Bruce Springsteen's Guitar Player Wants You Dead

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Jesus Christ, what a limp-brained POS this guy is. The lefties used to puff smoke of your ass about how they are socially advant gard and evolved and blah blah blah. The truth, however, is that this was merely selfish rationalization to be drugged out slobs who would not conform. Today, these fucking slobs have somehow stumbled into roles of leaders for some reason. This is unfortunate since many these shit heads never developed moralities. Instead, the opted for self-indulgent do-whatever-feels-good codes to live by. Thus, when you realize that people like this are really just empty shells with shitty outlooks and no moral compass, it is pretty easy to understand why they harbor such rage. This puke is one them. Rob Reiner is another. There are many of them from this generation. They are seething in anger and seem ready to explode on a moment's notice. And guess what? They are all politically leftists who mistake authoritarianism for DuhMockRissEy.

This stupid fuckstain, and his soul brother shit-head, Raskin (who both wear jizz rags on their heads), can go straight to hell. One of the differences between us on the right and those cunting whores on the left is that when we disagree with someone our first thought is not wanting to seem our opponents die. It is disturbing that such a large swath of people have allowed their minds to become devoid of empathy. Their politics have devalued humanity to where it is now ok to wish death upon your opponent. Moreoever, some on the left (who are seriously fucked up in their heads to start with) are actually taking such stupid and devisive rhetoric as a call for violence against right-of-center people. AND, they want to take our guns away so we cannot protect ourselves from their violent crazy bullshit and tyranny.

Democrats, leftists, progs, Dem-Socs...Whatever you want to call them. These are horrible, fucked up people who have no business in any sort of leadership role in America. They do not understand our constitution. They do not care to. They do not like or accept our western values or the rule of law. Most of them are not aware that they are being taken advantage of by the neo-Marxist revolutionaries here and abroad by allowing these people to manipulate their hatred and prejudices against fellow Americans. The average Dem voter, as ably exemplified the the typical leftist poster here, is dumber than a fucking dildo. It is sad, BUT, what would be much more sad is allow these whack jobs to wrestle our republic away from us. Just look at their causes, every one of them serving as an arrow in their quiver to be used to attack our republic.

Tranny rights. Why the fuck is this even a thing?!?!? They are statistically insignificant. If you beat the shit out of one then you will get prosecuted. They have been around forever. They have been doing sex change surgeries in America since the 1970s. Why now, all of a sudden, is there a push to every tranny pervert in our faces and our children's faces?!? It is supremely stupid. So too is the whole CRT, DEI, and other other woke theories. Its all dumber than a box of dicks. The same goes for environmental issues. Why are we not focusing on REAL issues like reinvigorating energy production, building up our defense and reasserting our strength, fiscal policy, and making America a great and prosperous nation? Instead the nation is worrying about chicks with dicks and zany environmental conspiracies. Chickenshit stuff; not what should be important to our country and countrymen. These things are only important to the fucking weirdos who don't know shit about anything useful.

Jesus Christ, what a limp-brained POS this guy is. The lefties used to puff smoke of your ass about how they are socially advant gard and evolved and blah blah blah. The truth, however, is that this was merely selfish rationalization to be drugged out slobs who would not conform. Today, these fucking slobs have somehow stumbled into roles of leaders for some reason. This is unfortunate since many these shit heads never developed moralities. Instead, the opted for self-indulgent do-whatever-feels-good codes to live by. Thus, when you realize that people like this are really just empty shells with shitty outlooks and no moral compass, it is pretty easy to understand why they harbor such rage. This puke is one them. Rob Reiner is another. There are many of them from this generation. They are seething in anger and seem ready to explode on a moment's notice. And guess what? They are all politically leftists who mistake authoritarianism for DuhMockRissEy.

This stupid fuckstain, and his soul brother shit-head, Raskin (who both wear jizz rags on their heads), can go straight to hell. One of the differences between us on the right and those cunting whores on the left is that when we disagree with someone our first thought is not wanting to seem our opponents die. It is disturbing that such a large swath of people have allowed their minds to become devoid of empathy. Their politics have devalued humanity to where it is now ok to wish death upon your opponent. Moreoever, some on the left (who are seriously fucked up in their heads to start with) are actually taking such stupid and devisive rhetoric as a call for violence against right-of-center people. AND, they want to take our guns away so we cannot protect ourselves from their violent crazy bullshit and tyranny.

