Blaming Obama, A Dud. Denial, A Dud, Now It’s A “Deep State” Conspiracy Out To Get Him


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
After November 8, 2016, the Big Orange Head's normal, conservative paranoia had him accusing the Obama administration of electronic surveillance of his campaign. That idiocy never did float.

Then, Big Orange tried denying he or anyone in his criminal gang had committed any wrongdoing about anything. But, the federal investigations into their shady actions are just beginning, and the damaging evidence is already piling up.

Now, the conservative paranoia in the Big Orange Head’s head is reaching levels beyond even that of Nixon's. WOW!

The Big Orange Head wants his minions to believe their is a “Deep State” conspiracy working against him and his administration. Of course, FOX News has jumped on that bandwagon.

Next, Big Orange will be accusing aliens from another galaxy of trying to force him out of office. The most tragic part, conservatives will believe him, and FOX News will be their to help Big Orange convince the few remaining skeptics in their audience.

The conservatives' responses to this OP will show that just hearing about a “Deep State” conspiracy in this thread has them convinced. They dare not deny it, lest they be accused of being a liberal.

Conservatives get more comical to watch with each passing day.

White House officials 'convinced they may be victims of deep state conspiracy'



After November 8, 2016, the Big Orange Head's normal, conservative paranoia had him accusing the Obama administration of electronic surveillance of his campaign. That idiocy never did float.

Then, Big Orange tried denying he or anyone in his criminal gang had committed any wrongdoing about anything. But, the federal investigations into their shady actions are just beginning, and the damaging evidence is already piling up.

Now, the conservative paranoia in the Big Orange Head’s head is reaching levels beyond even that of Nixon's. WOW!

The Big Orange Head wants his minions to believe their is a “Deep State” conspiracy working against him and his administration. Of course, FOX News has jumped on that bandwagon.

Next, Big Orange will be accusing aliens from another galaxy of trying to force him out of office. The most tragic part, conservatives will believe him, and FOX News will be their to help Big Orange convince the few remaining skeptics in their audience.

The conservatives' responses to this OP will show that just hearing about a “Deep State” conspiracy in this thread has them convinced. They dare not deny it, lest they be accused of being a liberal.

Conservatives get more comical to watch with each passing day.

White House officials 'convinced they may be victims of deep state conspiracy'


View attachment 129653


From the leftist list:

A) Climate Change
B) White Males
C) Republicans
D) Guns
E) Trump
F) Racism
G) Boooosssshhhhhhhhhhhh
H) Trump
I) The Rich
J) Corporations
But, the federal investigations into their shady actions are just beginning, and the damaging evidence is already piling up.
After 10 months of investigating, why don't you tell us what that "evidence" is, snowflake?
After November 8, 2016, the Big Orange Head's normal, conservative paranoia had him accusing the Obama administration of electronic surveillance of his campaign. That idiocy never did float.

Then, Big Orange tried denying he or anyone in his criminal gang had committed any wrongdoing about anything. But, the federal investigations into their shady actions are just beginning, and the damaging evidence is already piling up.

Now, the conservative paranoia in the Big Orange Head’s head is reaching levels beyond even that of Nixon's. WOW!

The Big Orange Head wants his minions to believe their is a “Deep State” conspiracy working against him and his administration. Of course, FOX News has jumped on that bandwagon.

Next, Big Orange will be accusing aliens from another galaxy of trying to force him out of office. The most tragic part, conservatives will believe him, and FOX News will be their to help Big Orange convince the few remaining skeptics in their audience.

The conservatives' responses to this OP will show that just hearing about a “Deep State” conspiracy in this thread has them convinced. They dare not deny it, lest they be accused of being a liberal.

Conservatives get more comical to watch with each passing day.

White House officials 'convinced they may be victims of deep state conspiracy'


View attachment 129653


Maybe you should do a little research before you post an OP soooo pathetically uninformed. I do like the venom though, so typical of a political party bereft of ideas other than character assassinations and adolescent insults...

(Here's just one link that you're totally incapable of comprehending...)

..Obama Political Spying Scandal: Trump Associates Were Not the First Targets
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EVERYONE on earth knows what a scumass con artist your messiah was, and the FACT that he and all of his friends are dedicated to bringing down the USA, and making it a communist state with them as the leaders of a dictatorial government. ositscums former campaign manager said so during his first campaign. IE "If we could have Obama as dictator for twelve years we could get this country to where we want it to be"

Yeah and Now proof your BS press are just like all of you liberal igmos, here is a study by some respected international REAL SHRINKS!!! BOO HOOO you liberals are shown once again to be severely lacking in intellect.

(Start CP)

A recently completed scientific study sheds new light on modern journalists at a time when news reporting continues to lose public confidence.

Researchers found journalists have less brain power than others to "regulate emotions, solve complex problems…and think flexibly and creatively," although study findings say they are no more stressed than the average worker.

Another result identified by the study is that journalists have less ability to "suppress biases" than workers in other jobs and professions.

Charges of bias in contemporary reporting is one of the top complaints from a news consuming public and has contributed to the perception and charge of ‘fake news.’

Researchers also found journalists use alcohol more than the public at large, and concluded it is "likely" alcohol contributed to the study group’s overall low scores.

The London Press Club commissioned this scientific study by Dr. Tara Swart last year.

Dr. Swart, an internationally recognized neuroscientist and psychiatrist, was educated at Oxford and King’s College London, and is on the staff at MIT.

She studies and teaches "team building" topics, including brain performance and stress management. Her pre-testing protocols include physical tests recording endurance levels, blood content and heart health, and psychological analysis.

Recruited constantly by Fortune 500 companies for her expertise in team building, Dr. Swart’s services include individual training for executives, and one-day seminars for global corporate executives.

Her completed study of twenty-one journalists for The London Press Club took seven months, with over ninety applicants from print, broadcast and online publications initially recruited.

Only forty working journalists were chosen for the study, and only about half of those (twenty-one) were able to complete the research. Among the more than fifty journalists eliminated from the study included those who used anti-depressant medications.

In its own press comments on the study, The London Press Club emphasized both positive and negative findings.

Journalists, said the press club, are sustained by strong beliefs in their work, and as a result, are willing to work for lower wages than they might make in other professions.

The press club added that pressures of journalism don’t affect reporters’ "ability to endure and bounce back" from adversity.

Press Club officials found it "surprising" that "journalists’ brains" showed a "lower level of function" than non-journalists. The press statement laments that alcohol and brain power problems are holding journalists back, but those officials did not address how those failings might influence reporters’ accuracy or honesty.

Trust in news media has been in a nosedive for decades. Pew Research and Gallup polling show growing public complaints of bias and inaccurate news reporting across the political spectrum, with a majority of news consumers distrusting news people.

That distrust is at an all time high and shows no signs of turning around. Even more telling, a just released Fox News poll found 65 percent of the news-consuming public believe reporters invent stories, invent quotes, and mischaracterize unfolding events in a growing avalanche of "fake news."

One statistical comparison shows a dubious ranking for modern journalists in the U.S. The public trusts contemporary journalists more than they trust members of Congress, but still rank media workers far below other professionals, such as medical nurses. (End CP)
For 10 years now, we've heard nothing but lies about President Obama from the right. Thirty years of lies about the Clinton's.

The lies will never stop, especially now that the right needs all the garbage they can get to hide behind. But not one crazy accusation has been proven.

OTOH, we knew, for FACT, that the entire trump klan is corrupt, crooked long before the election.


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