Bradley Manning: 1000 Days and No Trial?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"This Saturday, February 23rd, will mark the 1,000th day in prison without trial for PFC Bradley Manning, accused of releasing classified military documents to Wikileaks.

"Among the documents was the Collateral Murder video, which shows the 2007 murder of over a dozen people in Baghdad by a U.S. Apache helicopter. The murdered included civilians and two Reuter’s employees, photojournalist Namir Noor-Eldeen and his driver Saeed Chmagh.

"Manning was also alleged to have released the Iraq War Logs, comprised of nearly 400,000 military logs recorded from 2004 to 2009.

"The files revealed thousands of reports of prisoner torture and abuse filed against coalition forces in Iraq, including reports of people being hung from the ceiling on hooks, whipped with cables, sexually assaulted, urinated on, and having holes bored into their legs with electric drills.

"The logs also added an additional 15,000 civilian deaths to the known body count, totalling over 150,000 deaths, of which roughly 80% were civilian.

"Furthermore, the leaks detailed allegations of child abuse and child trafficking by the U.S. defense contracting company in Afghanistan, DynCorp, a company which is estimated to make about $2 billion per year in revenue from the U.S."

What message is the Pentagon sending to future truth tellers by denying Manning his day in court? The same message Thucydides sent: "Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

Bradley Manning Faces 1000th Day in Prison » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
1,000 days! And he's still alive! What a pity. He should have been executed 950 days ago.
1,000 days! And he's still alive! What a pity. He should have been executed 950 days ago.
For the crime of reporting war crimes?

Well, to be fair, it was sort of ----------------- espionage.

I mean, we all loved it, the white-blond Julien Assange and Wikileaks and all, but still ----

if that wasn't espionage, I'd like to know what is. They sure don't shoot or hang those guys like they used to! Everytime Israel gets caught spying yet again they just stick the guy in prison, they never shoot these spies. I think they should. Benedict Arnold and all that.

What do people think of the trial issue? Should this Manning guy be getting a trial at some point? 1000 days without a trial seems....questionable. I mean, there is no especial question about what he did: he bundled up every USA secret communication that came through and sent it all to Julien. I don't think it was complicated, so why not try him?
1,000 days! And he's still alive! What a pity. He should have been executed 950 days ago.
For reporting a crime?

Espionage, treason, he was in the military. He's just like Nidal Hassan, no different. Why either one of them is still alive is a travesty.

And manning didn't report a crime. He didn't report anything at all. He wanted to get fucked by Julian Assange after he got dumped by his boyfriend. manning didn't even have the decency to think that he was reporting a crime.
1,000 days! And he's still alive! What a pity. He should have been executed 950 days ago.
For the crime of reporting war crimes?

Well, to be fair, it was sort of ----------------- espionage.

I mean, we all loved it, the white-blond Julien Assange and Wikileaks and all, but still ----

if that wasn't espionage, I'd like to know what is. They sure don't shoot or hang those guys like they used to! Everytime Israel gets caught spying yet again they just stick the guy in prison, they never shoot these spies. I think they should. Benedict Arnold and all that.

What do people think of the trial issue? Should this Manning guy be getting a trial at some point? 1000 days without a trial seems....questionable. I mean, there is no especial question about what he did: he bundled up every USA secret communication that came through and sent it all to Julien. I don't think it was complicated, so why not try him?

There it is. The ulitmate in cognition failure. He's alleged guilty, that's what the trial is suppose to determine. Innocence or guilt. Prove he is guilty by trial. But they wont. Why not? Could it be because they have no evidence to support the claim?

Even so, what of the exposed war crimes of the US government and their contractors? Are those forgiveable because they were exposed tot he public when they were supposed to be kept quiet?

Is the cognition failure and congnitive dissonance so strong that these things can not be separated out? So we just say "death to the traitor!"

We're no longer a nation ruled by law. We are a nation ruled by the arbitrarily decided whims of men in power. I believe history had a few lessons in there we missed.
Espionage, treason, he was in the military. He's just like Nidal Hassan, no different. Why either one of them is still alive is a travesty.

And manning didn't report a crime. He didn't report anything at all. He wanted to get fucked by Julian Assange after he got dumped by his boyfriend. manning didn't even have the decency to think that he was reporting a crime.
You didn't see that Collateral Murder video?

