C Ya Piers

He was annoying, always talked over his guests.

Typical lib
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah even the libs can't stand listening to their stupid crap for very long.
2. Who can blame them, their inner most being self hates, and of course it should.
3. They brain wash themselves that everything's better now than before Obama took office, fucks are in denial.
4. And stupid as a sack of shit.

I could stand him on America's Got Talent. But once he started his own show it for to the point that his voice grated on me. He was just so whiney about guns how much better the UK was. He should just move back there now.

Molon Labe
Yep. I figured this would happen within about a week or so of his criticizing a transsexual.

MSNBC canned Ed Shultz's weekday show when he dared to not worship at the altar of LGBT on his radio show.

Does anyone feel now like the rainbow jackboot is pressing hard at the back of your neck? They can defy the Supreme Court now and the Windsor finding that state's sovereignty is supreme on the question of gay marriage. Now you are not allowed to even question the behaviors in the cult.

Or else.... Too bad that one transsexual temper tantrum = the end of a man's career. Maddow is working on ending Chris Christie's career preemptively too...probably for the same exact reasons: heresy and refusal to worship the New Rainbow God...

Here's what he was daring to question. Which, by example of his pummelling/ended show, is a lesson to YOU dear reader should you dare to object!

February 13 at 11:51 pm
A flap erupted between writer and trans activist Janet Mock and CNN host Piers Morgan last week after Mock appeared on Morgan’s show to promote her memoir, “Redefining Realness.” Morgan repeatedly asserted that Mock had been “born a boy” or that she “used to be a man.”...

...Morgan invited Mock on his show a second time, where he vociferously defended himself as an ally of LGBT rights, and demanded that Mock explain what he’d done wrong. He said that Mock’s supporters had “abused” and “vilified” him by calling him out on Twitter. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...ut-transgender-issues-you-were-afraid-to-ask/

Two weeks or so later, he's fired. Piers was an avid yes man for the cult of LGBT. He was simply asserting a fact [see photos above] of what the man called "Janet Mock" did to himself. This shows you that even those devotees in the Fold will be crucified for heresy, for not blindly agreeing to the "reality" that frankly is invented day by day by the LGBT snakehead.

Now I know how regular Germans felt just prior to WWII...
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I bet you liberals will start blaming "conservative xenophobia" for his low ratings.

It's about time!

He's no Larry King!

He couldn't carry Larry's jock.

Except that maybe he will now that he's unemployed.
No wonder the Hussein administration is calling for a "study" by the FCC about the news viewing habits of Americans. In government-speak a "study" translates to government meddling. Look what the government did to conservative film maker Dinesh D'Sousa. He was indicted on two felonies for allegedly donating too much money to a republican candidate. Even left wing legal expert Alan Dershowitz compared the Hussein administration to Stalin's secret police.
I recall him calling the Gun Owners of America executive director Larry Pratt an "incredibly stupid man" during an on-air interview. That was very unprofessional and childish of him to be engaging in name calling, especially against a respected individual such as Mr. Pratt.

Whatever happened to the petition to deport him? I recall it had over 100,000 signatures.
He is a smart man. He just got a bit too full of himself.

That's what the Nazis in pre WWII Germany said to Germans who didn't blindly praise all that Hitler stood for. Those poor Germans "just got a bit too full of themselves"...

Hey Facebookers....Boycott CNN page? They're on my 'not watch' list now for sure.

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