"Biden's age" is the new "But her emails"


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
It's nonsense, cooked up by the wingnut media. MSM latches onto it because they are desperate for 'Both Sides' coverage to avoid being called 'Liberal Media'. But Republicans and their mouthpieces will still call them 'Liberal Media' no matter what they do.


There's a Lot of "Is Biden Too Old?" Coverage. Nate Silver Wants There to Be Even More.

Claims that the press is glossing over questions about Biden's age just don't hold up to scrutiny.​

Silver’s argument is that, yes, age is a valid concern for voters to have. I don’t think this is a particularly controversial statement in itself. Yeah, Biden and Trump are very old, and will only get older. And as they get older, the likelihood of dying or experiencing physical or mental decline increases.

Silver’s argument is that people clearly do have concerns about Biden’s age (he cites a recent AP-NORC poll that showed 77% of Americans believe Biden is too old to be effective for a full additional term, and 51% of Americans believe the same about Trump). Biden and Trump are separated by three years, and Silver argues, that is a significant span of time. His point is, essentially, that once you get to the late 70s and early 80s, the difference in each passing year becomes more significant.

The problem with Silver’s story is that his piece calling out “a pretty dangerous tendency to shrug off Biden’s age” doesn’t actually show anyone “shrug[ging] off Biden’s age.”

As Washington Post opinion writer Paul Waldman wrote in response to Silver, “Nate doesn't cite a single person ‘shrugging off’ Biden's age as a concern. Sure it's a concern. I don't know why we have to pretend Democrats are all in denial about it. They aren't. They talk about it frequently.”

Hop over to Google and do a search for site:cnn.com “biden’s age”. There are pages and pages of results. Hundreds of stories have used the term, and a good number of them have age as their primary focus. You can do the same thing for the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News, MSNBC, NPR, and virtually any other media site on the planet. There is no shortage of media coverage centered around Biden’s age.

Over on Twitter X, Silver had been arguing this point with Tim Miller. Silver would say that the topic wasn’t getting enough coverage. Miller would respond with screenshots of coverage. Silver would say that whatever amount of information was included in the screenshots and videos, it still wasn’t enough coverage. On and on.

I’ll spare everyone the blow-by-blow. Let’s just look at one particular part of their exchange that caught my eye:

More at the link.
It's nonsense, cooked up by the wingnut media. MSM latches onto it because they are desperate for 'Both Sides' coverage to avoid being called 'Liberal Media'. But Republicans and their mouthpieces will still call them 'Liberal Media' no matter what they do.

"Biden's age" means president Harris. Most likely by next February or before.

You must not be too good at reading between the lines. They're throwing Joe under the bus already.

I'd bet a 1 week of wearing the other's chosen signature on that one.
If Potato has another brain aneurysm, the cabinet would have to invoke the 25th and then we’d be stuck with Acting President Kamala Harris. And that could happen at literally any moment.

How can we measure the deep contempt to which the Democrap voters should be held?
There weren't that many of them..and with nooses and medium drops.
It's nonsense, cooked up by the wingnut media. MSM latches onto it because they are desperate for 'Both Sides' coverage to avoid being called 'Liberal Media'. But Republicans and their mouthpieces will still call them 'Liberal Media' no matter what they do.

But he’s an old fuck who’s lost his mind.
It's nonsense, cooked up by the wingnut media. MSM latches onto it because they are desperate for 'Both Sides' coverage to avoid being called 'Liberal Media'. But Republicans and their mouthpieces will still call them 'Liberal Media' no matter what they do.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm, most Democrats and Democratic voters don't want Biden to be the nominee and the DNC is refusing to let anyone else be heard because the fix is in, like Democrats have the fix in for just about everything they do.
Its not nonsense. He is deteriorating. That is normal. Time for new blood. If he were interested in the nation and his legacy he should prep a big announcement on some auspicious day in the next couple of weeks where he and the VP jointly announce that he is not running again, and he is throwing his full weight and support to her becoming the next President.

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