Black Revolutionary Group Puts Bounty Out on Officer Darren Wilson’s Head #Ferguson

Violence is always their first option, isn't it?
Not always.

If not, what?... They send in the clowns, Holder, Sharpton and Jackson to STIR the BLACK POT?
If not what what? I simply said sometimes violence is not always the first option.
When you have hundreds of 'Special Needs' negroes rampaging and looting and burning NO amount of rational discourse helps. It never has in the past so why now?
Overwhelming force is the only thing these types can understand.
All it will take is for some of these Tree Dwellers' to start shooting at the police and random Whites and all hell will break loose.
By the time it's over you'll be able to smell rotting negroes from the US in Paris France.

Cool race war fantasy, bro. :clap2:
Violence is always their first option, isn't it?
Not always.

If not, what?... They send in the clowns, Holder, Sharpton and Jackson to STIR the BLACK POT?
If not what what? I simply said sometimes violence is not always the first option.
When you have hundreds of 'Special Needs' negroes rampaging and looting and burning NO amount of rational discourse helps. It never has in the past so why now?
Overwhelming force is the only thing these types can understand.
All it will take is for some of these Tree Dwellers' to start shooting at the police and random Whites and all hell will break loose.
By the time it's over you'll be able to smell rotting negroes from the US in Paris France.

Cool race war fantasy, bro. :clap2:

No aware white people in ferguson (or anywhere else) will let this happen to them, I'd wager...millions of white people are fed up.
Let them riot...if they venture into white neighborhoods...well..who knows...I guess we'll see pretty soon.

Anyone who is being threatened or harmed by anyone else has the right to defend him- or herself.

But let's face it, some of these projections of self-defense against rioters are turning into fantasies of a n*****-hunt.

Violence is always their first option, isn't it?
Not always.

If not, what?... They send in the clowns, Holder, Sharpton and Jackson to STIR the BLACK POT?
If not what what? I simply said sometimes violence is not always the first option.
When you have hundreds of 'Special Needs' negroes rampaging and looting and burning NO amount of rational discourse helps. It never has in the past so why now?
Overwhelming force is the only thing these types can understand.
All it will take is for some of these Tree Dwellers' to start shooting at the police and random Whites and all hell will break loose.
By the time it's over you'll be able to smell rotting negroes from the US in Paris France.

Cool race war fantasy, bro. :clap2:
I much prefer to mind my own business and ask others to do the same.
I do not destroy innocent people's businesses. I do not randomly attack and commit felony assault then explain it by stating I was simply "bored".
I've never gone looking for any trouble from anyone.
But if any Tree Dwellers come on my property with the intent to harm me and my family and steal and attempt to burn down my property I will kill them............and anyone with them.
I trust that is simple enough for the Tree Dwellers to comprehend. If not "come and get some mother fuckers".
That is what a White female twenty something sitting in her backyard called out to a 'crew' of Tree Dwellers who had repeatedly driven past her backyard in their brand new cream coloured Escalade yelling vulgar comments at her.
The Tree Dwellers were not aware that she had two fully loaded .45 ACP's under her chair.
Not always.

If not, what?... They send in the clowns, Holder, Sharpton and Jackson to STIR the BLACK POT?
If not what what? I simply said sometimes violence is not always the first option.
When you have hundreds of 'Special Needs' negroes rampaging and looting and burning NO amount of rational discourse helps. It never has in the past so why now?
Overwhelming force is the only thing these types can understand.
All it will take is for some of these Tree Dwellers' to start shooting at the police and random Whites and all hell will break loose.
By the time it's over you'll be able to smell rotting negroes from the US in Paris France.

Cool race war fantasy, bro. :clap2:
I much prefer to mind my own business and ask others to do the same.
I do not destroy innocent people's businesses. I do not randomly attack and commit felony assault then explain it by stating I was simply "bored".
I've never gone looking for any trouble from anyone.
But if any Tree Dwellers come on my property with the intent to harm me and my family and steal and attempt to burn down my property I will kill them............and anyone with them.
I trust that is simple enough for the Tree Dwellers to comprehend. If not "come and get some mother fuckers".
That is what a White female twenty something sitting in her backyard called out to a 'crew' of Tree Dwellers who had repeatedly driven past her backyard in their brand new cream coloured Escalade yelling vulgar comments at her.
The Tree Dwellers were not aware that she had two fully loaded .45 ACP's under her chair.

Hey, own your words.

You WANT dead bodies (of black people) to be smelled from Paris.

BTW, I don't understand what the color and newness of the Escalade have to do with anything. But ok........
Good stuff. Hopefully they pop him and Z when they are together. I'll help organize a parade for whoever gets either of them..

Another unsuccessful venture into the real world. Time to go back to your sheltered workshop (aka Race Baiting forum).
Message boards arent real world dummy.

