CBS reporter in Argentina recalls O'Reilly's "war zone" antics


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Bill O Reilly Covered Falklands War From Expense Account Zone Says Fellow CBS News Correspondent Eric Engberg Deadline

Here are some excerpts from Mr. Engberg's Facebook page.

O'Reilly, freshly hired by CBS, arrived in Buenos Aires a few days before the British expeditionary force defeated the Argentine occupiers. He was, as he is today, full of brio and confidence. I remember him asking me how I liked my assignment. When I said I was tired of living in a hotel and wanted to go home he said, "Call your agent." Back in those days calling your agent to complain about the company's decision-making would have been a career-ender, but he didn't seem to understand matters of the CBS internal secret wooglies, which included the rule that you did as you were told. I should have known he was headed for trouble, but I just thought he was a rookie who would learn. Yeah, right.
When Doyle informed O'Reilly that Schieffer would be doing the report, which would not include any segment from O'Reilly, the reporter exploded. "I didn't come down here to have my footage used by that old man," he shouted.
O'Reilly has said he was in a situation in Argentina where "my photographer got run down and hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete and the army was chasing us." The only place where such an injury could have occurred was the relatively tame riot I have described above. Neither Doyle, who would have been immediately informed of injury to any CBS personnel, nor anyone else who was working the story remembers a cameraman being injured that night. No one who reported back to our hotel newsroom after the disturbance was injured; if a cameraman had been "bleeding from the ear" he would have immediately reported that to his superiors at the hotel. This part of O'Reilly's Argentina story is not credible without further confirmation, and O'Reilly should identify the cameraman by name so he can be questioned about the alleged injury.
I am fairly certain that most professional journalists would refer to the story I have just related as "routine reporting on a demonstration that got a little nasty." O'Reilly, in defending himself yesterday against Corn's "Mother Jones" piece, said "We were in a combat situation in Buenos Aires." He is misrepresenting the situation he covered, and he is obviously doing so to burnish his credentials as a "war correspondent," which is not the work he was performing during the Falklands war. I don't think it's as big a lie as Brian Williams told because O'Reilly hasn't falsely claimed to be the target of an enemy attack, but he has displayed a willingness to twist the truth in a way that seeks to invent a battlefield that did not exist. And he ought to be subject to the same scrutiny Williams faced. He also ought to be ashamed of himself. By the way, "Old Man" Schieffer seemed to do okay as a TV journalist in the years (and there were plenty) after O'Reilly claimed to have been "big footed" by him. Maybe "Old Schieffer" called HIS agent.

So Bill lied and even published it in his book....and FOX does not care. I AM SHOCKED.....:ack-1:
boy oh boy

you people can't be taken seriously half of the time

CBS should check themselves for all the lies they've spread and all the LIAR's they have at their station

who the hell cares about Bill O'reilly?
boy oh boy

you people can't be taken seriously half of the time

CBS should check themselves for all the lies they've spread and all the LIAR's they have at their station

who the hell cares about Bill O'reilly?

:badgrin: Obviously you do! The topic of the Thread is Bloviating Bill, not CBS. Now, take your meds and try again....
boy oh boy

you people can't be taken seriously half of the time

CBS should check themselves for all the lies they've spread and all the LIAR's they have at their station

who the hell cares about Bill O'reilly?
Obviously, you do.
O'Reiley didn't become the news or blatantly lie like NBC's Dateline did with Ford Motor Company or CBS's Killian documents fiasco.

Bill lied about people dying in BA. He lied about his associates being scared in a hotel room. He lied about being in a "war zone in Falkland Islands." But FOX will do nothing because they see his lies as helping their ratings. They are a soulless "news station" that takes orders from a grumpy old man in Australia.
boy oh boy

you people can't be taken seriously half of the time

CBS should check themselves for all the lies they've spread and all the LIAR's they have at their station

who the hell cares about Bill O'reilly?

:badgrin: Obviously you do! The topic of the Thread is Bloviating Bill, not CBS. Now, take your meds and try again....

Not CBS? Bill O'Reilly was working for CBS at the time you claim he lied. So apparently it is about the quality of reporting at CBS.

Second, unlike the Brian Williams which had several witnesses of the actual event disputing his claims, your accusation of Bill O'Reilly is based on a former CBS Reporter... as competing reporter I might add, who has a "facebook page" which says he doesn't know of any photographer who was injured.

There is a huge difference between not knowing of something that could have happened, and knowing something didn't happen.

Further, your claim that Fox News doesn't care, is just more left-wing prejudice crap. You have no idea if they care or not. NBC rallied around Williams for months, before finally asking him to leave. Companies stand by their employees until the evidence is clear and conclusive.

All you have as evidence thus far, is some hearsay from a questionable source, who based on his own writing, is clearly envious and bitter against Bill O'Reilly. Granted, Bill is a bit of a jerk. I don't particularly like the guy on a personal level, but unlike you, I don't judge based on politics, or envy. You gotta show me better evidence than this.

And perhaps that evidence will come out. Let's say he was lying to CBS. CBS should fire him then. What's that got to do with Fox? Should you be fired by your current employer, if you lied to a former employer 30 years ago?

You are a hypocrite. You would be freaking out if your employer fired you because you lied to someone completely unrelated, about something completely unrelated, 30 years ago.
O'Reiley didn't become the news or blatantly lie like NBC's Dateline did with Ford Motor Company or CBS's Killian documents fiasco.

