birth control, a lie?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2010
South carolina
Another poster on this forum says, a woman taking responsibility and paying for her own birth control. Is a lie. Is it just me, or is he an idiot for saying that?
Another poster on this forum says, a woman taking responsibility and paying for her own birth control. Is a lie. Is it just me, or is he an idiot for saying that?

Not sure what you are saying. But if I understand, A woman who pays for her own birth control IS being responsible. I agree.
Another poster on this forum says, a woman taking responsibility and paying for her own birth control. Is a lie. Is it just me, or is he an idiot for saying that?


Type much?

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?
Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

If your a single women then yes she pays,married then they family pays together whats this some many all men shit??

Its kinda a hoot,this type of person crys a river over not controlling her body,but still thinks someone else should pay for her birth other words they want it both ways
Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

If your a single women then yes she pays,married then they family pays together whats this some many all men shit??

Its kinda a hoot,this type of person crys a river over not controlling her body,but still thinks someone else should pay for her birth other words they want it both ways

So, an unmarried man is not responsible for his actions but a married man is? And, if there is a pregnancy? Are you really saying he is not equally responsible?

Since you carefully let off part of my post, allow me to correct you:

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?
Another poster on this forum says, a woman taking responsibility and paying for her own birth control. Is a lie. Is it just me, or is he an idiot for saying that?


Type much?

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?

Yeah, women are stuck with the consequences? Is that why I raised my son on my own, with no child support? A woman that doesn't want to get pregnant should pay for her own birth control. If she is in a relationship both should pay for it. Why should I have to pay for it?
Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

If your a single women then yes she pays,married then they family pays together whats this some many all men shit??

Its kinda a hoot,this type of person crys a river over not controlling her body,but still thinks someone else should pay for her birth other words they want it both ways

So, an unmarried man is not responsible for his actions but a married man is? And, if there is a pregnancy? Are you really saying he is not equally responsible?

Since you carefully let off part of my post, allow me to correct you:

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?

A single man should have rubbers that he pays for.
Another poster on this forum says, a woman taking responsibility and paying for her own birth control. Is a lie. Is it just me, or is he an idiot for saying that?


Type much?

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?

Yeah, women are stuck with the consequences? Is that why I raised my son on my own, with no child support? A woman that doesn't want to get pregnant should pay for her own birth control. If she is in a relationship both should pay for it. Why should I have to pay for it?

A single man should have rubbers that he pays for.

Which is it?

Is she responsible alone?

Or does he share responsibility?

And who is, or should be, responsible for a pregnancy?

And, its still a lie that women have asked for anyone to pay for their birth control.

I'm really not willing to go round and round with a subject that has been done to death. My opinion is clearly stated above: both male and female should be equally responsible for birth control. Birth control is not just or only a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Needless to say, this is a separate issue from the use of birth control PILLS for medical reasons.

Type much?

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?

Yeah, women are stuck with the consequences? Is that why I raised my son on my own, with no child support? A woman that doesn't want to get pregnant should pay for her own birth control. If she is in a relationship both should pay for it. Why should I have to pay for it?

A single man should have rubbers that he pays for.

Which is it?

Is she responsible alone?

Or does he share responsibility?

And who is, or should be, responsible for a pregnancy?

And, its still a lie that women have asked for anyone to pay for their birth control.

I'm really not willing to go round and round with a subject that has been done to death. My opinion is clearly stated above: both male and female should be equally responsible for birth control. Birth control is not just or only a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Needless to say, this is a separate issue from the use of birth control PILLS for medical reasons.

Okay Luddly, I can go along with that. The man and woman share the responsibility for birth control. It's a human issue. I agree.

So, it follows that abortion should be a shared responsibility. If either of the parents want the child, the decision should be to save the child from abortion and that parent wanting the child take the baby without child support from the reluctant parent. Would you not agree?

It is a shared responsibility that a human life cannot be snuffed out if one parent wants it to live. By the same token, that parent cannot bind the other to make payments for allowing the child to live against their wishes. It's a human issue.
Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

If your a single women then yes she pays,married then they family pays together whats this some many all men shit??

Its kinda a hoot,this type of person crys a river over not controlling her body,but still thinks someone else should pay for her birth other words they want it both ways

So, an unmarried man is not responsible for his actions but a married man is? And, if there is a pregnancy? Are you really saying he is not equally responsible?

Since you carefully let off part of my post, allow me to correct you:

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?

