CBS FACT CHECKING !!! CAN'T even do FACT Checking correctly!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So CBS news proudly declared they were going to FACT check Trump because HE lies so much!

NEWS FLASH! All but one Trump statistics WERE CORRECT...

CLAIM: President Trump said the southern border pipeline vast quantities of illegal drugs including meth, heroin, cocaine and fentanyl. He said that every week, 300 U.S. citizens are killed by heroin alone, and 90 percent floods from the southern border.

FACT: According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 15,958 Americans died from heroin overdoses in 2017. This comes out to about 306 deaths per week.

CLAIM: The president claimed more Americans die from drugs than were killed in the entire Vietnam War.

FACT: The Vietnam War claimed the lives of over 58,200 Americans. The Centers for Disease Control reported that over 72,000 people died due to drug overdoses in 2017. This figure includes illicit drugs and prescription opioids.

AND these idiots couldn't even correct their own "Correction" of a FACT!
Correction: This item has been updated to reflect that over 58,2000!

Hey FACT checkers... there isn't such a number as 58,2000 and most grade schoolers know that!

- CBS News' Jack Turman and then this idiot submits the CORRECTION!!!
Correction: This item has been updated to reflect that over 58,2000 Americans died in the Vietnam War, not 58,200 people. The overall death toll from the war, including Vietnamese troops and civilians, was much higher.

TRUMP CLAIM: Last month, 20,000 migrant children were illegally brought into the United States.

FACT CHECK: Probably True.

CLAIM: The president said that in the last two years, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records.

FACT: The number of arrests for the years 2016-2018 is accurate, according to ICE data, but it needs context!

RIGHT context... HEY CBS... Kinda "context" like Trump is NOT anti-Immigrant! Yet these idiots take that out of context ALL the time!!!

OH and by the way.. THE ONE FACT check that Trump was wrong?
CLAIM: The president claimed the barrier will be steel rather than concrete "at the request of Democrats."

Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said this claim is "false." Democratic leadership has not expressed support for steel barriers.

WOW!!! What kind of hypocrisy is TRUMP trying to pull over!!
Trump speech fact check: President Trump declares border crisis, Democrats say he has "chosen fear" in reaction to Trump speech to the nation Tuesday night - live updates - CBS News
NoW do you people UNDERSTAND why we the vast Majority of common sense "uneducated" Americans that support Trump's (by the way I have a college degree from a Big 10 college
but I just want to be one of those ignorati!) plain common sense statements.
Why was it BEFORE Trump Schumer,Pelosi, Obama were all for a WALL!
But back in 2006, 80 U.S. Senators, including Senator Schumer himself, along with Senators Obama, Biden, Clinton, Bill Nelson, Debbie Stabenow, and many others supported a bill that authorized 700 miles of fencing on our southern border.

In the House, 64 Democrats voted for the 700 miles of border fencing, including then Rep. Sherrod Brown.
Democrats Then Vs. Now On Border Wall Funding

OK..OK.. hey let's have some CONTEXT HERE!

WALL/Fence all intended as these people have walls/fences... to keep people out!
I'm having a problem I hope NOT censorship showing the walls/fences around Obama/Schumer,Pelosi etc. homes. Keep getting this message for the board!
I've tried 4 times the pictures of the above walls... what gives do you think?

Screen Shot 2019-01-09 at 1.12.21 PM.png
WOW!!! What kind of hypocrisy is TRUMP trying to pull over!!

Didn't you know, or shouldn't you know by now, Trump is the master negotiator, the maker of the deal, the con artist of all time; He will get an Emmy award for this with free kick backs for all time !!!

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