Bipartisan bill would reclassify marijuana as Schedule 3 substance

You would think there would be some sort of celebrating.

No celebrating until it passes and doesn't get vetoed by the now extremist social conservative that Trump has morphed into

Sessions has indicated he will go after pot people bigly....
Bill O 'Reilly FOX news the Saint among us hates pot and the evil people who use it.
Trump watches FOX religiously and follows their commands.
Sessions works for TRUMP.

I will wait wait and see...
did you know that we have a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge but no anti-hypocrisy laws on the books?

Only infidels, protestants, and renegades to a Bible, try to gainsay Genesis 1:29-31.
It's 4:20 right now!~ :420:

I don't smoke. :)

I'm all for lessening penalties for marijuana possession/use though.

People shouldn't get a year in jail and their vehicle taken because they have a bag of weed.

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