Macron of France Bitch Slaps Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Every week we see more and more how dreadful and incompetent the Junta is. The train wreck of foreign policy under Biden is easily the worst in American history,

Everywhere you look American foreign policy is in shambles.

French President Emmanuel Macron has argued that Europe needs its own “strategic autonomy” from the United States, potentially including its reliance on the dollar and should avoid following America into any conflict with China over Taiwan.

On the plane ride back to Paris from a three-day state visit with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, President Emmanuel Macron once again expressed his desire for Europe to become the world’s “third superpower” and — of course — with France in the leadership position.

In an interview with the POLITICO website, Mr Macron, who is a leading proponent of the formation of a fully-fledged EU Army, emphasised the need for “strategic autonomy” for Europe from the whims of Washington. A key element of this for the French president would be ramping up the European defence infrastructure in order to reduce its reliance on American arms manufacturers.

More extraordinary, however, was Macron’s comments concerning the use of the dollar as the world reserve currency, saying that Europe should look to reduce its dependence on the “extraterritoriality of the U.S. dollar”. The comments would likely be music to the ears of those in Moscow and Beijing, both of whom have been seeking to undermine the petrodollar.



Remember all the hand-wringing when Donald Trump was President over how foreign nations were allegedly losing respect for us? Good times.

Now comes reality.

Jimmy Carter can die happy in the full knowledge that Joe Biden has easily surpassed him as the worst post-Civil War President of all time.
More important is the statement being made with the matching suits and ties. Not very likely to be a coincidence.
Every week we see more and more how dreadful and incompetent the Junta is. The train wreck of foreign policy under Biden is easily the worst in American history,

Everywhere you look American foreign policy is in shambles.

French President Emmanuel Macron has argued that Europe needs its own “strategic autonomy” from the United States, potentially including its reliance on the dollar and should avoid following America into any conflict with China over Taiwan.
On the plane ride back to Paris from a three-day state visit with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, President Emmanuel Macron once again expressed his desire for Europe to become the world’s “third superpower” and — of course — with France in the leadership position.
In an interview with the POLITICO website, Mr Macron, who is a leading proponent of the formation of a fully-fledged EU Army, emphasised the need for “strategic autonomy” for Europe from the whims of Washington. A key element of this for the French president would be ramping up the European defence infrastructure in order to reduce its reliance on American arms manufacturers.
More extraordinary, however, was Macron’s comments concerning the use of the dollar as the world reserve currency, saying that Europe should look to reduce its dependence on the “extraterritoriality of the U.S. dollar”. The comments would likely be music to the ears of those in Moscow and Beijing, both of whom have been seeking to undermine the petrodollar.


All the happy globalists have learned that Macron, who just finished his meetings with Xi and Merkel before him have been lured by China. I wonder if CNN wll tout their "Great global leadership qualities" now? As it were, Macron is very unpopular in France now and dealing with major riots. The police have been excessively heavy handed which is unheard of in France. So yeah, Macron is in no place to criticize, on a small island by himself now. He is a mouthpiece for Xi after his latest round of palm greasings. Well played China, you deserve some credit. Probably given a playbook by Putin and his intel agencies. By the way, my tablet never allows paragraphs on here, if anyone knows a trick, please tell me....
Every week we see more and more how dreadful and incompetent the Junta is. The train wreck of foreign policy under Biden is easily the worst in American history,

Everywhere you look American foreign policy is in shambles.

French President Emmanuel Macron has argued that Europe needs its own “strategic autonomy” from the United States, potentially including its reliance on the dollar and should avoid following America into any conflict with China over Taiwan.
On the plane ride back to Paris from a three-day state visit with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, President Emmanuel Macron once again expressed his desire for Europe to become the world’s “third superpower” and — of course — with France in the leadership position.
In an interview with the POLITICO website, Mr Macron, who is a leading proponent of the formation of a fully-fledged EU Army, emphasised the need for “strategic autonomy” for Europe from the whims of Washington. A key element of this for the French president would be ramping up the European defence infrastructure in order to reduce its reliance on American arms manufacturers.
More extraordinary, however, was Macron’s comments concerning the use of the dollar as the world reserve currency, saying that Europe should look to reduce its dependence on the “extraterritoriality of the U.S. dollar”. The comments would likely be music to the ears of those in Moscow and Beijing, both of whom have been seeking to undermine the petrodollar.


Two sides of the same coin--France and the EU are the front guard for a one-world government and as you say, France wants the leadership role. However, Biden and the democrats also want to lead the global government, so they are at odds. Bottom line, the idea of a one-world government is a non starter to most Americans in spite of what the democrats and the msm want you to believe.
China wouldn't be doing this if Trump were still president...
Biden is doing nothing to regain our dominance in the world and is paving the way for China....
I think it's possible that Trump would cooperating wiith China. He would understand that there's nothing can be done to stop China taking America's place in the economic pecking order, and Trump's first priority is his own economic success.

