Buh-Bye Bachmann, and we hardly knew ya!


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
Gay husband, farm subsidies, medicaid handouts, anti-Catholic church, and pill popping!

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! :lmao:
But she's not dead yet..

That is until a crazier candidate, like say, Secessionist Rick Perry..enters the race.
Gay husband, farm subsidies, medicaid handouts, anti-Catholic church, and pill popping!

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! :lmao:

I can't wait to see all the posters who are going to call Mani a Liberal/Statist/Leftist/Communist/Socialist/Marxist.

Gay husband, farm subsidies, medicaid handouts, anti-Catholic church, and pill popping!

See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! :lmao:

Don't forget having goons as handlers who rough up reporters.

Didn't work well for another TP favorite by the name of Joe Miller, either.
But she's not dead yet..

That is until a crazier candidate, like say, Secessionist Rick Perry..enters the race.

Neg repped for stupidity.

So what on Bachmann?
I remember that Howard Dean was unstoppable until he screamed into a microphone. Weird things can happen and it's still way too early.
But she's not dead yet..

That is until a crazier candidate, like say, Secessionist Rick Perry..enters the race.

Neg repped for stupidity.

So what on Bachmann?
I remember that Howard Dean was unstoppable until he screamed into a microphone. Weird things can happen and it's still way too early.

Damn, Sallow, why did you have to go and hurt this poor nimrod's fee-fees like that? Don't see he thinks the sun shines out out Gov. Goodhair's ass?
But she's not dead yet..

That is until a crazier candidate, like say, Secessionist Rick Perry..enters the race.

Neg repped for stupidity.

So what on Bachmann?
I remember that Howard Dean was unstoppable until he screamed into a microphone. Weird things can happen and it's still way too early.

Damn, Sallow, why did you have to go and hurt this poor nimrod's fee-fees like that? Don't see he thinks the sun shines out out Gov. Goodhair's ass?

Gonna help him out here..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5xTxcFA398]‪Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

And these are "The Rabbi's" Peeps.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubzG1CFi8cs]‪"Sovereignty or Secession" Rally in Austin, Texas‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

They hate America.
Watching liberals here having WET DREAMS is pretty damn funny.

they always BELIEVE they have the goods on people..

The people will decide if Bachmann goes..Until then wipe yourselves OFF.

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