Bill lied about people dying in BA. He lied about his associates being scared in a hotel room. He lied about being in a "war zone in Falkland Islands." But FOX will do nothing because they see his lies as helping their ratings. They are a soulless "news station" that takes orders from a grumpy old man in Australia.
You really think a bit of self promotion is more significant than an attempt to bring down a major corporation with a story known to be false or than forging documents in order to influence a US Presidential election?
You're sad.
At this point being a liar is so much a part of the Bill O'Reilly image that this latest lie story has quickly become a boring issue. Who cares about dishonest FOX NEWS reporters and talking heads? Isn't that what they get paid for?
At this point being a liar is so much a part of the Bill O'Reilly image that this latest lie story has quickly become a boring issue. Who cares about dishonest FOX NEWS reporters and talking heads? Isn't that what they get paid for?

True....I expect it is a Badge of Honor for FOX "Journalist."
At this point being a liar is so much a part of the Bill O'Reilly image that this latest lie story has quickly become a boring issue. Who cares about dishonest FOX NEWS reporters and talking heads? Isn't that what they get paid for?

He's not a reporter. He's a political commentator. You don't see a difference?
wow, they dug up someone from another country. how honorable can they get.

mediamatters is filled with Progressives slimy snakes. shun them anything you see something from them
Jim still has his panties in a wad of Bill.

I don't watch him and to me it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of life.

Why don't you watch The Daily Show on the comedy channel, then it doesn't matter if the stories or facts are real or not.
O'Reilly is an entertainer, no one takes him seriously, he's not a 'journalist' – that many on the right try to defend him as such is just sad.

lol, defend him. every thread posted by your buds on the left we've said, YAWN YAWN YAWN

how is that Defending anyone? lets see you condemn MEDIA MATTERS for this witch hunt they are on?

we won't hold our breaths that's for sure
Bill O Reilly Covered Falklands War From Expense Account Zone Says Fellow CBS News Correspondent Eric Engberg Deadline

Here are some excerpts from Mr. Engberg's Facebook page.

O'Reilly, freshly hired by CBS, arrived in Buenos Aires a few days before the British expeditionary force defeated the Argentine occupiers. He was, as he is today, full of brio and confidence. I remember him asking me how I liked my assignment. When I said I was tired of living in a hotel and wanted to go home he said, "Call your agent." Back in those days calling your agent to complain about the company's decision-making would have been a career-ender, but he didn't seem to understand matters of the CBS internal secret wooglies, which included the rule that you did as you were told. I should have known he was headed for trouble, but I just thought he was a rookie who would learn. Yeah, right.
When Doyle informed O'Reilly that Schieffer would be doing the report, which would not include any segment from O'Reilly, the reporter exploded. "I didn't come down here to have my footage used by that old man," he shouted.
O'Reilly has said he was in a situation in Argentina where "my photographer got run down and hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete and the army was chasing us." The only place where such an injury could have occurred was the relatively tame riot I have described above. Neither Doyle, who would have been immediately informed of injury to any CBS personnel, nor anyone else who was working the story remembers a cameraman being injured that night. No one who reported back to our hotel newsroom after the disturbance was injured; if a cameraman had been "bleeding from the ear" he would have immediately reported that to his superiors at the hotel. This part of O'Reilly's Argentina story is not credible without further confirmation, and O'Reilly should identify the cameraman by name so he can be questioned about the alleged injury.
I am fairly certain that most professional journalists would refer to the story I have just related as "routine reporting on a demonstration that got a little nasty." O'Reilly, in defending himself yesterday against Corn's "Mother Jones" piece, said "We were in a combat situation in Buenos Aires." He is misrepresenting the situation he covered, and he is obviously doing so to burnish his credentials as a "war correspondent," which is not the work he was performing during the Falklands war. I don't think it's as big a lie as Brian Williams told because O'Reilly hasn't falsely claimed to be the target of an enemy attack, but he has displayed a willingness to twist the truth in a way that seeks to invent a battlefield that did not exist. And he ought to be subject to the same scrutiny Williams faced. He also ought to be ashamed of himself. By the way, "Old Man" Schieffer seemed to do okay as a TV journalist in the years (and there were plenty) after O'Reilly claimed to have been "big footed" by him. Maybe "Old Schieffer" called HIS agent.

So Bill lied and even published it in his book....and FOX does not care. I AM SHOCKED.....:ack-1:

Are you so stupid and blinded by your Agenda that you can't see that this guy actually confirms Bill O's story? He confirms there was a riot. However serious it was is subjective. I'm sure a rookie reporter would feel a lot more in fear about such a situation than older veteran ones that have been through worse.

This isn't about journalistic integrity of O'Reilly of thirty years ago, it is about silencing him and his opinions since they aren't in synch with the Agenda.
At this point being a liar is so much a part of the Bill O'Reilly image that this latest lie story has quickly become a boring issue. Who cares about dishonest FOX NEWS reporters and talking heads? Isn't that what they get paid for?

He's not a reporter. He's a political commentator. You don't see a difference?
Ya, that is the lamest excuse being used to defend FOX. It is OK for them to lie because they are not real journalist, they are entertainers or "commentators". They do however call themselves "FOX News" Doesn't make a difference anymore. It is an old story. FOX and O Reilly get more branding as liars.

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