Breaking... Three Epstein lawyers challenge autopsy results mcc prison staff refuses to help invest


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
BREAKING... Three Epstein Lawyers Challenge Autopsy Results! ...MCC Prison Staff Refuses to Help Investigators!

That's because the Prison staff are either hiding something that could damage them for good - such as covering for the two guards that were supposed to have been watching him. Instead they were sleeping on the job.


They are part of it and conspiring to the fact.
Hummm....his only relative and heir apparent and it is three lawyers challenging the findings......sounds like they are just laying the groundwork for the lawsuit. The body was released to the brother. Why not have him get a second autopsy?
I read so many stories of how the Rich and famous (like that DuPont heiress) allegedly commit murder and their money gets them off the hook.
I find it exceptionally odd that a man as wealthy and well connected to ultra powerful Democrats such as the Clintons, as Epstein was, never even made it to trial.

I could see him committing suicide AFTER being found guilty and AFTER receiving a lengthy sentence....but BEFORE a trial???
He probably could have bought enough powerful lawyers to likely get the charges dropped.

Seems like this was a silencing of the lamb.
BREAKING... Three Epstein Lawyers Challenge Autopsy Results! ...MCC Prison Staff Refuses to Help Investigators!
The medical examiner’s office said in a statement Friday that an autopsy and other evidence confirms the 66-year-old financier hanged himself in his cell at a federal jail, Bloomberg reported.


Don't you love how these leftist retreads think they can just do what they want when they want or how they want.

They don't think Jeffy hung himself by tying his bedsheet to the three 9mm slugs in the back of his head? :eek:
I read so many stories of how the Rich and famous (like that DuPont heiress) allegedly commit murder and their money gets them off the hook.
I find it exceptionally odd that a man as wealthy and well connected to ultra powerful Democrats such as the Clintons, as Epstein was, never even made it to trial.

I could see him committing suicide AFTER being found guilty and AFTER receiving a lengthy sentence....but BEFORE a trial???
He probably could have bought enough powerful lawyers to likely get the charges dropped.

Seems like this was a silencing of the lamb.
Epstein's last phone call was with his lawyer who he was going to visit with on Sunday (he was killed the day before).
Due to double jeopardy issues Epstein and his lawyer were optimistic he could have the whole matter dropped.
He had good reason to be optimistic. Why would he commit suicide just as a small light at the end of his legal tunnel
was shining?

It really makes no sense at all. To say powerful people had a vested interest in seeing Epstein dead would be an understatement and nothing is adding up here.
I read so many stories of how the Rich and famous (like that DuPont heiress) allegedly commit murder and their money gets them off the hook.
I find it exceptionally odd that a man as wealthy and well connected to ultra powerful Democrats such as the Clintons, as Epstein was, never even made it to trial.

I could see him committing suicide AFTER being found guilty and AFTER receiving a lengthy sentence....but BEFORE a trial???
He probably could have bought enough powerful lawyers to likely get the charges dropped.

Seems like this was a silencing of the lamb.
Epstein's last phone call was with his lawyer who he was going to visit with on Sunday (he was killed the day before).
Due to double jeopardy issues Epstein and his lawyer were optimistic he could have the whole matter dropped.
He had good reason to be optimistic. Why would he commit suicide just as a small light at the end of his legal tunnel
was shining?

It really makes no sense at all. To say powerful people had a vested interest in seeing Epstein dead would be an understatement and nothing is adding up here.

The Hollywood Elite - Matt Damon with little boys, Brad Pitt with little girls, Robert Deniro with barnyard animals, were highly exposed, as were the little Goebbels of the fascist press, and the DNC bosses.

The silencing of the lamb...
BREAKING... Three Epstein Lawyers Challenge Autopsy Results! ...MCC Prison Staff Refuses to Help Investigators!
The medical examiner’s office said in a statement Friday that an autopsy and other evidence confirms the 66-year-old financier hanged himself in his cell at a federal jail, Bloomberg reported.


Don't you love how these leftist retreads think they can just do what they want when they want or how they want.
Pres.Trump can start his own investigation, that is if he and the public doesn't trust the decision that these medical examiners. But he needs to not let Barr to oversee the investigation. He should hand-pick his own independent investigators.

BREAKING... Three Epstein Lawyers Challenge Autopsy Results! ...MCC Prison Staff Refuses to Help Investigators!
The medical examiner’s office said in a statement Friday that an autopsy and other evidence confirms the 66-year-old financier hanged himself in his cell at a federal jail, Bloomberg reported.


Don't you love how these leftist retreads think they can just do what they want when they want or how they want.
Pres.Trump can start his own investigation, that is if he and the public doesn't trust the decision that these medical examiners. But he needs to not let Barr to oversee the investigation. He should hand-pick his own independent investigators.