That's a war crime.
The better question is "Why would a PFC be given access to that kind of information in the first place?"

Access to information that could harm the US should only be granted to officers and senior NCOs.
1,000 days! And he's still alive! What a pity. He should have been executed 950 days ago.
For the crime of reporting war crimes?

For releasing classified military documents.
Classified military documents hiding war crimes deserve to see the light of day in any free society:

"The logs also added an additional 15,000 civilian deaths to the known body count, totalling over 150,000 deaths, of which roughly 80% were civilian."

Bradley Manning Faces 1000th Day in Prison » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Bradley Manning MIGHT be due some respect if he had some kind of purpose beyond getting fucked by some guy. If he really believed that he was exposing war crimes, he really believed he was serving some purpose beyond the needs of his anus, he would deserve some consideration as to a good intent. Benedict Arnold betrayed the nation, but he really believed he was doing the right thing when he did it. Manning was just pissed off because he got dumped by his boyfriend. Now the whole military was going to pay for his hurt feelings.

Bradley Manning isn't any different than Tyler Brehm. Brehm's girlfriend broke it off and he started walking down a street in Hollywood shooting at random cars. He was just SOOOO hurt. Someone had to die. To Manning, his feelings were just SOOOO hurt, the country had to pay. So he started aiding the enemy, intending to aid the enemy as part of his lost love revenge.
1,000 days! And he's still alive! What a pity. He should have been executed 950 days ago.
For the crime of reporting war crimes?

Well, to be fair, it was sort of ----------------- espionage.

I mean, we all loved it, the white-blond Julien Assange and Wikileaks and all, but still ----

if that wasn't espionage, I'd like to know what is. They sure don't shoot or hang those guys like they used to! Everytime Israel gets caught spying yet again they just stick the guy in prison, they never shoot these spies. I think they should. Benedict Arnold and all that.

What do people think of the trial issue? Should this Manning guy be getting a trial at some point? 1000 days without a trial seems....questionable. I mean, there is no especial question about what he did: he bundled up every USA secret communication that came through and sent it all to Julien. I don't think it was complicated, so why not try him?
One big issue in Manning's trial involves motive.
Why he did what he did won't even be discussed when he first comes to trial:

"Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of being behind the largest leak of state secrets in America's history, has been denied the chance to make a whistleblower defence in his upcoming court martial in which he faces possible life in military custody with no chance of parole.

"The judge presiding over Manning's prosecution by the US government for allegedly transmitting confidential material to WikiLeaks ruled in a pre-trial hearing that Manning will largely be barred from presenting evidence about his motives in leaking the documents and videos.

"In an earlier hearing, Manning's lead defence lawyer, David Coombs, had argued that his motive was key to proving that he had no intention to harm US interests or to pass information to the enemy."

Bradley Manning denied chance to make whistleblower defence | World news |

IMHO, Manning's been denied a speedy trial in order to break him completely.
This sends a big message to anyone else concerned about US war crimes.
1,000 days! And he's still alive! What a pity. He should have been executed 950 days ago.
For reporting a crime?

Espionage, treason, he was in the military. He's just like Nidal Hassan, no different. Why either one of them is still alive is a travesty.

And manning didn't report a crime. He didn't report anything at all. He wanted to get fucked by Julian Assange after he got dumped by his boyfriend. manning didn't even have the decency to think that he was reporting a crime.
So in your moral universe the deliberate murder, maiming, displacement, and incarceration of millions of innocent Iraqis is not a crime?
Bradley Manning MIGHT be due some respect if he had some kind of purpose beyond getting fucked by some guy. If he really believed that he was exposing war crimes, he really believed he was serving some purpose beyond the needs of his anus, he would deserve some consideration as to a good intent. Benedict Arnold betrayed the nation, but he really believed he was doing the right thing when he did it. Manning was just pissed off because he got dumped by his boyfriend. Now the whole military was going to pay for his hurt feelings.

Bradley Manning isn't any different than Tyler Brehm. Brehm's girlfriend broke it off and he started walking down a street in Hollywood shooting at random cars. He was just SOOOO hurt. Someone had to die. To Manning, his feelings were just SOOOO hurt, the country had to pay. So he started aiding the enemy, intending to aid the enemy as part of his lost love revenge.
Can you provide any credible proof for your allegations, or would that be asking TOOOOOO much?

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