Democrats, leftists, progs, Dem-Socs...Whatever you want to call them. These are horrible, fucked up people who have no business in any sort of leadership role in America. They do not understand our constitution. They do not care to. They do not like or accept our western values or the rule of law. Most of them are not aware that they are being taken advantage of by the neo-Marxist revolutionaries here and abroad by allowing these people to manipulate their hatred and prejudices against fellow Americans. The average Dem voter, as ably exemplified the the typical leftist poster here, is dumber than a fucking dildo. It is sad, BUT, what would be much more sad is allow these whack jobs to wrestle our republic away from us. Just look at their causes, every one of them serving as an arrow in their quiver to be used to attack our republic.

Tranny rights. Why the fuck is this even a thing?!?!? They are statistically insignificant. If you beat the shit out of one then you will get prosecuted. They have been around forever. They have been doing sex change surgeries in America since the 1970s. Why now, all of a sudden, is there a push to every tranny pervert in our faces and our children's faces?!? It is supremely stupid. So too is the whole CRT, DEI, and other other woke theories. Its all dumber than a box of dicks. The same goes for environmental issues. Why are we not focusing on REAL issues like reinvigorating energy production, building up our defense and reasserting our strength, fiscal policy, and making America a great and prosperous nation? Instead the nation is worrying about chicks with dicks and zany environmental conspiracies. Chickenshit stuff; not what should be important to our country and countrymen. These things are only important to the fucking weirdos who don't know shit about anything useful.

There's little Heinrich Himmler in every DemoKKKrat.

Actually, some of them have a lot.
WHAT A PUTZ! so much for his message of how music can make peace and love on earth. Van Zandt produced this video:

Jesus Christ, what a limp-brained POS this guy is. The lefties used to puff smoke of your ass about how they are socially advant gard and evolved and blah blah blah. The truth, however, is that this was merely selfish rationalization to be drugged out slobs who would not conform. Today, these fucking slobs have somehow stumbled into roles of leaders for some reason. This is unfortunate since many these shit heads never developed moralities. Instead, the opted for self-indulgent do-whatever-feels-good codes to live by. Thus, when you realize that people like this are really just empty shells with shitty outlooks and no moral compass, it is pretty easy to understand why they harbor such rage. This puke is one them. Rob Reiner is another. There are many of them from this generation. They are seething in anger and seem ready to explode on a moment's notice. And guess what? They are all politically leftists who mistake authoritarianism for DuhMockRissEy.

This stupid fuckstain, and his soul brother shit-head, Raskin (who both wear jizz rags on their heads), can go straight to hell. One of the differences between us on the right and those cunting whores on the left is that when we disagree with someone our first thought is not wanting to seem our opponents die. It is disturbing that such a large swath of people have allowed their minds to become devoid of empathy. Their politics have devalued humanity to where it is now ok to wish death upon your opponent. Moreoever, some on the left (who are seriously fucked up in their heads to start with) are actually taking such stupid and devisive rhetoric as a call for violence against right-of-center people. AND, they want to take our guns away so we cannot protect ourselves from their violent crazy bullshit and tyranny.

Democrats, leftists, progs, Dem-Socs...Whatever you want to call them. These are horrible, fucked up people who have no business in any sort of leadership role in America. They do not understand our constitution. They do not care to. They do not like or accept our western values or the rule of law. Most of them are not aware that they are being taken advantage of by the neo-Marxist revolutionaries here and abroad by allowing these people to manipulate their hatred and prejudices against fellow Americans. The average Dem voter, as ably exemplified the the typical leftist poster here, is dumber than a fucking dildo. It is sad, BUT, what would be much more sad is allow these whack jobs to wrestle our republic away from us. Just look at their causes, every one of them serving as an arrow in their quiver to be used to attack our republic.

Tranny rights. Why the fuck is this even a thing?!?!? They are statistically insignificant. If you beat the shit out of one then you will get prosecuted. They have been around forever. They have been doing sex change surgeries in America since the 1970s. Why now, all of a sudden, is there a push to every tranny pervert in our faces and our children's faces?!? It is supremely stupid. So too is the whole CRT, DEI, and other other woke theories. Its all dumber than a box of dicks. The same goes for environmental issues. Why are we not focusing on REAL issues like reinvigorating energy production, building up our defense and reasserting our strength, fiscal policy, and making America a great and prosperous nation? Instead the nation is worrying about chicks with dicks and zany environmental conspiracies. Chickenshit stuff; not what should be important to our country and countrymen. These things are only important to the fucking weirdos who don't know shit about anything useful.


