Breeding terrorists through bad policy.

Where have there been problems where we were not there stirring the pot?

Arab terrorism against Jews predates the establishment of Israel by a considerable margin and at a time when the United States was not involved in the least, but don't let facts get in the way of your simple-minded propaganda, now, k?
We just need to understand here that the term "bad policy' for these haters really means "Jews existing".
No they do not,but Christians and Germans and Russians have tried to EXTERMINATE the Jewish People,Palestinians don't think that.......moreover they lived peacefully together for thousands of years...................You really are a Dumb Ass Idiot.
We just need to understand here that the term "bad policy' for these haters really means "Jews existing".
No they do not,but Christians and Germans and Russians have tried to EXTERMINATE the Jewish People,Palestinians don't think that.......moreover they lived peacefully together for thousands of years...................You really are a Dumb Ass Idiot.
Since 1900 or so, the Arabs have not shown much love towards Jews.
Islam is nothing more than another way people worship. It's a religion. That's all.

Its a religion with an ideology of replacement, conversion and supersessionism. Its a theology which, in some forms, insists on violent or military means to achieve its goals. Its a theology which, in some forms, requires some barbaric treatment of certain peoples, notably women, children, apostates and "others". Unfortunately, either the faith itself, or more likely the adherents, have not sufficiently mitigated or or replaced some of its concepts with those of a higher, more humanitarian order. One can only hope this is awaiting us in the future.

I find it strange that you so willingly shoot at people fishing (with a .50 cal), yet call Muslims extreme? That's a perfect example of how ridiculous the Zionist narrative is.

If all the Gazan people were doing was fishing and farming, there wouldn't be a conflict. Its the very fact that they are SOMEHOW importing weapons used against Israel's innocent civilians which is causing the conflict. So that "poor fishermen, poor farmer" is nothing more than plea for victimhood rather than responsibility for their own violent actions. Its assumed, correctly, that at least some of the fishermen and farmers are complicit in the importation and utilization of weapons. Yes, I realize that some of the fishermen and farmers are just fishing and farming, but some are importing weapons for the purpose of attacking innocent Israeli citizens. And we can't tell one from the other just by looking at them. So Israel puts a security perimeter in place and it is the responsibility of the fishermen and farmers to respect that perimeter. Once again, no attacks, no responses. Easy peasy.

Earth to Shusha,
Shooting at people while they fish, proliferates the violence.
Shooting at people while they farm, pisses people off.
Restricting the movement of an entire population of people, causes unrest.

Yeah, no. Importing rockets and mortars perpetuates the violence. Firing them indiscriminately and illegally at non-combatants perpetuates violence. Building tunnels into our sovereign space perpetuates violence. Sending suicide bombers into our territory perpetuates violence. Knock it off and not a single other person needs to die.

Wanting to destroy us pisses us off. Wanting to dismantle the state of Israel pisses us off. And the people of Gaza are perfectly able to move within their own territory. Moving into another sovereign nation's territory is up to that nation. Just like every other nation in the world.

Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's via the occupation and blockade, is the cause of all the violence in the ME. All of it!

Seriously? Be honest. You are blaming Syria on Israel? Yes or no?
We just need to understand here that the term "bad policy' for these haters really means "Jews existing".
No they do not,but Christians and Germans and Russians have tried to EXTERMINATE the Jewish People,Palestinians don't think that.......moreover they lived peacefully together for thousands of years...................You really are a Dumb Ass Idiot.
Since 1900 or so, the Arabs have not shown much love towards Jews.
Indie,I think you really should have said Jews have not shown REAL LOVE for the Palestinians since 1890.....when Zionists hatched the Plan,to become Murdering Filth whose only intention was to ROB THE PALESTINIANS OF THEIR LAND, would be refreshing if you could be honest for a change...instead of this Zionist Propaganda YOU seem to like......why did you Surrender your mind to this Zionist Shit........Most Jews,decent Jews,do not agree with you and your Horde..steve
We just need to understand here that the term "bad policy' for these haters really means "Jews existing".
No they do not,but Christians and Germans and Russians have tried to EXTERMINATE the Jewish People,Palestinians don't think that.......moreover they lived peacefully together for thousands of years...................You really are a Dumb Ass Idiot.
Since 1900 or so, the Arabs have not shown much love towards Jews.
Indie,I think you really should have said Jews have not shown REAL LOVE for the Palestinians since 1890.....when Zionists hatched the Plan,to become Murdering Filth whose only intention was to ROB THE PALESTINIANS OF THEIR LAND, would be refreshing if you could be honest for a change...instead of this Zionist Propaganda YOU seem to like......why did you Surrender your mind to this Zionist Shit........Most Jews,decent Jews,do not agree with you and your Horde..steve

