Bob Barr For One Hour On Glenn Beck - Videos

I can imagine hell being Glenn Beck's smiley face with that happyland sincerity and that cheerleader voice talking and talking and talking - makes me want to scream! and Barr sounds like a libertarian homily.
I can imagine hell being Glenn Beck's smiley face with that happyland sincerity and that cheerleader voice talking and talking and talking - makes me want to scream! and Barr sounds like a libertarian homily.

Who cares about Beck? This thread is in regards to Barr. I couldn't care less about Glenn fucking Beck. And I didn't post this for liberal commentary, I already know where you all stand on Barr.
Who cares about Beck? This thread is in regards to Barr. I couldn't care less about Glenn fucking Beck. And I didn't post this for liberal commentary, I already know where you all stand on Barr.

I WILL NOT vote for mclame... I WILL NOT vote for hussein. I'm not 100% happy with Barr, but he's head and shoulders above the other two as far as conservatism goes. I more than likely will vote for Barr.
I WILL NOT vote for mclame... I WILL NOT vote for hussein. I'm not 100% happy with Barr, but he's head and shoulders above the other two as far as conservatism goes. I more than likely will vote for Barr.

I probably will too, and this interview definitely helped his case. Although he's not my ideal candidate, the things he said were things you just don't hear mainstream republicans say anymore. Kind of like Ron Paul.

My only skepticism comes from his original support of the Patriot Act, and his view on the drug war. But he's apparently changed his opinion on those, and I suppose I can give him the benefit of the doubt. Afterall, I've interacted with more than a few former neo-cons who crossed over and became Ron Paul supporters. So I guess anyone can change.
I'd have to say Ron Paul was my guy
however I do have some interest in Barr
I know they make way too much sense for most people
Ron Paul's book ought to be the platform for american politics
oh well
people are stupid what can ya do
no wonder the nanny types think they need to do everything for us
and the neocons dont seem to think at all
I will likely vote for Barr as well, however some of the over all Libertarian stances are wacked if you ask me. They are so for personal freedom it borders on anarchy if you ask me.
I think Charles's comment is exactly why I am so glad that Barr won the nomination. A few years ago, I wouldn't have considered the Libertarians (Losertarians, they used to be cynically called) to be a viable party, because they were so wrapped up in medical marijuana and anarcho-capitalism that they were very much out of step with the rest of America.

Fortunately, disenfranchised Republicans like Barr are moving over the LP, and providing a moderation that can only serve to improve the party. Now, the LP has toned down some of their more strident platform planks, and has targeted some areas that any American patriot and student of United States political history can agree with:

1) A drastic reduction in the amount of federal programs and spending,
2) a return to federalism; more specifically, giving power back to Americans on the state and local level so that they can be more engaged in their own republic, and
3) a foreign policy of non-interventionism which will allow us to drastically reduce military spending, and more importantly, keep our young people from paying the price in order to fulfill our corrupt government's desire to police the world.

I know that number 3 above can be a difficult pill to swallow in today's modern climate of fear, particularly when manipulative status-quo candidates such as McCain accused Ron Paul of subscribing to "the same isolationism that gave rise to Hitler and World War II." However, the astute observer will realize that isolationism and non-interventionism are not equivalent.

As Thomas Jefferson said, "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none."

PS- This was my first post on this board, so it's also my pleasure to introduce myself to you all.
Barr is a farce of a Libertarian as his Congressional record proves. How can anyone buy this guy as a Libertarian with his support of the Defense of Marriage Act and his stance on the War on Drugs? Sounds like the Libertarians were desperate for a candidate with name recogniton; Barr is himself desperate for ballot lines so it worked.
Laine, I understand your concern, and going by record alone, I agree that it's easy to be skeptical. Here's a little info I've found that might be interesting:

Yes, Barr not only supported the Defense of Marriage Act, he authored it. In a recent interview, however, I appreciated the fact that he not only owned up to the ridiculousness of the bill, he also explained the thought process that went in to creating the bill, as the bill is essentially two parts:

1) The assertion of the federalist notion that one state is not required to recognize the same-sex marriage granted in another state, and
2) The federal definition of marriage is a union between a man and a woman.

Barr states that he now believes it would be in the best interest of the congress to repeal part two, as marriage as an institution has no business being commented on by the federal government. It is a matter that should be left to the states, if at all.

As for the War on Drugs, it is important to realize that Libertarians were a major portion of the group that worked to oust Barr from his congressional seat, and after losing his seat, he took a hard look at some of his views and ultimately recanted. He actually subsequently worked as a pro-legalization lobbyist for the Marijuana Policy Project.

I think that is ultimately going to be one of the major things that limits Barr's campaign, is that he has switched views on a number of items since losing his seat in Congress, and people will not look at the views he has espoused since 2002: namely, that the War on Drugs is a failed effort that the Federal government needs to get out of, the Patriot Act and FISA are severely eroding our civil liberties with no cause, etc etc...
I will likely vote for Barr as well, however some of the over all Libertarian stances are wacked if you ask me. They are so for personal freedom it borders on anarchy if you ask me.

That is the crux of the problem with libertarianism, freedom can mean screw everyone and everything and often does. In the end freedom becomes anarchy or oligarchy. We already are close to a plutocracy, need we get closer.
That is the crux of the problem with libertarianism, freedom can mean screw everyone and everything and often does. In the end freedom becomes anarchy or oligarchy. We already are close to a plutocracy, need we get closer.

midcan5, that's why I think Bob Barr is going to be good for the Libertarian Party. Extremism in all of its forms is counterproductive, and Bob Barr's platform has brought a much needed shot of moderation to the LP, as evidenced by the loonies who think that he "stole" the party. His federalist positions make a lot more sense (to me at least) than the crazy anarchy they espoused before.

Just my opinion.

Counter-balances the Green Candidate that is from Georgia that will take some votes from Obama.

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