Well, then he won't mind it when I say the same thing about him.

Jesus Christ, what a limp-brained POS this guy is. The lefties used to puff smoke of your ass about how they are socially advant gard and evolved and blah blah blah. The truth, however, is that this was merely selfish rationalization to be drugged out slobs who would not conform. Today, these fucking slobs have somehow stumbled into roles of leaders for some reason. This is unfortunate since many these shit heads never developed moralities. Instead, the opted for self-indulgent do-whatever-feels-good codes to live by. Thus, when you realize that people like this are really just empty shells with shitty outlooks and no moral compass, it is pretty easy to understand why they harbor such rage. This puke is one them. Rob Reiner is another. There are many of them from this generation. They are seething in anger and seem ready to explode on a moment's notice. And guess what? They are all politically leftists who mistake authoritarianism for DuhMockRissEy.

This stupid fuckstain, and his soul brother shit-head, Raskin (who both wear jizz rags on their heads), can go straight to hell. One of the differences between us on the right and those cunting whores on the left is that when we disagree with someone our first thought is not wanting to seem our opponents die. It is disturbing that such a large swath of people have allowed their minds to become devoid of empathy. Their politics have devalued humanity to where it is now ok to wish death upon your opponent. Moreoever, some on the left (who are seriously fucked up in their heads to start with) are actually taking such stupid and devisive rhetoric as a call for violence against right-of-center people. AND, they want to take our guns away so we cannot protect ourselves from their violent crazy bullshit and tyranny.

Democrats, leftists, progs, Dem-Socs...Whatever you want to call them. These are horrible, fucked up people who have no business in any sort of leadership role in America. They do not understand our constitution. They do not care to. They do not like or accept our western values or the rule of law. Most of them are not aware that they are being taken advantage of by the neo-Marxist revolutionaries here and abroad by allowing these people to manipulate their hatred and prejudices against fellow Americans. The average Dem voter, as ably exemplified the the typical leftist poster here, is dumber than a fucking dildo. It is sad, BUT, what would be much more sad is allow these whack jobs to wrestle our republic away from us. Just look at their causes, every one of them serving as an arrow in their quiver to be used to attack our republic.

Tranny rights. Why the fuck is this even a thing?!?!? They are statistically insignificant. If you beat the shit out of one then you will get prosecuted. They have been around forever. They have been doing sex change surgeries in America since the 1970s. Why now, all of a sudden, is there a push to every tranny pervert in our faces and our children's faces?!? It is supremely stupid. So too is the whole CRT, DEI, and other other woke theories. Its all dumber than a box of dicks. The same goes for environmental issues. Why are we not focusing on REAL issues like reinvigorating energy production, building up our defense and reasserting our strength, fiscal policy, and making America a great and prosperous nation? Instead the nation is worrying about chicks with dicks and zany environmental conspiracies. Chickenshit stuff; not what should be important to our country and countrymen. These things are only important to the fucking weirdos who don't know shit about anything useful.

I'm sure the Leftists are going to demand he be arrested for inciting violence. Ain't that right?
Jesus Christ, what a limp-brained POS this guy is. The lefties used to puff smoke of your ass about how they are socially advant gard and evolved and blah blah blah. The truth, however, is that this was merely selfish rationalization to be drugged out slobs who would not conform. Today, these fucking slobs have somehow stumbled into roles of leaders for some reason. This is unfortunate since many these shit heads never developed moralities. Instead, the opted for self-indulgent do-whatever-feels-good codes to live by. Thus, when you realize that people like this are really just empty shells with shitty outlooks and no moral compass, it is pretty easy to understand why they harbor such rage. This puke is one them. Rob Reiner is another. There are many of them from this generation. They are seething in anger and seem ready to explode on a moment's notice. And guess what? They are all politically leftists who mistake authoritarianism for DuhMockRissEy.

This stupid fuckstain, and his soul brother shit-head, Raskin (who both wear jizz rags on their heads), can go straight to hell. One of the differences between us on the right and those cunting whores on the left is that when we disagree with someone our first thought is not wanting to seem our opponents die. It is disturbing that such a large swath of people have allowed their minds to become devoid of empathy. Their politics have devalued humanity to where it is now ok to wish death upon your opponent. Moreoever, some on the left (who are seriously fucked up in their heads to start with) are actually taking such stupid and devisive rhetoric as a call for violence against right-of-center people. AND, they want to take our guns away so we cannot protect ourselves from their violent crazy bullshit and tyranny.

