Democrat flagship state has highest unemployment rate in nation, small bus. Struggling

Whatever you say sweety.
It's what you said.

You think only red states have blue cities.

Why are WA and OR better in so many categories then say Alabama or Mississippi?

What blue cities in Alabama or Mississippi are bigger then Seattle or Portland?
It's what you said.

You think only red states have blue cities.

Why are WA and OR better in so many categories then say Alabama or Mississippi?

What blue cities in Alabama or Mississippi are bigger then Seattle or Portland?

Whatever lie you have to tell yourself.
Facts. You should accept them and change your vote accordingly.

States with the Best Public Schools​

WalletHub ranked each state's public schools for "Quality" and "Safety" using 33 relevant metrics. Metrics included high school graduation rate among low-income students, math and reading scores, median SAT and ACT scores, pupil-teach ratio, the share of armed students, the number of school shootings between 2000 and June 2020, bullying incidence rate, and more. Based on these metrics, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey have the best public schools in the United States.

One of the metrics used to determine the 'most educated' states was states with the 'best public schools', look at the things I bolded that are used to make that determination, and you have no clue how they even 'measured' those metrics.

Here's what they say about West Virginia:

West Virginia is the least educated U.S. state, with an overall score of 23.15. West Virginia ranks last for Educational Attainment with the lowest shares of people with associate’s degrees or some college experience and those with bachelor's degrees, at 20.6%. West Virginia also has the fourth-lowest average university quality.

What exactly is 'average university quality' and how is it determined? They don't tell you, and even if they did it would be based on 'feel good' things that they used to supposedly rank public schools. The whole 'study' is a woke joke. Nor do they use the actual metrics, they just use some score that each state was assigned based on their made up metrics. There could be a scintilla of difference between number 1 and number 50, but you'd have no idea since they don't discuss whatever 'algorithm' that they used to get the 'ranking'.

Education varies between states. Wallethub compared all 50 U.S. states using 20 different metrics across two dimensions: Educational Attainment and Quality of Education. These metrics included the share of adults over 25 years old with a high school diploma/some college/at least a Bachelor’s degree/etc., quality of public school systems, public high school graduation rate, enrolled students in top universities, public college graduation rate, and more. Each state was given a score of zero to 100, with 100 being the "most educated." Each state's weighted average across all metrics was then determined to rank the states. Below are the country's least educated states, according to Wallethub.

I didn't see where they shared all 20 metrics or how they measured them and used them in the final 'ranking' number that was assigned to each state. "Quality of Education" is a totally subjective metric that means different things to different people, 'enrolled students in top universities', what is a 'top university' and how is it derived?

Complete load of leftist woke bullshit.
Take out the failed blue hell holes in those red states and post those numbers .

Yes, eliminate 80% of the population of the state which lives in urban areas and the place is Heaven!!!!

Gerrymandered red states have made it impossible for representation by population.

The moment Democrats are elected run city councils, the Republican state government declares the city government “corrupt” and disinvests in policing, education, infrastructure, and recreational facilities for these inner cities.

Even when the city of Jackson, Mississippi raised money to build a new water treatment plant, the state swooped in, confiscated the funds the city raised and redirected them infrastructure for the white suburbs.

This is exactly the same process under which the city of flint Michigan how to water crisis. The state swooped in and took over the water situation in Flint, because the “corrupt black government” in Flint was deemed “incompetent” to handle it.

Republican state legislatures, have a long, sad history of declaring black lead communities as “corrupt”. And if you wanna current example of that, just look at Donald Trump’s reaction to the Puerto Rican government during the hurricane crisis.

Blue cities in red states are shit holes because the Republican state governments want them to fail.

States with the Best Public Schools​

WalletHub ranked each state's public schools for "Quality" and "Safety" using 33 relevant metrics. Metrics included high school graduation rate among low-income students, math and reading scores, median SAT and ACT scores, pupil-teach ratio, the share of armed students, the number of school shootings between 2000 and June 2020, bullying incidence rate, and more. Based on these metrics, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey have the best public schools in the United States.

One of the metrics used to determine the 'most educated' states was states with the 'best public schools', look at the things I bolded that are used to make that determination, and you have no clue how they even 'measured' those metrics.

Here's what they say about West Virginia:

West Virginia is the least educated U.S. state, with an overall score of 23.15. West Virginia ranks last for Educational Attainment with the lowest shares of people with associate’s degrees or some college experience and those with bachelor's degrees, at 20.6%. West Virginia also has the fourth-lowest average university quality.

What exactly is 'average university quality' and how is it determined? They don't tell you, and even if they did it would be based on 'feel good' things that they used to supposedly rank public schools. The whole 'study' is a woke joke. Nor do they use the actual metrics, they just use some score that each state was assigned based on their made up metrics. There could be a scintilla of difference between number 1 and number 50, but you'd have no idea since they don't discuss whatever 'algorithm' that they used to get the 'ranking'.

Education varies between states. Wallethub compared all 50 U.S. states using 20 different metrics across two dimensions: Educational Attainment and Quality of Education. These metrics included the share of adults over 25 years old with a high school diploma/some college/at least a Bachelor’s degree/etc., quality of public school systems, public high school graduation rate, enrolled students in top universities, public college graduation rate, and more. Each state was given a score of zero to 100, with 100 being the "most educated." Each state's weighted average across all metrics was then determined to rank the states. Below are the country's least educated states, according to Wallethub.

I didn't see where they shared all 20 metrics or how they measured them and used them in the final 'ranking' number that was assigned to each state. "Quality of Education" is a totally subjective metric that means different things to different people, 'enrolled students in top universities', what is a 'top university' and how is it derived?

