Blacks, Mexicans, Gays and the Left hate American pride...this has little to do with the anthem.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
Don't be unnecessarily slanderous. The NFL-ers are making what they consider a legitimate political statement. They are entitled to make that statement, and you are entitled to agree or disagree.

The issue is that the TEAM OWNERS and the NFL own the forum in which they are making those statements, and they have NO RIGHT to co-opt the forum for their own political expression, which may run contrary to that of the team and/or the spectators. If they want to make that statement, they should do it on their own time and in an appropriate venue.
This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!

Don't be unnecessarily slanderous. The NFL-ers are making what they consider a legitimate political statement. They are entitled to make that statement, and you are entitled to agree or disagree.

The issue is that the TEAM OWNERS and the NFL own the forum in which they are making those statements, and they have NO RIGHT to co-opt the forum for their own political expression, which may run contrary to that of the team and/or the spectators. If they want to make that statement, they should do it on their own time and in an appropriate venue.
Then Let them take it off the field. And for those like Tiggered, what about that? I used to be above it all for I've worked with people of color all my life and had respect for all of them. There's those who have integrity and those that don't. We can tell the difference quite easily.
This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
I find it interesting that you would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?
Don't be unnecessarily slanderous. The NFL-ers are making what they consider a legitimate political statement. They are entitled to make that statement, and you are entitled to agree or disagree.

The issue is that the TEAM OWNERS and the NFL own the forum in which they are making those statements, and they have NO RIGHT to co-opt the forum for their own political expression, which may run contrary to that of the team and/or the spectators. If they want to make that statement, they should do it on their own time and in an appropriate venue.
Then Let them take it off the field. And for those like Tiggered, what about that? I used to be above it all for I've worked with people of color all my life and had respect for all of them. There's those who have integrity and those that don't. We can tell the difference quite easily.

The Left has begged for a fight with quality American's for years now....we ignored their taunts, put our heads down, raised our families and went to work so we could keep their EBT cards loaded. Meanwhile they had nothing better to do but protest every chance they got and the squeaky wheel got greased. Their quest to divide and conquer almost worked.
Legitimate, quality American's are finally pissed off and fighting back...the anything goes free for all is over and the Left are shitting themselves over it. Sorry's game're done!
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This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
I find it interesting that you would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?
I also find it interesting that you feel that a black football player taking a knee is un-American but have no problem, with a president that says it's ok to grope woman and gets into a fight with the parents of a soldier who died for America, because they disagree with him.
I find it interesting that you would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?
The irony is that you refuse to defend the flag you're supposed to rise to the defense of, but bitch about another flag that you shouldn't give a shit about.
This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
I find it interesting that you would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?

Do you find it interesting or perplexing? Don't get caught trivializing simple shit...We know how LefTards love semantics.
156 years ago this nation and this world were very different...We The People believed they had rights worth fighting for even if that meant fighting their own government. It's a pretty cool should read about sometime.
This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
I find it interesting that you would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?
I also find it interesting that you feel that a black football player taking a knee is un-American but have no problem, with a president that says it's ok to grope woman and gets into a fight with the parents of a soldier who died for America, because they disagree with him.

Haha...there you go desperately reaching again. Trivial's how you whacks stay confused on the simplest of issues.
Is it not okay to grope WILLING women?
Those "parents" the Khans were paid to play by the corrupt DNC, yep the same DNC that rigged your primaries....Trump called them out on their bullshit. THE END.
This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
I find it interesting that you would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?

Do you find it interesting or perplexing? Don't get caught trivializing simple shit...We know how LefTards love semantics.
156 years ago this nation and this world were very different...We The People believed they had rights worth fighting for even if that meant fighting their own government. It's a pretty cool should read about sometime.
It's actually at the heart of your OP. Armed rebellion is a way more serious form of protest then taking a knee during the national anthem. Yet you have a problem with the one, while openly and proudly identifying with the other. If you feel that Robert E Lee and the Confederacy are worthy of your support more than 150 year after the rebellion was put down, that is your right. But then you lose the right to condemn someone else for protesting in a very trivial way.
This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
I find it interesting that you would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?
I also find it interesting that you feel that a black football player taking a knee is un-American but have no problem, with a president that says it's ok to grope woman and gets into a fight with the parents of a soldier who died for America, because they disagree with him.

Haha...there you go desperately reaching again. Trivial's how you whacks stay confused on the simplest of issues.
Is it not okay to grope WILLING women?
Those "parents" the Khans were paid to play by the corrupt DNC, yep the same DNC that rigged your primaries....Trump called them out on their bullshit. THE END.
First of the quote from Trump was pretty specific, it contained the sentence "I don't even wait" so that's simply not right. Secondly you claiming that the Khans got paid changes nothing of the fact, that Trump feels a personal attack means that a family who literally sacrificed one of their sons is fair game That's not disrespectful?.
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This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
This is so tone deaf, yet predictably consistent, it's sad.