Nike is Swoosh not Whoosh.

Missed the point, Jesse?
Good stuff. Hopefully they pop him and Z when they are together. I'll help organize a parade for whoever gets either of them..

Another unsuccessful venture into the real world. Time to go back to your sheltered workshop (aka Race Baiting forum).
Message boards arent real world dummy.

Nike is Swoosh not Whoosh.

Missed the point, Jesse?
Obviously you did. Message boards are not real world dummy.
Another unsuccessful venture into the real world. Time to go back to your sheltered workshop (aka Race Baiting forum).
Message boards arent real world dummy.

Nike is Swoosh not Whoosh.

Missed the point, Jesse?
Obviously you did. Message boards are not real world dummy.

Well, that's certainly true for your messages.
Be consoled innocent whites; at least 20,000 of these racist animals shoot their brethren racist animals every year. That's more than 385 just last week...and every week. If there's one social program this new Republican senate needs to work on hard, it's giving gang-bangers free ammunition...all they want.

Violence is always their first option, isn't it?

It's all they seem to know next to making babies.
I called you out. Like my cowards you folded and your bluff was called. Dont make the mistake of ever testing me again. It will never end well boy.

So you have no balls... black men are known for that!
PM me your number. BTW Thats not what white women say.

I know your chickenshit, you keep declaring that my bluff was called, yet you're the one that's afraid of giving me your address! Face it wog, you're shit, and we all know it!

Only old British queers say wog.
Why are you so preoccupied with queers? Are you trying to send us a message about your sexual orientation?
I didn't ask for strangers address and phone number, I can only assume he has some reason for asking.[/QUOTE]
And of course, homosexuality is your first thought.[/QUOTE]

lock the back door:)
He wont give me his number and neither would you. We know who is really chicken shit. You know you cave monkeys are full of fear. :lol:

Well wog, you seem to forget who asked for the address first, and who tried his mightiest to derail that action... your shit, and a knuckle dragger besides! You just don't have what it takes.Boy!

Holy shit you've got big problems, it must be quite a burden being a gay racist.

According to your actions and trying to make it look like I'm gay, instead of you, we see what you are! Just another liberal bigot, that opened his mouth and put his foot in it!

You're still not getting my address. There are other web sites for people like you.

Why did you threaten me like Asslapse did? Or just running your chickenshit mouth again, trying to be backup to an :ahole-1:

Don't be afraid to be honest about your true orientation, you're among friends here, and your friends just want to help you get through this important transition in your life. You'll feel a lot better not having to keep a secret like that from everyone, you can finally be free to be you. It could be a lengthy process so you're going to need all the support you can let's start from the beginning. Tell me, when did you first realize that you wanted to fuck boys?[/QUOTE]
Isn't there a children's forum for you somewhere?[/QUOTE]
Somebody doesn't know wtf they're doing when they edit these posts!
Oh stop feeding the little queer, you guys. If you ever bitch slapped assleper he'd have you up on fag-bashing charges in New York minute.
But it's fun to watch him jump up and down and shake his cage.

Perhaps I could meet you in his home town, he seems like the kind of guy who would buy us a drink!

Didn't know you favored King Cobra!

I had NO IDEA what this shit was!..... apparently sold next to the muscatel!

Oh stop feeding the little queer, you guys. If you ever bitch slapped assleper he'd have you up on fag-bashing charges in New York minute.
But it's fun to watch him jump up and down and shake his cage.

Perhaps I could meet you in his home town, he seems like the kind of guy who would buy us a drink!

Didn't know you favored King Cobra!

I had NO IDEA what this shit was!..... apparently sold next to the muscatel!


It looks like the kind of thing you drink under an Interstate overpsass...or in Ferguson.
Oh stop feeding the little queer, you guys. If you ever bitch slapped assleper he'd have you up on fag-bashing charges in New York minute.
But it's fun to watch him jump up and down and shake his cage.

Perhaps I could meet you in his home town, he seems like the kind of guy who would buy us a drink!

Didn't know you favored King Cobra!

I had NO IDEA what this shit was!..... apparently sold next to the muscatel!


It looks like the kind of thing you drink under an Interstate overpsass...or in Ferguson.

Or wrapped in a paper bag in Boston...
Oh stop feeding the little queer, you guys. If you ever bitch slapped assleper he'd have you up on fag-bashing charges in New York minute.
But it's fun to watch him jump up and down and shake his cage.

Perhaps I could meet you in his home town, he seems like the kind of guy who would buy us a drink!

Didn't know you favored King Cobra!

I had NO IDEA what this shit was!..... apparently sold next to the muscatel!


It looks like the kind of thing you drink under an Interstate overpsass...or in Ferguson.
It's the official Ferguson City drink.

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