No, Barr will look into what you democrats did.

No coverup this time. My fear is that AG Barr will suddenly die of a heart attack or be in a fatal car crash. We know how the democrats operate.
BREAKING... Three Epstein Lawyers Challenge Autopsy Results! ...MCC Prison Staff Refuses to Help Investigators!
The medical examiner’s office said in a statement Friday that an autopsy and other evidence confirms the 66-year-old financier hanged himself in his cell at a federal jail, Bloomberg reported.


Don't you love how these leftist retreads think they can just do what they want when they want or how they want.
Pres.Trump can start his own investigation, that is if he and the public doesn't trust the decision that these medical examiners. But he needs to not let Barr to oversee the investigation. He should hand-pick his own independent investigators.

No, Barr will look into what you democrats did.

No coverup this time. My fear is that AG Barr will suddenly die of a heart attack or be in a fatal car crash. We know how the democrats operate.

Who are you trying to call a Demi! William Barr is Bill Clinton's flunky. He will not bring up about the Mena Arkansas incident. That man has more of Bill Clinton's scratches on his back from being in bed with him, than all those young boys that Bill order from Comet pizzeria. Pres.Trump needs to get a private investigator that don't have any ties to any of them that has roamed on Capitol Hill.

General Noriega and Mr. Barr greeted the aircraft when we arrived. The passengers adjourned to their meeting while I secured the aircraft. I was invited to join when I finished. Two Latin American soldiers set up the Sat/Com device and stood guard on the aircraft. I joined the meeting approximately thirty minutes later.

When I arrived, the discussion was concerning the loss of over $100 million dollars worth of drugs and cash. The “Enterprise” was being drained. There were three Compaq Computers set up with operators, obviously working for Mr. Barr. There were approximately eight (8) administrative personnel correlating data provided by computer discs brought by the principles of the meeting. The discussions continued. It was obvious that the purpose of the meeting was to identify the source of the loss.

The money flow was traced from Panama to several destinations in the U.S. Their Ohio source was ruled out early. Their Colorado source was also ruled out. That left Arkansas. It was discussed by the members that either Seal or CLINTON were siphoning from the “Enterprise.”
William Barr - Bill Clinton 5,242.7 km, $100 MIL & DOPE -
BREAKING... Three Epstein Lawyers Challenge Autopsy Results! ...MCC Prison Staff Refuses to Help Investigators!
The medical examiner’s office said in a statement Friday that an autopsy and other evidence confirms the 66-year-old financier hanged himself in his cell at a federal jail, Bloomberg reported.


Don't you love how these leftist retreads think they can just do what they want when they want or how they want.
Pres.Trump can start his own investigation, that is if he and the public doesn't trust the decision that these medical examiners. But he needs to not let Barr to oversee the investigation. He should hand-pick his own independent investigators.

Barr was hand picked as are all AG’s.
BREAKING... Three Epstein Lawyers Challenge Autopsy Results! ...MCC Prison Staff Refuses to Help Investigators!
The medical examiner’s office said in a statement Friday that an autopsy and other evidence confirms the 66-year-old financier hanged himself in his cell at a federal jail, Bloomberg reported.


Don't you love how these leftist retreads think they can just do what they want when they want or how they want.
Pres.Trump can start his own investigation, that is if he and the public doesn't trust the decision that these medical examiners. But he needs to not let Barr to oversee the investigation. He should hand-pick his own independent investigators.

Barr was hand picked as are all AG’s.

Well david Zublick said that his intels has told him that George Bush the second, sort of suggested to Pres.Trump at the funeral. That Barr will stop all of this madness that is going on. Encouraging Pres.Trump to choose Barr as his AG. But I do know that Reince Priebus has told Pres.Trump that Gen. Kelly would be the best candidate to replace him. But we already knows what Kelly was about.
They turned the cameras off.
Truly? Turned them off? Then now I'm 100% certain I was right thinking the people who mocked others as "conspiracy loons" are every bit the smug stupid a-holes I thought they were.

There are way too many irregularities going on here.
They turned the cameras off.
Truly? Turned them off? Then now I'm 100% certain I was right thinking the people who mocked others as "conspiracy loons" are every bit the smug stupid a-holes I thought they were.

There are way too many irregularities going on here.

They claim the 4 cameras all malfunctioned at the same time - but yeah, they turned them off.
They turned the cameras off.
Truly? Turned them off? Then now I'm 100% certain I was right thinking the people who mocked others as "conspiracy loons" are every bit the smug stupid a-holes I thought they were.

There are way too many irregularities going on here.

They claim the 4 cameras all malfunctioned at the same time - but yeah, they turned them off.
Got any proof "they turned them off"? How about you conspiracy people actually present real evidence for once? "They did this, they did that", you people always make declarative statements without any proof at all.

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