Democrats, leftists, progs, Dem-Socs...Whatever you want to call them. These are horrible, fucked up people who have no business in any sort of leadership role in America. They do not understand our constitution. They do not care to. They do not like or accept our western values or the rule of law. Most of them are not aware that they are being taken advantage of by the neo-Marxist revolutionaries here and abroad by allowing these people to manipulate their hatred and prejudices against fellow Americans. The average Dem voter, as ably exemplified the the typical leftist poster here, is dumber than a fucking dildo. It is sad, BUT, what would be much more sad is allow these whack jobs to wrestle our republic away from us. Just look at their causes, every one of them serving as an arrow in their quiver to be used to attack our republic.

Tranny rights. Why the fuck is this even a thing?!?!? They are statistically insignificant. If you beat the shit out of one then you will get prosecuted. They have been around forever. They have been doing sex change surgeries in America since the 1970s. Why now, all of a sudden, is there a push to every tranny pervert in our faces and our children's faces?!? It is supremely stupid. So too is the whole CRT, DEI, and other other woke theories. Its all dumber than a box of dicks. The same goes for environmental issues. Why are we not focusing on REAL issues like reinvigorating energy production, building up our defense and reasserting our strength, fiscal policy, and making America a great and prosperous nation? Instead the nation is worrying about chicks with dicks and zany environmental conspiracies. Chickenshit stuff; not what should be important to our country and countrymen. These things are only important to the fucking weirdos who don't know shit about anything useful.

Jesus Christ, what a limp-brained POS this guy is. The lefties used to puff smoke of your ass about how they are socially advant gard and evolved and blah blah blah. The truth, however, is that this was merely selfish rationalization to be drugged out slobs who would not conform. Today, these fucking slobs have somehow stumbled into roles of leaders for some reason. This is unfortunate since many these shit heads never developed moralities. Instead, the opted for self-indulgent do-whatever-feels-good codes to live by. Thus, when you realize that people like this are really just empty shells with shitty outlooks and no moral compass, it is pretty easy to understand why they harbor such rage. This puke is one them. Rob Reiner is another. There are many of them from this generation. They are seething in anger and seem ready to explode on a moment's notice. And guess what? They are all politically leftists who mistake authoritarianism for DuhMockRissEy.

This stupid fuckstain, and his soul brother shit-head, Raskin (who both wear jizz rags on their heads), can go straight to hell. One of the differences between us on the right and those cunting whores on the left is that when we disagree with someone our first thought is not wanting to seem our opponents die. It is disturbing that such a large swath of people have allowed their minds to become devoid of empathy. Their politics have devalued humanity to where it is now ok to wish death upon your opponent. Moreoever, some on the left (who are seriously fucked up in their heads to start with) are actually taking such stupid and devisive rhetoric as a call for violence against right-of-center people. AND, they want to take our guns away so we cannot protect ourselves from their violent crazy bullshit and tyranny.

Democrats, leftists, progs, Dem-Socs...Whatever you want to call them. These are horrible, fucked up people who have no business in any sort of leadership role in America. They do not understand our constitution. They do not care to. They do not like or accept our western values or the rule of law. Most of them are not aware that they are being taken advantage of by the neo-Marxist revolutionaries here and abroad by allowing these people to manipulate their hatred and prejudices against fellow Americans. The average Dem voter, as ably exemplified the the typical leftist poster here, is dumber than a fucking dildo. It is sad, BUT, what would be much more sad is allow these whack jobs to wrestle our republic away from us. Just look at their causes, every one of them serving as an arrow in their quiver to be used to attack our republic.

Tranny rights. Why the fuck is this even a thing?!?!? They are statistically insignificant. If you beat the shit out of one then you will get prosecuted. They have been around forever. They have been doing sex change surgeries in America since the 1970s. Why now, all of a sudden, is there a push to every tranny pervert in our faces and our children's faces?!? It is supremely stupid. So too is the whole CRT, DEI, and other other woke theories. Its all dumber than a box of dicks. The same goes for environmental issues. Why are we not focusing on REAL issues like reinvigorating energy production, building up our defense and reasserting our strength, fiscal policy, and making America a great and prosperous nation? Instead the nation is worrying about chicks with dicks and zany environmental conspiracies. Chickenshit stuff; not what should be important to our country and countrymen. These things are only important to the fucking weirdos who don't know shit about anything useful.

I never liked Bruce; not once, not ever.

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