Blacks know that cops kill Blacks because they're defiant and resistant? In other words, if Blacks knew their place there would be no need for cops to shoot them.

The Left the "un-Americans and "barely Americans"? I suppose you are the sole arbiter on what qualifies your fellow citizens to be regarded by you as sufficiently American to be paid respect as citizens and worthy of enjoying all the rights and privibeing and American citizen engenders.

How great was this country and during what era? Was it great for all Americans during the Jim Crow era? Was it great for all Americans during the meatgrinder that was Vietnam? Was it great for all Americans during the Red Scare of the late 1940s and 50s? Was it great for all Americans during the 'Guilded Age' of the early 20th century? When in our history has there never been some form of exploitation and repression?

Statues that have stood "for hundreds of years"? Your knowledge of basic American history suggests that you are too ignorant, and therefore gullible to be taken seriously.

But you have followed a tried and true tactic used by those who demand conformity, obedience and blind loyalty for a century or more. First you must make your political opposition not only wrong (which is normal) but frightening and essentially evil. This is an oxymoronic tactic coming from folks who ostensively claim to be patriotic Americans. Conformity, obedience and blind loyalty are the base alloy of unAmerican philosophy and values. If you want conformity, obedience and blind,loyalty, try some Authoritarian form of statecraft.
This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
I find it interesting that you would rise to the defence of a flag, while choosing another flag and a general that rose in open rebellion against that flag as your identifying avatar. When you site history, culture and bravery, what history are you referring too?
I also find it interesting that you feel that a black football player taking a knee is un-American but have no problem, with a president that says it's ok to grope woman and gets into a fight with the parents of a soldier who died for America, because they disagree with him.

Haha...there you go desperately reaching again. Trivial's how you whacks stay confused on the simplest of issues.
Is it not okay to grope WILLING women?
Those "parents" the Khans were paid to play by the corrupt DNC, yep the same DNC that rigged your primaries....Trump called them out on their bullshit. THE END.

If the woman is willing, it's not considered groping. Groping applies when it's against the person's will or feeling around blindly and with uncertainty.

The Khan's used their son's death for the sake of politics then get mad when they got played by politics. The left has no problem playing politics yet whines when the competition plays it better than them.
This whole thing has nothing to do with oppression, inequalities or cops killing blacks...even blacks know that cops kill blacks because they're defiant and resistant.
This has everything to do with the times we're in...the Left, the un-American's and barely Americans among us want to pretend that "old America" (great America) never existed. They would love for REAL Americans to forget how great this country was before it was infested with human filth.
Our flag represents many things such as history, heritage, culture, bravery, etc....When quality Americans wave the flag or pay tribute to it the filth see it as disrespectful to them and their desire for a new America.
This is so simple to see and understand. Like the statues that have stood for hundreds of years...they didn't suddenly offend them, the timing just happened to be right....they simply want rid of anything depicting old America and American heritage. It won't be long before they demand our flag never be used and or a new flag representing a "new America" be disigned....BANK ON IT!
This is so tone deaf, yet predictably consistent, it's sad.

Blacks know that cops kill Blacks because they're defiant and resistant? In other words, if Blacks knew their place there would be no need for cops to shoot them.

The Left the "un-Americans and "barely Americans"? I suppose you are the sole arbiter on what qualifies your fellow citizens to be regarded by you as sufficiently American to be paid respect as citizens and worthy of enjoying all the rights and privibeing and American citizen engenders.

How great was this country and during what era? Was it great for all Americans during the Jim Crow era? Was it great for all Americans during the meatgrinder that was Vietnam? Was it great for all Americans during the Red Scare of the late 1940s and 50s? Was it great for all Americans during the 'Guilded Age' of the early 20th century? When in our history has there never been some form of exploitation and repression?

Statues that have stood "for hundreds of years"? Your knowledge of basic American history suggests that you are too ignorant, and therefore gullible to be taken seriously.

But you have followed a tried and true tactic used by those who demand conformity, obedience and blind loyalty for a century or more. First you must make your political opposition not only wrong (which is normal) but frightening and essentially evil. This is an oxymoronic tactic coming from folks who ostensively claim to be patriotic Americans. Conformity, obedience and blind loyalty are the base alloy of unAmerican philosophy and values. If you want conformity, obedience and blind,loyalty, try some Authoritarian form of statecraft.

It's not about knowing a place. It's about knowing how to act. That shouldn't be related to race but sadly many blacks haven't learned that yet.
Democrats have ruled and failed minority communities for 60 years, yet the spin is somehow its the fault of racist Republicans.

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