You have a hard time reading?? At no time did I say that its just the women responsibility,unless she is a single person then yes its hers responsibility to prevent herself from becoming pregnant HER no one else. Her body to control right? her choice if she gets pregers to abort right hers and only hers,yet you still want someone else to pay.

Take responsibility fro one self,its not a hard concepts ,except for the lazy and stupid.
Another poster on this forum says, a woman taking responsibility and paying for her own birth control. Is a lie. Is it just me, or is he an idiot for saying that?

Women need to be more responsible. Abortion is not birth control so making sure you take that pill everyday is important. Men just need to step up in this area. It's not OK to sleep with as many "bitches" as you can because your a "playa". That's bullshit. If you can't support a child for 18 years then either keep your pants zipped or double up on condoms. IMHO you play then if theres a child you pay.
Another poster on this forum says, a woman taking responsibility and paying for her own birth control. Is a lie. Is it just me, or is he an idiot for saying that?


Type much?

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?
Feminists and their liberal supporters have made pregnancy, birth control and abortion a women's ONLY issue....Of course when it is not to their political advantage, the narrative changes to "it's everyone's problem"....
Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

If your a single women then yes she pays,married then they family pays together whats this some many all men shit??

Its kinda a hoot,this type of person crys a river over not controlling her body,but still thinks someone else should pay for her birth other words they want it both ways

So, an unmarried man is not responsible for his actions but a married man is? And, if there is a pregnancy? Are you really saying he is not equally responsible?

Since you carefully let off part of my post, allow me to correct you:

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?

Are you capable of missing a point by a wider margin?

Type much?

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?

Yeah, women are stuck with the consequences? Is that why I raised my son on my own, with no child support? A woman that doesn't want to get pregnant should pay for her own birth control. If she is in a relationship both should pay for it. Why should I have to pay for it?

A single man should have rubbers that he pays for.

Which is it?

Is she responsible alone?

Or does he share responsibility?

And who is, or should be, responsible for a pregnancy?

And, its still a lie that women have asked for anyone to pay for their birth control.

I'm really not willing to go round and round with a subject that has been done to death. My opinion is clearly stated above: both male and female should be equally responsible for birth control. Birth control is not just or only a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Needless to say, this is a separate issue from the use of birth control PILLS for medical reasons.

If a sexually active woman is single or not monogamous she should then realize her propensity to have sex in the absence of a committed relationship, it is HER responsibility to care for her own birth control needs.
If she is monogamous or in a committed relationship, then both partners make the decision as to financial responsibility.
In the case of men, same conditions apply.
This entire debate is based on the feminist position that men and women are the same.
However, we all know this not to be true.
jackson, chickenwing, Marianne, thereisnospoon - all trying to make this about something different from the op.

I've stated my opinion very clearly - birth control is a human issue and, in a perfect world, both sexes do and should share all aspects and consequences of reproduction and or preventing reproduction.

Bottom line however is that its really the woman who bears and, in most cases, raises the child and men have willingly vacated their part in the abortion decision.
d and men have willingly vacated their part in the abortion decision.

No man have been shut out by people like yourself. You have many times stated that its the women that makes the call,but then still want it the other way when its convenient,this its a human issue,which is blatantly clear,is just a deflection.
Another poster on this forum says, a woman taking responsibility and paying for her own birth control. Is a lie. Is it just me, or is he an idiot for saying that?


Type much?

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?

Yeah, women are stuck with the consequences? Is that why I raised my son on my own, with no child support? A woman that doesn't want to get pregnant should pay for her own birth control. If she is in a relationship both should pay for it. Why should I have to pay for it?
It is how insurance works, if you are speaking about insurance? A woman is paying for a portion if not all, of her own health care through premiums. All she is asking for, is that medication that is important to her, and her well being, is covered by the insurance company....just like if your son got a gazillion sore throats or ear aches or the flu or a stomach virus or broke his arm playing football and needed medicines or a doctor visit....or you had a lifestyle that caused you to have a heart attack and the huge hospital bills for that and you needed to take heart medication the rest of your life....

you'd expect the insurance company to cover those prescription and other needs...and it is everyone else out there, on the same insurance as you, that is paying for your medical needs, even though, the majority on the insurance plan you are on, will never, ever need to have heart surgery and will never need the heart medication...

It's a pool of people paying for the care of someone else, especially if you are healthy and not accident prone.

these younger women, who are in child bearing years and feel they need birth control so they can manage their life, are some of the healthiest people out there..paying their premiums every darn month, helping all the other sick guys and gals out, while given nothing that they need and feel is important in return.