China would also know that Trump is bribable and they would devote large amounts of money to ensure Trump's success. Mostly in the form of personal monetary gifts to Trump personally, in an above board manner.

It just doesn't make sense to know that Trump and Putin are tight for money reasons, and then China wouldn't be.

We now know that Biden represents the worst for China's initiatives, as he does against Russia's prospects of winning the war quickly.

Don't go nuts on me before giving it some thought!
Every week we see more and more how dreadful and incompetent the Junta is. The train wreck of foreign policy under Biden is easily the worst in American history,

Everywhere you look American foreign policy is in shambles.

French President Emmanuel Macron has argued that Europe needs its own “strategic autonomy” from the United States, potentially including its reliance on the dollar and should avoid following America into any conflict with China over Taiwan.
On the plane ride back to Paris from a three-day state visit with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, President Emmanuel Macron once again expressed his desire for Europe to become the world’s “third superpower” and — of course — with France in the leadership position.
In an interview with the POLITICO website, Mr Macron, who is a leading proponent of the formation of a fully-fledged EU Army, emphasised the need for “strategic autonomy” for Europe from the whims of Washington. A key element of this for the French president would be ramping up the European defence infrastructure in order to reduce its reliance on American arms manufacturers.
More extraordinary, however, was Macron’s comments concerning the use of the dollar as the world reserve currency, saying that Europe should look to reduce its dependence on the “extraterritoriality of the U.S. dollar”. The comments would likely be music to the ears of those in Moscow and Beijing, both of whom have been seeking to undermine the petrodollar.


xiden has destroyed our relationship with our old allies. The world is not safe with china joe in the oval office
xiden has destroyed our relationship with our old allies. The world is not safe with china joe in the oval office
The war has resulted in very unfortunate circumstances for America. EU and/or Nato countries are having second thoughts on account of a larger war will leave America out of the initial stages and put the EU in the line of fire.

And fwiw, Russia was hugely underestimated. Many are giving quite logical reasons to think that Russia alone could march to world domination militarily.

When any Americans are interested in hearing the logic in that, they will let us know.

Something to understand: The Ukraine was considered the 4th. military world power behind America, China, and Russia, and Russia has practically eliminated the Ukraine as a country in a little more than a year. Not something to scoff at for a small ex-superpower reduced to being a gas station!

While America lacks the ability to extend it's power to the enemy's shores, due to it's navy being antiquated sitting ducks. for the enemy's advanced weaponry that's unstoppable.

But of course if we talk nuclear, there is no winner!
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The war has resulted in very unfortunate circumstances for America. EU and/or Nato countries are having second thoughts on account of a larger war will leave America out of the initial stages and put the EU in the line of fire.

And fwiw, Russia was hugely underestimated. Many are giving quite logical reasons to think that Russia alone could march to world domination militarily.

When any Americans are interested in hearing the logic in that, they will let us know.
xiden destroyed our relationships prior to putin invading ukraine again
xiden destroyed our relationships prior to putin invading ukraine again

First time ever that a Russian warship docked in Saudi Arabia.

The entire world sees Biden for what he is, weak and incompetent and surrounded by weak and incompetent people.
xiden destroyed our relationships prior to putin invading ukraine again
Biden was largely one of the main reasons why Russia was left with no choice but to invade the Ukraine. Putin went in with the intentions of impressing the Ukraine on the option of peace, but America hijacked that on account of reading Russia as weak.

Then Russia came to the understanding that America wanted a war, and Russia is now mobilizing to meet the threat.
First time ever that a Russian warship docked in Saudi Arabia.

The entire world sees Biden for what he is, weak and incompetent and surrounded by weak and incompetent people.
they see an admin willing to sell off america
Biden was largely one of the main reasons why Russia was left with no choice but to invade the Ukraine. Putin went in with the intentions of impressing the Ukraine on the option of peace, but America hijacked that on account of reading Russia as weak.

Then Russia came to the understanding that America wanted a war, and Russia is now mobilizing to meet the threat.
Wrong AGAIN, duck. Research 2014, Russia annexes Crimea, which BTW, is part of Ukraine. This was done with Obama's approval. You never get tired of being wrong do you?
First time ever that a Russian warship docked in Saudi Arabia.

The entire world sees Biden for what he is, weak and incompetent and surrounded by weak and incompetent people.
It's o.k. to lay the blame on Biden! Somebody has to be held responsible. In any case munchkin, most are blaming a string of presidents. You're not ready for the big leagues.

In fact, the shit hasn't hit the fan yet with China/Russia combined and it likely won't. Biden can pull in his horns and China will accept him and America.

China has played it ultra-smart by not stepping in to aid Russia. It can still end that way, but all on China's terms.

So yeah, blame Biden, and for dog's sake change your avatar!

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