You mean when Zionists, which they indeed WERE, were PAYING for land?
You don't like transactions?
The dirty Jews paid MONEY to the land owners.
Are you missing something there?
I'll' repeat...
The dirty Jews paid MONEY to the land owners.
.when Zionists hatched the Plan,to become Murdering Filth whose only intention was to ROB THE PALESTINIANS OF THEIR LAND,......

Do you really, really think that's what the Jewish people are thinking -- hey let's become murdering filth and steal some land? Sheesh.
Source for ME extremism?
Solving the conflict may have positive consequences including some negative consequences but no, I don't think it's THE source for extremism - the conflict is just what the people focus on when there's no pressing matters.
Danny,this is not extremism but ISIS and their Hordes are,here Israel should be concerned,,steve
The Author of the article suggest the conflict is a source of regional extremism, while on the other hand we are witnessing hundreds, of extrimist organizations in the area and elsewhere.
.when Zionists hatched the Plan,to become Murdering Filth whose only intention was to ROB THE PALESTINIANS OF THEIR LAND,......

Do you really, really think that's what the Jewish people are thinking -- hey let's become murdering filth and steal some land? Sheesh.
The Fly on the wall in the 1890's and afterwards would agree.........Even today as we are Stealing.....the Murdering Filth is what they became prior to 1948
.when Zionists hatched the Plan,to become Murdering Filth whose only intention was to ROB THE PALESTINIANS OF THEIR LAND,......

Do you really, really think that's what the Jewish people are thinking -- hey let's become murdering filth and steal some land? Sheesh.
The Fly on the wall in the 1890's and afterwards would agree.........Even today as we are Stealing.....the Murdering Filth is what they became prior to 1945

I presume you live in an Observant Jewish area?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel is right where the Allied Powers, those who fought both World Wars and to whom the title and rights to the territory were surrendered, put them.

Israel is targeted, not because of it 's proximity (although that does play a part). But because, in many respects, it has been the vanguard in the fight against,

blah, blah, blah...​

All of that bullshit aside, Israel gets targeted because it is in Palestine.

The Arab Palestinians, if the were not fighting over the territory to which the mandate applied, would have been fighting over something else in the region. And if they don't have a reason to fight, they invent one.

I bet Jordan is appreciative that Israel holds the attention of the Palestinian Jihadist and Fedayeen.

Most Respectfully,
Its a religion with an ideology of replacement, conversion and supersessionism. ?
Like this?

Originally posted by Shusha:
The way to solve the problem is to expel as many of the Arab Muslim Palestinians as possible. Those remaining will adopt the Jewish language, faith and culture and in a hundred years or so Israel will be 100% Jewish. And Arab Muslim Palestinians will be nothing but foreign colonists

Its a theology which, in some forms, insists on violent or military means to achieve its goals.
Don't go there. Israel is the most militarized country on the planet.

Its a theology which, in some forms, requires some barbaric treatment of certain peoples, notably women, children, apostates and "others".
Like forcing people to live under martial law for 70 years?

Unfortunately, either the faith itself, or more likely the adherents, have not sufficiently mitigated or or replaced some of its concepts with those of a higher, more humanitarian order. One can only hope this is awaiting us in the future.
Right after Israel starts respecting human rights.

If all the Gazan people were doing was fishing and farming, there wouldn't be a conflict. Its the very fact that they are SOMEHOW importing weapons used against Israel's innocent civilians which is causing the conflict. So that "poor fishermen, poor farmer" is nothing more than plea for victimhood rather than responsibility for their own violent actions. Its assumed, correctly, that at least some of the fishermen and farmers are complicit in the importation and utilization of weapons. Yes, I realize that some of the fishermen and farmers are just fishing and farming, but some are importing weapons for the purpose of attacking innocent Israeli citizens. And we can't tell one from the other just by looking at them. So Israel puts a security perimeter in place and it is the responsibility of the fishermen and farmers to respect that perimeter. Once again, no attacks, no responses. Easy peasy.
You don't care about separating the innocent from the guilty. And the fact you think its okay to shoot someone while they fish, shows just how morally bankrupt you are.

