Buh-Bye Bachmann, and we hardly knew ya!

Breaking: Bachmann releases press release statement on her pill usage and migraines:

GOP presidential hopeful and Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann just released the following statement to respond to reports that she experiences “incapacitating” migraines:

Like nearly 30 million other Americans, I experience migraines that are easily controlled with medication. I am a wife, a mother, a lawyer who worked her way through law school, a former state senator who achieved the repeal of a harmful piece of education policy in Minnesota, and a congresswoman who has worked tirelessly fighting against the expansion of government and wasteful spending.

“Since entering the campaign, I have maintained a full schedule between my duties as a congresswoman and as a presidential candidate traveling across the nation to meet with voters in the key, early primary and caucus states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. I have prescription medication that I take whenever symptoms arise and they keep the migraines under control. Let me be abundantly clear – my ability to function effectively has never been impeded by migraines and will not affect my ability to serve as Commander in Chief.
What you are posting are "gaffes"..and they are enough of them on both sides of the aisle.

Bachmann has a track record of saying, supporting and doing some very bigotted and racist things.

I don't say this lightly. Check my posts..I've never called any politician a racist. They may try to code talk to them..but I pretty much think even when they do that..they aren't personally racist.

Bachmann is a different animal altogether.

All I'm doing is exactly what you're doing. Gaffes??? What is a gaffe to you; is a dumb statement to someone else. What your definition of racist and bigoted "things" (to use your term) are; may not be racist and bigoted to others. You had better be sure that you are correct in your opinion of someone when you call them a racist. That's a sword of the left that should be sheathed forever. It's divisive, nasty and wrong to say that about someone. If you can see into someones heart and soul then you are special indeed, but I rather think that a true racist is some that sees everything through racial lenses. Race is on your mind often from what I've gathered in this forum. Maybe you should examine your true feelings.

She signed a DOCUMENT that said African American children had it better under slavery then they do now.

Is that a gaffe too?

No..I can't see into anyone's heart. But I can see what they say and what they do.

That's IT!???? Are you kidding me???? That's all you got??? Oh my God Keep this woman away from the White House. All blacks will be harmed in some way if she becomes president? You have big problems my friend. Michele Bachman is not your enemy. Look at the Obama economy and latest Jobs report and tell me whom the African American people should be worried about.
Gay husband, farm subsidies, medicaid handouts, anti-Catholic church, and pill popping!

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! :lmao:

Well, I never thought she was a major contender to start with. I've always felt the GOP nominating contest will invetiably come down to Romney and Perry or someone like Perry. Bachmann is like Howard Dean was in 2004 for the Dems, someone who made you feel good, but eventually, you go with someone who is more mainstream and can appeal to independents... which either Romney or Perry could.

That said, even if she got the nomination, (not a comforting thought) I still wouldn't bet against her with Obama as the Democrat. 9.2% unemployment, possible double dip recession, $4.00 a gallon gasoline, 4 trillion in new debt, there's a peck of trouble coming for him and I wouldn't want to be in his shoes even if the Republicans nominate a bucket on top of a coat rack.
Tell ya what.

You can continue to believe that..if you like. You can even believe it will never ever come up again.

You can believe that Rick Perry is a shoe in ..for 2012.

That make you feel mo' bettah?

It'll come up again because you're an imbecile and will repeat it endlessly, even though it's been disproven.
I do believe that Perry will announce his candidacy, that he will win the nomination, and that he will beat Obama by a margin that makes Jimmy Carter feel better about 1980.

It'll come up again by me..sure.

But it will come again in the news if he wins the nomination.

It's not "disproven" it's what he said. And it was a ridiculous and very stupid thing to say.

Because he didn't say it, dipshit. Note my sig line.
Gay husband, farm subsidies, medicaid handouts, anti-Catholic church, and pill popping!

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! :lmao:

I can't wait to see all the posters who are going to call Mani a Liberal/Statist/Leftist/Communist/Socialist/Marxist.


No of course not

Communists,Socialists,and Marxists, are more honest
At least they admit to what they are doing ,,,,,

I've denied nothing.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
Breaking: Bachmann releases press release statement on her pill usage and migraines:

GOP presidential hopeful and Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann just released the following statement to respond to reports that she experiences “incapacitating” migraines:

Like nearly 30 million other Americans, I experience migraines that are easily controlled with medication. I am a wife, a mother, a lawyer who worked her way through law school, a former state senator who achieved the repeal of a harmful piece of education policy in Minnesota, and a congresswoman who has worked tirelessly fighting against the expansion of government and wasteful spending.

“Since entering the campaign, I have maintained a full schedule between my duties as a congresswoman and as a presidential candidate traveling across the nation to meet with voters in the key, early primary and caucus states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. I have prescription medication that I take whenever symptoms arise and they keep the migraines under control. Let me be abundantly clear – my ability to function effectively has never been impeded by migraines and will not affect my ability to serve as Commander in Chief.

Well, whatever. I've suffered from migraines on and off myself and though it hasn't affected my ability to make decisions, I've certainly never sicced goons on reporters when they asked about it.
Gay husband, farm subsidies, medicaid handouts, anti-Catholic church, and pill popping!

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! :lmao:

Wait... you're actually SERIOUS??? You believe ANY of those thing?


I think this migraine story is a big win for Bachmann.

I'm completely serious.

Really? Is she going for the pity vote?

No. The story makes the media looks petty and it takes attention away from an actual controversy she was involved in (that her husband things homosexuals are "barbarians" in need of "training")/
I wish I could neg rep you again for utter stupidity.
You post a video of Rick Perry saying he is against secession as proof he is for secession?
Can you tie your shoes without help?

If he gets the Republican nomination..you can bet your bottom dollar that is going to be an issue.

He will win in Texas..and maybe South Carolina.

That's about it. :lol:
You're just racking up the stupid points.

your lead is still safe.

and then some
Another bigoted, hate-filled OP from the "caring and nurturing" left and the usual woman-hating Hyena's jump onboard.

Pitiful. Some of you are showing your true colors.

Why not criticise or commend/discuss an individual on their performance - not bullshit like this.

You're no better than those fuck-wit "Birther" idiots.

you're not too familiar with english, are you?
It'll come up again because you're an imbecile and will repeat it endlessly, even though it's been disproven.
I do believe that Perry will announce his candidacy, that he will win the nomination, and that he will beat Obama by a margin that makes Jimmy Carter feel better about 1980.

It'll come up again by me..sure.

But it will come again in the news if he wins the nomination.

It's not "disproven" it's what he said. And it was a ridiculous and very stupid thing to say.

Because he didn't say it, dipshit. Note my sig line.

Your sigline cuts the quote in half.

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