Can Science Ever Prove One Way Or Another Whether Or Not People Are Born Gay?

Well, I think the idea is to see if genes, or brainwaves are different of that of a heterosexual and that of a homosexual.
Here's one. Women seem perfectly capable of traveling between the 2 worlds. I know there are exceptions, but a LOT "discover" they are "gay" then sometimes later they "become" straight again. Of course THEY are not really gay, just immoral. You don't see this behavior in males very often. Also, the Bible does say homosexuality would GROW in the last days. If it were genetic, that percentage wouldn't change. Our permissive culture is creating them.
Here's one. Women seem perfectly capable of traveling between the 2 worlds. I know there are exceptions, but a LOT "discover" they are "gay" then sometimes later they "become" straight again. Of course THEY are not really gay, just immoral. You don't see this behavior in males very often. Also, the Bible does say homosexuality would GROW in the last days. If it were genetic, that percentage wouldn't change. Our permissive culture is creating them.
Actually, gays were always here, just in hiding trying to pass as straight

It was society accepting them that made them admit they were gay
Here's one. Women seem perfectly capable of traveling between the 2 worlds. I know there are exceptions, but a LOT "discover" they are "gay" then sometimes later they "become" straight again. Of course THEY are not really gay, just immoral. You don't see this behavior in males very often. Also, the Bible does say homosexuality would GROW in the last days. If it were genetic, that percentage wouldn't change. Our permissive culture is creating them.

Actually, the percentage of people who are gay hasn't changed much over the ages. It's always been around 10 percent of the human population (give or take a percent or two).

What HAS changed dramatically in modern times is the acknowledgement that it exists, as well as it being more tolerated, and in some circles, accepted as the "norm" for that particular person. In earlier times, gays were heavily persecuted, some to the point of being killed. Now? While it's not widely accepted in some circles, it is tolerated to a much greater degree in most circles.

And's not genetic. It has to do more with the structure of the brain, and that isn't really something that can be "learned" either. Either your brain is or it isn't, or there is a certain degree towards homosexuality (which explains why some people are bisexual).
The real problem is that now that being gay has been normalized, I'm very afraid that it's one step further to normalizing pedophilia.
The real problem is that now that being gay has been normalized, I'm very afraid that it's one step further to normalizing pedophilia.


Slippery Slope! :eek:

Next step Bestiality and Pedophilia
The real problem is that now that being gay has been normalized, I'm very afraid that it's one step further to normalizing pedophilia.
It will. Look how fast mentally ill men decided to "com out" as trans.

And yes, you are already hearing from predators about "consent" with children.

Now, is it DEMOCRAT VOTERS who are comfortable with this, or those awful MAGA folks?
Which has nothing to do with what I said.
They don't know gender, but that doesn't mean their gender is not obvious to us
Is does seem apparent in a few, but honestly I don't know of any of my classmates in public schools who ever came out as gay. So far as I know they all had heterosexual marriages. There were a few kids that our kids grew up with who came out as adults but we honestly had no clue when they were kids. Most of them had no clue when they were kids. Everybody is different.
The real problem is that now that being gay has been normalized, I'm very afraid that it's one step further to normalizing pedophilia.

Maybe it was the step of normalizing adultery?
Is does seem apparent in a few, but honestly I don't know of any of my classmates in public schools who ever came out as gay. So far as I know they all had heterosexual marriages. There were a few kids that our kids grew up with who came out as adults but we honestly had no clue when they were kids. Most of them had no clue when they were kids. Everybody is different.

None of my classmates would dare to come out as gay.
If they did, they would have been beaten up and driven from their families.

Times have changed and society is more accepting
The religious right has a long way to go but the rest of us are more accepting
I'm asking this question because atheists on here repeatedly use the excuse that since they don't believe in the Bible that they just jump to the conclusion that people are either born gay or straight especially since being gay has its hardships.

So far, I don't see any arguments in the world of science proving this one way or the other. Am I missing something? Btw, this isn't meant to be a gay bashing thread, so please don't make it one. Just looking for answers here to this ages old debate about a possible gay gene.

We can't prove someone is born anything when it comes to what's going on in their brain.
Because you're better than God. We get it

God didn't create everyone exactly the same.

For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.'

Matthew 19:12
God didn't create everyone exactly the same.

For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.'

Matthew 19:12

Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?

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