Gazan's have a right to defend themselves; they have a right to have weapons; and they have a right to use those weapons against an aggressor. Israel is the aggressor. If Israel doesn't want to be shot at, it needs to end its aggression.

Yeah, no. Importing rockets and mortars perpetuates the violence.
The rockets are in response to the occupation.

Firing them indiscriminately and illegally at non-combatants perpetuates violence.
Israel is far more guilty of that, than the pals.

Building tunnels into our sovereign space perpetuates violence.
You don't respect sovereignty, so why should they?

Sending suicide bombers into our territory perpetuates violence.
Sending real bombers into Gaza, creates suicide bombers.

Knock it off and not a single other person needs to die.
You're putting the cart before the horse. End the occupation and the violence will stop.

Wanting to destroy us pisses us off.
They don't want to destroy you, they want to be left alone.

Wanting to dismantle the state of Israel pisses us off.
There isn't a country in the ME that has that kind of capability.

And the people of Gaza are perfectly able to move within their own territory.
They just can't leave.

Moving into another sovereign nation's territory is up to that nation. Just like every other nation in the world.
And 100 years ago, you moved into theirs.

Seriously? Be honest. You are blaming Syria on Israel? Yes or no?
Since Israel won't stop running bombing runs into Syria, providing material support and aid to terrorist rebels and has publically stated on more than one occasion it wants Assad gone, oh hell yes!
P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel is right where the Allied Powers, those who fought both World Wars and to whom the title and rights to the territory were surrendered, put them.

Israel is targeted, not because of it 's proximity (although that does play a part). But because, in many respects, it has been the vanguard in the fight against,
blah, blah, blah...​

All of that bullshit aside, Israel gets targeted because it is in Palestine.

The Arab Palestinians, if the were not fighting over the territory to which the mandate applied, would have been fighting over something else in the region. And if they don't have a reason to fight, they invent one.

I bet Jordan is appreciative that Israel holds the attention of the Palestinian Jihadist and Fedayeen.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but what I said still holds true.

All of that bullshit aside, Israel gets targeted because it is in Palestine.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel is right where the Allied Powers, those who fought both World Wars and to whom the title and rights to the territory were surrendered, put them.

Israel is targeted, not because of it 's proximity (although that does play a part). But because, in many respects, it has been the vanguard in the fight against,
blah, blah, blah...​

All of that bullshit aside, Israel gets targeted because it is in Palestine.

The Arab Palestinians, if the were not fighting over the territory to which the mandate applied, would have been fighting over something else in the region. And if they don't have a reason to fight, they invent one.

I bet Jordan is appreciative that Israel holds the attention of the Palestinian Jihadist and Fedayeen.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but what I said still holds true.

All of that bullshit aside, Israel gets targeted because it is in Palestine.
Nope, it's on sand. Sand that could have been Palestine, if Palestinians has the sense to take and work it. As I recall they didn't, and have made continuous war against the people of Israel ever since they rejected the state offered to them in 1948. Occupied territory? Maybe. I look at is as territory seized during war. The ultimate disposition of this land is to be determined when their enemy decides to stop fighting. Nothing positive will ever happen for them until they stop fighting. In order to do that they must modernize. They must give up theocracy and accept a separation of church and state. The must turn their state to the purpose of providing a living for their people, rather than conceiving of a state as a weapon of religious war.
P F Tinmore, et al,

No, you still get it wrong. The State of Israel has not been Palestine for more than half a century; since recognition.

P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel is right where the Allied Powers, those who fought both World Wars and to whom the title and rights to the territory were surrendered, put them.

Israel is targeted, not because of it 's proximity (although that does play a part). But because, in many respects, it has been the vanguard in the fight against,
blah, blah, blah...​

All of that bullshit aside, Israel gets targeted because it is in Palestine.

The Arab Palestinians, if the were not fighting over the territory to which the mandate applied, would have been fighting over something else in the region. And if they don't have a reason to fight, they invent one.

I bet Jordan is appreciative that Israel holds the attention of the Palestinian Jihadist and Fedayeen.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but what I said still holds true.

All of that bullshit aside, Israel gets targeted because it is in Palestine.