This isn't a face lift or boob job, this is simply a prescription that they feel they need in order to have a productive, healthy, life I might add....I say that, because the MAJORITY OF WOMEN on Birth control Pills, ARE MARRIED and have children already, they are just trying to plan when they have the next child...and most women are on birth control of some sort, for 20 plus years of their life, on average.

It saves insurance companies money to have birth control covered vs these same women getting pregnant and having to cover these women's pregnancy on the insurance plan. If it saves the Insurance company money, then GUESS WHAT Jk? It saves the other policy holders money....that means YOU...and it means YOU are not really paying extra for these birth control pills, you truly are paying less, because of this coverage...

So why fight it? Makes no sense as far as financial sense, which is what you are talking about.
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Type much?

The lie is that women have asked for or want others to pay for their birth control.

Some/many/all men, otoh, expect women to pay for theirs. And some/many/all men expect women to deal with the consequences of unprotected sex.

Point being, birth control is not a woman's issue. Its a human issue.

Because, for those who don't already know it, it takes two to make a pregnancy.

Get it?

Yeah, women are stuck with the consequences? Is that why I raised my son on my own, with no child support? A woman that doesn't want to get pregnant should pay for her own birth control. If she is in a relationship both should pay for it. Why should I have to pay for it?
It is how insurance works, if you are speaking about insurance? A woman is paying for a portion if not all, of her own health care through premiums. All she is asking for, is that medication that is important to her, and her well being, is covered by the insurance company....just like if your son got a gazillion sore throats or ear aches or the flu or a stomach virus or broke his arm playing football and needed medicines or a doctor visit....or you had a lifestyle that caused you to have a heart attack and the huge hospital bills for that and you needed to take heart medication the rest of your life....

you'd expect the insurance company to cover those prescription and other needs...and it is everyone else out there, on the same insurance as you, that is paying for your medical needs, even though, the majority on the insurance plan you are on, will never, ever need to have heart surgery and will never need the heart medication...

It's a pool of people paying for the care of someone else, especially if you are healthy and not accident prone.

these younger women, who are in child bearing years and feel they need birth control so they can manage their life, are some of the healthiest people out there..paying their premiums every darn month, helping all the other sick guys and gals out, while given nothing that they need and feel is important in return.

This isn't a face lift or boob job, this is simply a prescription that they feel they need in order to have a productive, healthy, life I might add....I say that, because the MAJORITY OF WOMEN on Birth control Pills, ARE MARRIED and have children already, they are just trying to plan when they have the next child...and most women are on birth control of some sort, for 20 plus years of their life, on average.

It saves insurance companies money to have birth control covered vs these same women getting pregnant and having to cover these women's pregnancy on the insurance plan. If it saves the Insurance company money, then GUESS WHAT Jk? It saves the other policy holders money....that means YOU...and it means YOU are not really paying extra for these birth control pills, you truly are paying less, because of this coverage...

So why fight it? Makes no sense as far as financial sense, which is what you are talking about.

The insurance company/employer is not "giving" anything to women.

Its part of their pay package.

SCOTUS gave employers permission to cut women's pay without giving them commensurate cash.
d and men have willingly vacated their part in the abortion decision.

No man have been shut out by people like yourself. You have many times stated that its the women that makes the call,but then still want it the other way when its convenient,this its a human issue,which is blatantly clear,is just a deflection.


It is not a women's issue.

It IS a human issue.

As long as men refuse to support their offspring, they are opting out of that choice. From the SCOTUS right on down, men are indeed refusing to support their offspring. Until that changes, men have no rights in the decision.
d and men have willingly vacated their part in the abortion decision.

No man have been shut out by people like yourself. You have many times stated that its the women that makes the call,but then still want it the other way when its convenient,this its a human issue,which is blatantly clear,is just a deflection.


It is not a women's issue.

It IS a human issue.

As long as men refuse to support their offspring, they are opting out of that choice. From the SCOTUS right on down, men are indeed refusing to support their offspring. Until that changes, men have no rights in the decision.

Ok so a women is pregnant by said guy,he wants the child she doesn't,and gets an abortion,and I can guarantee you support that scenario.

You willingness to lump all men into a narrow group tells all that is needed.

Most companies that have health insurance for their people pay the lions share of the primuims,thus bare the cost of anything included in said [policies.

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