictments still open and those charged at large.
Durham just coudn't find much in terms of criminal activity. He managed 1 plea deal, to the tune of 400 hours of community service.

Durham had all the same authority, all the same resources that Mueller did. And yet Mueller managed 37 indictments, 8 convictions, with 25 of those indictments still open and those charged at large.
Lying under oath to the fisa courts
Illegally spying on American citizens
Leaking classified information to the media.
Abuse of power.
Lying under oath to the fisa courts
Illegally spying on American citizens
Leaking classified information to the media.
Abuse of power.

The first one, Durham got one plea deal to the tune of 400 hours of community service.

And that's literally it.

Durham charged no one with anything else on your list. And certainly didn't convict anyone of them.
Two tier justice

Durham couldn't make the such charges stick as he couldn't prove any such claims beyond a reasonable doubt.

Even the one case he did manage to get a plea deal for was shaky. Which is why Durham offered 400 hours of community service to settle a felony charge he wasn't confident he could try and win.

And given Durham's absymal record in court, where he lost every trial, Durham was probably right to offer such pat on the wrist.

Mueller found *buckets* of criminal activity when investigating Trump. And got 8 convictions, and over 30 indictments...with most of the folks indicted still at large.

And Mueller managed that in about half the time.
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The release of the Durham report provides a helpful bookend to the Mueller report, a reminder that two opposing things can exist simultaneously in the universe, and yet another example of how America would benefit if both ends of the spectrum would clean their own fucking house instead of just pointing the finger:

Durham says the FBI essentially engaged in confirmation bias, especially on stories like the Carter Paige FISA request and the Steele Dossier. They went too hard, too fast and too far with available information, and that plays right into the hands of the GQP's ongoing rage against any government agency (unless that agency does something they like, of course, like Comey causing Hillary great harm right before the 2016 elections). So the Durham report is a gift to the GQP and keeps that whole conspiracy culture running at full speed. Way to go, FBI, it looks like you were pretty biased, and that looks like shit. This kind of thing has to fixed and stopped, now.

AT THE SAME TIME, the Mueller report manifested in indictments of +/- 30 people, including REAL RUSSIAN OPERATIVES, securing REAL CONVICTIONS of several Trump associates, from George Papadopolous to Paul Manafort to Mike Flynn to Rick Gates. So clearly there was communication between the Trump campaign and the Russians, and we know that the campaign was asking for Russian assistance on getting dirt on Hillary. Was their actual collusion, where plans were made and carried out? Mueller could not prove that, although he did say that a pursuit of Trump obstruction by Congress would be appropriate.

The final score on this? Yes, the GQP is correct that there was (and maybe is) bias at the FBI, and that makes it perfectly fair to wonder if that's just the tip of the iceberg. And yes, Trump and his campaign leaned on one of our two most dangerous adversaries for help in 2016. This cuts across our entire political spectrum, and denying/ignoring that only makes things worse.

they aren’t opposite or opposing. views

nobody ever said that russia didn’t use tactics to interfere in the election as mueller found

but trump and his campaign didn’t consprite or collude with them as mueller also found

and what durham found was it was in fact clinton and the dnc, and the obamagate gang and that joined the russian and spread lies and used their office to help speed that lies

they are bookends to the dark chapter of the demafasict abuse
They probably wouldn't being tried in DC. Commies can do no wrong there and in NYC.


Or......the Durham's allegations were dogshit.

Look at Sussmann's charges. Sussmann made no false statement to anyone. Durham charged him because he claims Sussman didn't disclose to the FBI that his firm did work for Hillary Clinton.

But this was no secret. It was common knowledge that Sussman's firm worked for Clinton. Even the agent admitted he already knew. Durham tried to charge Sussmann with a felony for supposedly 'witholding' information that was common knowledge and everybody knew. And there were FBI Emails to confirm it.

It took the jury 6 hours to laugh Durham's dogshit allegations out of the court room.

Compare that to say....Mueller's legal case against Manafort, with conviction of 8 felonies.
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