Israel is attacked by Hostile Arab Palestinians because they are more interested in Jihad and conflict, then they are at build a nation for themselves.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (with the characteristics of over-bloated egos and narcissism) would like you to believe it is about some patriotic ideal; but it is not. It is about money and power.

Truly great leaders seldom have a hidden Agenda on which everything goal pivots. The leader remembers he is a servant of the people and will attempt to maximize and focus all that good about the people. Together they will build a better life and a more prosperous nation. The leaders of HAMAS and FATAH are not leading; but following a career path because they have no real knowledge, skills or abilities other than be a Jihadist or Islamic Fundamentalist.

If you want a nation that ranks right up there with the top 25 developed nations (including Israel), then the ineffective Palestinian leadership has to change. The Palestinian mind-set has to change. If on the other hand, you want to be a mediocre country --- then stick with what you have.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

No, you still get it wrong. The State of Israel has not been Palestine for more than half a century; since recognition.

P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel is right where the Allied Powers, those who fought both World Wars and to whom the title and rights to the territory were surrendered, put them.

Israel is targeted, not because of it 's proximity (although that does play a part). But because, in many respects, it has been the vanguard in the fight against,
blah, blah, blah...​

All of that bullshit aside, Israel gets targeted because it is in Palestine.

The Arab Palestinians, if the were not fighting over the territory to which the mandate applied, would have been fighting over something else in the region. And if they don't have a reason to fight, they invent one.

I bet Jordan is appreciative that Israel holds the attention of the Palestinian Jihadist and Fedayeen.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but what I said still holds true.

All of that bullshit aside, Israel gets targeted because it is in Palestine.

Israel is attacked by Hostile Arab Palestinians because they are more interested in Jihad and conflict, then they are at build a nation for themselves.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (with the characteristics of over-bloated egos and narcissism) would like you to believe it is about some patriotic ideal; but it is not. It is about money and power.

Truly great leaders seldom have a hidden Agenda on which everything goal pivots. The leader remembers he is a servant of the people and will attempt to maximize and focus all that good about the people. Together they will build a better life and a more prosperous nation. The leaders of HAMAS and FATAH are not leading; but following a career path because they have no real knowledge, skills or abilities other than be a Jihadist or Islamic Fundamentalist.

If you want a nation that ranks right up there with the top 25 developed nations (including Israel), then the ineffective Palestinian leadership has to change. The Palestinian mind-set has to change. If on the other hand, you want to be a mediocre country --- then stick with what you have.

Most Respectfully,
They need to get Israel out of their country so they can work toward those goals
P F Tinmore, et al,

The other way around.

P F Tinmore, et al,

No, you still get it wrong. The State of Israel has not been Palestine for more than half a century; since recognition.

P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel is right where the Allied Powers, those who fought both World Wars and to whom the title and rights to the territory were surrendered, put them.

Israel is targeted, not because of it 's proximity (although that does play a part). But because, in many respects, it has been the vanguard in the fight against,
blah, blah, blah...​

All of that bullshit aside, Israel gets targeted because it is in Palestine.

The Arab Palestinians, if the were not fighting over the territory to which the mandate applied, would have been fighting over something else in the region. And if they don't have a reason to fight, they invent one.

I bet Jordan is appreciative that Israel holds the attention of the Palestinian Jihadist and Fedayeen.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but what I said still holds true.

All of that bullshit aside, Israel gets targeted because it is in Palestine.

Israel is attacked by Hostile Arab Palestinians because they are more interested in Jihad and conflict, then they are at build a nation for themselves.

The Hostile Arab Palestinians (with the characteristics of over-bloated egos and narcissism) would like you to believe it is about some patriotic ideal; but it is not. It is about money and power.

Truly great leaders seldom have a hidden Agenda on which everything goal pivots. The leader remembers he is a servant of the people and will attempt to maximize and focus all that good about the people. Together they will build a better life and a more prosperous nation. The leaders of HAMAS and FATAH are not leading; but following a career path because they have no real knowledge, skills or abilities other than be a Jihadist or Islamic Fundamentalist.

If you want a nation that ranks right up there with the top 25 developed nations (including Israel), then the ineffective Palestinian leadership has to change. The Palestinian mind-set has to change. If on the other hand, you want to be a mediocre country --- then stick with what you have.

Most Respectfully,
They need to get Israel out of their country so they can work toward those goals

You don't reward some body before they do the work. First the Palestinians have to demonstrate a close to hostilities.

Most Respectfully,

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