Biden says he doesn’t think there will be a recession, if so it will be ‘very slight’

By that logic, someone breaking into your home and stealing your belongings in order to have a better life, isn't a burglar.

And you wonder why so few on this forum are willing to take you seriously.

That's not logic at all, Mormon Bob... A country isn't your house.

A better analogy would be if you invite someone into your house to clean up and pay them to do it.

Here's the gag... we invite undocumented immigrants in by offering them low wages Americans won't take.

Every farmer who wants someone to pick his crops.
Every Rich person who wants someone to raise their kids, and hires an undocumented nanny.
Every person who owns a sweatshop they barely pay people to work at.
Every idiot who goes to the Home Depot to hire some Day Laborers to finish that DIY project.
Every office that hires a cleaning company to clean their toilets.
"...whatever words are uttered on the political stage, the very fact that a person appears on this stage proves that we are facing a whore and a provocateur. Because if this man wasn't a whore and a provocateur, no one would have let him on the political stage — there are three cordon rings with machine guns around. Elementary, Watson: if a girl sucks a dick in a brothel, it follows with a high degree of probability that we have a prostitute in front of us." ©
Interesting given that by the metric that both sides have used for decades to determine if we are in a recession says we already are.

A metric for decades is the one used by the NBER, which shows we're not in a recession. And how can we be in a recession with a 53 year low U-3 unemployment rate and a record low U-6 unemployment rate. You have to ignore that to pretend we're currently in a recession.
He ate Trump's breakfast. :abgg2q.jpg:
He's eating Trump's breakfast, which Biden stole.

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