Bill To Stop FAA Furloughs Called ‘Irresponsible’ By Obama


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By: Curt

Sequester was Obama’s idea: My extensive reporting for my book “The Price of Politics” shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks of the federal government.

Obama personally approved of the plan for Lew and Nabors to propose the sequester to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). They did so at 2:30 p.m. July 27, 2011, according to interviews with two senior White House aides who were directly involved.

But still he’s upset…and what about this time? That a bipartisan (202 Republicans and 159 Democrats voted for it) bill was passed that stopped the obvious politically motivated furloughs of air traffic controllers:

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Bill To Stop FAA Furloughs Called ?Irresponsible? By Obama | Flopping Aces

You really have to hand it to the guy. A chess player he is not. He too obvious and too much of a narcissist to see that he's been caught in his own web of deceit. The drawback is that Obama is destroying America.
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Obama wants to punish Americans to convince them to support socialist agendas and gigantic tax increases. Even the left leaning media is shying away from him lately.
Yes, the flying public should get some cash before the kid needing public funds for cancer treatment...right.
Yes, the flying public should get some cash before the kid needing public funds for cancer treatment...right.

Those are the only two choices?


And you turds wonder why you have no credibility.
Does ANYONE take this man serious? except for his cult members..
I don't take this man at his word one bit

and no shame while lying
So why did Boehner say he got 98% of what he wanted on the sequester?

No, Obama said we needed intelligent cuts rather than stupid cuts and band aids...
It gets clearer by the day, to more and more people, even dems, that obama is absolutely off his ever lovin' rocker. His agenda has reached levels of radical and psychotic partisan hackery, that even his most ardent supporters are wondering if he really isn't just out to DESTROY America.

Well... got news for ya obama supporters, RUIN America IS obama's agenda, period. He has NOTHING personally invested in this nation. He isn't an American, was not born in America, identifies himself with the muslims, hates capitalism and practically everything about America, especially people that consider themselves patriots. He hates them the most. He wants to see America in RUINS, and the sooner people stop KIDDING themselves he wants otherwise, the sooner we can make him irrelevant, possibly even get his traitor ass impeached and thrown in jail, WHERE IT BELONGS.
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This is a great example of the difference between this current occupant of the Oval Office and President Ronald Reagan.

President Reagan fired stricking Controllers and brought in military, retirees, and independent controllers and kept the planes moving.

Obama is doing everything he can to shut the planes down.
He and his comrades in arms wanted to hurt us as much as they they stop the white house tours and cut the air traffic controllers..they could of found others to lay off but they didn't want to..

How do you like having a "vindictive" President...thank you people who voted for this ugly man and administration
Yes, the flying public should get some cash before the kid needing public funds for cancer treatment...right.

Yeah let stop air travel.....including for hollywood stars...let see how long that lasts...lololol
Yes, the flying public should get some cash before the kid needing public funds for cancer treatment...right.

The money is already in the FAA's coffers you moron. This bill authorizes them to spend it in other areas. Besides I didn't see you bitching about starving or dying children when Obama blew all that money on fisker or solyndra

Fucking hack
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Sorry about making our alternative energy industry competitive...Why do you only know about the 10% failures, dupe? Change the channel, LOL. Try the rest of media, idiot.

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