Complete load of leftist woke bullshit.
The methodology is in the link.

I don't have the time or desire go over the nuances with it or quibble about your doubts to the facts presented.

Please, by all means, use a different source that changes the above rankings using whatever methodology you wish. I would love to see it.

States with the Best Public Schools​

WalletHub ranked each state's public schools for "Quality" and "Safety" using 33 relevant metrics. Metrics included high school graduation rate among low-income students, math and reading scores, median SAT and ACT scores, pupil-teach ratio, the share of armed students, the number of school shootings between 2000 and June 2020, bullying incidence rate, and more. Based on these metrics, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey have the best public schools in the United States.

One of the metrics used to determine the 'most educated' states was states with the 'best public schools', look at the things I bolded that are used to make that determination, and you have no clue how they even 'measured' those metrics.

Here's what they say about West Virginia:

West Virginia is the least educated U.S. state, with an overall score of 23.15. West Virginia ranks last for Educational Attainment with the lowest shares of people with associate’s degrees or some college experience and those with bachelor's degrees, at 20.6%. West Virginia also has the fourth-lowest average university quality.

What exactly is 'average university quality' and how is it determined? They don't tell you, and even if they did it would be based on 'feel good' things that they used to supposedly rank public schools. The whole 'study' is a woke joke. Nor do they use the actual metrics, they just use some score that each state was assigned based on their made up metrics. There could be a scintilla of difference between number 1 and number 50, but you'd have no idea since they don't discuss whatever 'algorithm' that they used to get the 'ranking'.

Education varies between states. Wallethub compared all 50 U.S. states using 20 different metrics across two dimensions: Educational Attainment and Quality of Education. These metrics included the share of adults over 25 years old with a high school diploma/some college/at least a Bachelor’s degree/etc., quality of public school systems, public high school graduation rate, enrolled students in top universities, public college graduation rate, and more. Each state was given a score of zero to 100, with 100 being the "most educated." Each state's weighted average across all metrics was then determined to rank the states. Below are the country's least educated states, according to Wallethub.

I didn't see where they shared all 20 metrics or how they measured them and used them in the final 'ranking' number that was assigned to each state. "Quality of Education" is a totally subjective metric that means different things to different people, 'enrolled students in top universities', what is a 'top university' and how is it derived?

Complete load of leftist woke bullshit.

The metrics for which states have the best education systems are relatively easy to determine:

1. Standardized testing: simply measure of the test scores from all 50 states on the grade 3 grade 7 and high school level tests and compare them by state. Red Southern states finish dead last.

2. Highschool graduation rates by state.

3. College admission rates by state

4. Number of adults in the state holding at least a bachelors degree.

This is how you measure education not by the bullshit lies you posted above
The methodology is in the link.

I don't have the time or desire go over the nuances with it or quibble about your doubts to the facts presented.

Please, by all means, use a different source that changes the above rankings using whatever methodology you wish. I would love to see it.

Yes, I read it and commented on it.

You don't have the time... :auiqs.jpg: It's your link dude.
The metrics for which states have the best education systems are relatively easy to determine:

1. Standardized testing: simply measure of the test scores from all 50 states on the grade 3 grade 7 and high school level tests and compare them by state. Red Southern states finish dead last.

2. Highschool graduation rates by state.

3. College admission rates by state

4. Number of adults in the state holding at least a bachelors degree.

This is how you measure education not by the bullshit lies you posted above

You're such an idiot, the 'lies' I posted came directly from the study. 🤡
A cavalcade of conspiracy theories.

In other words, you have nothing to refute what I posted so you’re just going to deny it as usual.

These are well-documented situations which any well-informed voters would know about. Michael Moore did an entire documentary film, which was the subject of an Academy award nomination over the situation in Flint, Michigan.

After refusing to approve any funds for Flint, Michigan whatsoever throughout the Obama administration, one of the first acts of the Trump administration, was to immediately approve funding for Flint, Michigan. Couldn’t let Obama have a win.

The problems with the Jackson Mississippi drinking water advisories have been well documented any reasonably well American would know about all of them.

Calling them by “conspiracy theories”demonstrates the depths of your ignorance and stupidity. Of course, the possibility does exist that you’re just another foreign troll out to undermine the US government.

Iran, Russia, China, and the Republican Party are all working together to keep Biden from being reelected.

When the only people supporting a Trump candidacy are your enemies, that should tell you something.
You're such an idiot, the 'lies' I posted came directly from the study. 🤡

You’re such an idiot, because I didn’t even quote your stupid fucking study. I said that any study that wasn’t based on the metrics I gave was not a valid study of education.

You need some reading comprehension skills, asshole. And no, none of the red states have a decent standing in education with the possible exception of Florida,

That was before Ron DeSantis started screwing with the education system in Florida. You can watch it dropped like a stone this year. Teacher shortages are rampant and school boards are spending millions defending librarians and attacking gay teachers.

These are millions of dollars that are not going to enhance, or improve the Florida education system. These are dollars that are coming directly out of the state’s classrooms
Yes, I read it and commented on it.

You don't have the time... :auiqs.jpg: It's your link dude.
Did you find a link using your criteria that refutes it?

I'm waiting for something besides you don't like how the study was conducted. :disbelief:

An easy deflection for sure but an empty one without your data.
Truth over facts????? You wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and slapped your face.

What's really sad and disgusting is that Republicans continue to cheer for American failure. The hatred and loathing of their own country is perverted and deviate behaviour.
Truth over facts has no meaning. You just didn't know how to shut it. Ask me if I'm surprised you blame Republicans for the failures of your Demonicrats.

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