
Fascism is absolutely rightwing. Your assertion is hogwash. Hitler, Franco and Mussolini exterminated socialists and liberals, and got into bed with industrialists, the military and the church -- right, righter, rightist. And that's even before we get to their "quaint" racial attitudes, and their appetites for conquest and murder. Nice try!

Your assertion that the rightist ideology equates to individual liberty is ridiculous on many levels. First, "rightists" don't own the concept of liberty: our liberty came to us from Founding Fathers who were a bunch of flaming radicals rebelling against a "rightist" king. Second, in history the worst oppression of mankind and his liberties came at the hands of rightists, from ancient and feudal monarchs to Hitler and Joe McCarthy in modern times. Third, there is abundant evidence that the real philosophy of rightists, laissez-faire deregulation, has led to economic disaster several times in our nation's history.

Glad I could help!

Point of order...

You've a few inaccuracies...

First, Fascism is nothing remotely 'right wing'... it is purely a function of the ideological left.

Second, there is no evidence to even SUGGEST that the rightist ideology of individual liberty has or even could POTENTIALLY lead to economic disaster.

If you'd like to post an argument wherein you can show fascism as exemplifying the ideological right, or where the ideologically right concept of individual liberty could lead to economic disaster... I know that at least I would be love to see it.
Republicans lost because they failed to govern as advertised... they became CENTRISTS... GW Bush is as close to the working definition of a Centrist

Horse turds. You just make the facts fit your reality. Bush as a neocon was as far right as you can get on most issuees.

Tax cuts for the rich are not centrists. An unneeded war in Iraq is not centrist. Ripping out the guts of our protective agencies is not centrist. Faith based government is not centrist.

Bush was a corporate fascist pure and simple.

Pogo, you do protest too loudly.
Republicans lost because they failed to govern as advertised... they became CENTRISTS... GW Bush is as close to the working definition of a Centrist that can be found in US Politics and is leaving office with one of the lowest ratings in Presidential History... Which is the popularity tall-grass in comparison to the popularity of the Centrist Congress which was flirting with single digits last time I looked.

People want their leaders to LEAD... Hussein offered the addle-minded something warm and fuzzy... hardly a function of leadership, but he kept his campaign on message 'warm and fuzzy all the time.'

There is no such thing as a Centrist leader; the phrase is a classic oxymoron... centrist do exactly as you've described, they listen to the fears of the sheeple and exploit them. It's what Hitler, Mousillini, Lennin and Mao did and every single one of them rose to power on the backs of the sacred middle...

Now will Hesitant-elect Hussein become an off the hook tyrant? Pretty unlikely, as, contrary to popular belief, there is no where NEAR a majority of people in the US, who, in the final analysis will allow the Executive to concentrate sufficient power to get that done. But, given time and the proper circumstances, such as a national economic failure, a natural disaster or a sufficiently large attack upon the US to cause real prolonged pain and it could happen; The US hasn't seen itself so ripe for such since FDR and today's generation is vastly less intelligent than those of the 1930s and 40s.

But there's little to do now but wait and see... and enjoy the passing scene in the process.

According to Publius--If it works, it is of Republican origin. If it does not, it is centric/Liberal/Democratic nonsense that should have been ignored in the first place.

I love reading these posters comments: Publius and Agna!!

What they propose give me a case of the chuckles!!:tongue:

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