Pope calls Climate deniers stupid

So, why is he still using them if he thinks "global warming" is such a big problem?
Probably because it would cost more to provide him secure travel on a commercial aircraft and what is it you suggest he do with the Vatican. It's a bit more than a simple luxury residence. Finally, what does that have to do with the validity of his comments? This is just another in a long, long line of denier ad hominems with no logical or technical validity whatsoever.

Do you accept the greenhouse effect?
Do you accept AGW?
Do you believe global warming is a threat that will harm our society?

Argue those points instead of this vapid, irrelevant, personal bullshit: the Pope lives in the Vatican and has a jet. Obama has a house near the beach. Big fucking deal.
Probably because it would cost more to provide him secure travel on a commercial aircraft and what is it you suggest he do with the Vatican. It's a bit more than a simple luxury residence. Finally, what does that have to do with the validity of his comments? This is just another in a long, long line of denier ad hominems with no logical or technical validity whatsoever.

Do you accept the greenhouse effect?
Do you accept AGW?
Do you believe global warming is a threat that will harm our society?

Argue those points instead of this vapid, irrelevant, personal bullshit: the Pope lives in the Vatican and has a jet. Obama has a house near the beach. Big fucking deal.

It is a big deal. The people asking me to make sacrifices aren't making any of their own. You're dumb enough to fall for that. I'm not.

In a related question, what are you personally doing to fight global warming?
It is a big deal. The people asking me to make sacrifices aren't making any of their own.
They aren't driving EVs? They aren't using electricity produced by solar, wind and other non-emitting technologies? They aren't supporting such measures from our democracies? Of course they are. If they're not suffering as much as YOU are (you poor whining trog) it's because they're fucking rich and you're not. But that's ALWAYS been the case, hasn't it.
You're dumb enough to fall for that. I'm not.
You sound like a communist.
In a related question, what are you personally doing to fight global warming?
Why? Do you think it affects the validity of my statements? Besides, do you actually think I would vote for someone who denied AGW or suggested we do nothing about it? Do you think I drive some coal-rolling F-350 to the grocery store? Do you think I light my house with oil-soaked torches?
I follow scientists.

translation BAWK

Cute And Sweet Parrot Pictures - 25dip

translation BAWK

Cute And Sweet Parrot Pictures - 25dip

So all the science you know you just figured out on your own? Dalton's Law? Boyle's Law? Charles' Law? Newton's laws? The four laws of thermodynamics? Avogadro's law? Conservation of mass? Conservation of energy? General and Special Relativity? The Lorentz Transforms? Ohm's Law? Archimedes' Principle? The Doppler Effect? Kirchoff's Law? The Greenhouse Effect?

I know after you're frequent critiques of my parroting that YOU would NEVER parrot anything like that. You figured out all that and more BY YOURSELF because you are JUST such a MAD GENIUS!!! Right?

So all the science you know you just figured out on your own? Dalton's Law? Boyle's Law? Charles' Law? Newton's laws? The four laws of thermodynamics? Avogadro's law? Conservation of mass? Conservation of energy? General and Special Relativity? The Lorentz Transforms? Ohm's Law? Archimedes' Principle? The Doppler Effect? Kirchoff's Law? The Greenhouse Effect?

I know after you're frequent critiques of my parroting that YOU would NEVER parrot anything like that. You figured out all that and more BY YOURSELF because you are JUST such a MAD GENIUS!!! Right?


My questions are mine, and you and your entire Co2 FRAUD cannot answer them....

and you and your Co2 FRAUD are 100% BUSTED by SURFACE AIR PRESSURE....
My questions are mine, and you and your entire Co2 FRAUD cannot answer them....

and you and your Co2 FRAUD are 100% BUSTED by SURFACE AIR PRESSURE....
You are out of your mind AND stupid as a fucking rock.
That's local weather, not worldwide climate.
As the world gets warmer, there will be more high temperature extremes and fewer low temperature extremes. 125F in May is just an example. 100 year highs are now occurring monthly in many locations. The occurrence of record lows is nearing zero.


Pay attention to the vertical scale in this graph. It is not a count, it is a ratio. In 1960, for instance, there were almost 2 times as many record lows as record highs. In 2012, there were more than 7 times as many record highs as record lows. Versteht?
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And you cannot answer the most basic climate questions.... but you can haul out insults at the questions....
Those insults form themselves in the mind of anyone with a modicum of competent education attempting to discuss anything with you.
Those insults form themselves in the mind of anyone with a modicum of competent education attempting to discuss anything with you.

So why can't you answer basic questions like

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?

Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?

If what you are claiming is true

ice melting

then Surface Air Pressure would be going UP, but it is actually going DOWN as with the credibility of you and the rest of the $20 trillion Co2 FRAUD...

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