Biden:Human life begins at conception

Sorry man, a fetus doesn't have rights equal to that of a women who is pregnant with the fetus. Can you imagine how ridiculous society would be if this were the case?
We had such a society, and it was not ridiculous. It is your fevered imaginings which are ridiculous.
The Dems are the True Sponsors of the War on Women.

Great!! I'm so glad to hear something that Bush and Cheney aren't getting the blame for. I even heard from one Liberal that Bush and Cheney caused the Little Big Horn Massacre.
Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception

Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....
And yet Biden is pro-choice.

He and Nancy Pelosi are both Catholics as well.

Yep, everyone alive to date, had their life started at conception. However, that doesn't mean the every fertilized egg develops enough to be born or that a soul (if you believe in such a thing) is imbued to that new life at the point of conception.

that isn't the point & why the Left has to tell itself lies to appease their conscience. So if you agree that life begins at conception, then how do you justify the termination of said life? You can't have it both either is alive or isn't. Science has already stated life begins at conception. Regarding the soul part, every Church doctrine available states the soul is intertwined with the physical the moment of conception. So again, wrong....

It is just a scientific fact that everyone alive today began life as a single celled fertilized egg at conception. By natures design, many fertilized eggs (living cells with unique DNA) never get the opportunity to develop fully into a living breathing Human baby. But then again the natural world is a cruel place for babies. Not every religion believes a soul is formed in conjunction with conception.

The vast majority of fertilized eggs do. That makes the fertilized egg human & since you acknowledged it has unique DNA, this means it isn't part of a woman's body, but rather a separate living entity.

Your first point is debatable. The uniqueness is a scientific fact. If that were true that they are separate living entities then the little zygotes should pop on out and start living. But they are not separate living entities. It is life completely dependent on the host for everything, and lets face is some of the hosts should never have babies.
I have an opinion that murder is wrong, and I believe that opinion should be "forced" on everyone to protect the rights of the living.

Don't you?
Im a firm believer that murder is justified in some cases and acceptable in others.
A justified killing is not murder, ipso facto.
you are currently failing to do so
You are the one failing to think.

We are talking about a principle. The principle of "forcing" beliefs on others. Our society most definitely believes in "forcing" certain beliefs on everyone.

Therefore, the pro-choice argument against "forcing" beliefs on others is built on a false premise.

The real principle at issue here is the rights of the fetus.
Sorry man, a fetus doesn't have rights equal to that of a women who is pregnant with the fetus. Can you imagine how ridiculous society would be if this were the case? Miscarriages would be investigated as possible murders..

Society is right now sick & vile. It is this way because there is a fundamental lack of respect for any life. And it's disingenuous to imply that a miscarriage would be investigated as a possible murder.
Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception

Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....

When ever someone says it begins at conception, what they're really saying is they have no idea and don't especially care about the issue. It's the cop-out answer ignorant people use.

Human life does not begin at conception. Sperm and egg haven't even been on a date yet at conception. Nevermind anything developing yet.

Human life proper begins with brain activity, just as when it ends.It isn't the heartbeating since without thoughts occuring it's just muscle and autopilot stuff going on. Humanity begins with thought. That said, that doesn't mean it's okay to kill what will become human life if ya don't fiddle with it. I'm simply explaining terminology. But in a complex biological issue, nothing's helped when dumb people weigh in.

It's always a pleasure to meet yet another self-proclaimed genius. You folks have been around proclaiming your superior intellect since Paul took on the Greeks and made them appear as idiots.
Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.

Sorry man, a fetus doesn't have rights equal to that of a women who is pregnant with the fetus. Can you imagine how ridiculous society would be if this were the case?
We had such a society, and it was not ridiculous. It is your fevered imaginings which are ridiculous.
No, it was ridiculous, underground dirty abortions, women being stuck with babies they can't afford, a violation of privacy.. Roe v wade is here to stay though.
Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception

Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....
And yet Biden is pro-choice.

He and Nancy Pelosi are both Catholics as well.

Yep, everyone alive to date, had their life started at conception. However, that doesn't mean the every fertilized egg develops enough to be born or that a soul (if you believe in such a thing) is imbued to that new life at the point of conception.

that isn't the point & why the Left has to tell itself lies to appease their conscience. So if you agree that life begins at conception, then how do you justify the termination of said life? You can't have it both either is alive or isn't. Science has already stated life begins at conception. Regarding the soul part, every Church doctrine available states the soul is intertwined with the physical the moment of conception. So again, wrong....

It is just a scientific fact that everyone alive today began life as a single celled fertilized egg at conception. By natures design, many fertilized eggs (living cells with unique DNA) never get the opportunity to develop fully into a living breathing Human baby. But then again the natural world is a cruel place for babies. Not every religion believes a soul is formed in conjunction with conception.

The vast majority of fertilized eggs do. That makes the fertilized egg human & since you acknowledged it has unique DNA, this means it isn't part of a woman's body, but rather a separate living entity.

Your first point is debatable. The uniqueness is a scientific fact. If that were true that they are separate living entities then the little zygotes should pop on out and start living. But they are not separate living entities. It is life completely dependent on the host for everything, and lets face is some of the hosts should never have babies.

A newborn is equally helpless & dependent on its parents for its survival. Given the planet's population count, it's logical that a large majority of fertilized eggs are born. And yes, with distinct DNA, they are separate entities which are forming. Just because they can't survive outside the womb yet, does not detract from this.
Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.

Joe Biden is a realistic person who recognizes abortion is a women's choice and his personal views should not be used to impose his morality on women.
Sorry man, a fetus doesn't have rights equal to that of a women who is pregnant with the fetus. Can you imagine how ridiculous society would be if this were the case?
We had such a society, and it was not ridiculous. It is your fevered imaginings which are ridiculous.
No, it was ridiculous, underground dirty abortions, women being stuck with babies they can't afford, a violation of privacy.. Roe v wade is here to stay though.
"Underground dirty abortions". Pure propaganda bullshit.

"Being stuck with babies they can't afford". That argument is just as true for a one day old baby as it is for a baby in the womb. So why don't we just let mom kill her infant?

"A violation of privacy." Not letting mom kill a one day old baby is a HUGE violation of privacy.
Joe Biden: Human Life Begins at Conception

Wow....a democrat that knows when life begins! Impressive. I wonder if this will put off a lot of baby killing democrats.....
And yet Biden is pro-choice.

He and Nancy Pelosi are both Catholics as well.

Yep, everyone alive to date, had their life started at conception. However, that doesn't mean the every fertilized egg develops enough to be born or that a soul (if you believe in such a thing) is imbued to that new life at the point of conception.

that isn't the point & why the Left has to tell itself lies to appease their conscience. So if you agree that life begins at conception, then how do you justify the termination of said life? You can't have it both either is alive or isn't. Science has already stated life begins at conception. Regarding the soul part, every Church doctrine available states the soul is intertwined with the physical the moment of conception. So again, wrong....

It is just a scientific fact that everyone alive today began life as a single celled fertilized egg at conception. By natures design, many fertilized eggs (living cells with unique DNA) never get the opportunity to develop fully into a living breathing Human baby. But then again the natural world is a cruel place for babies. Not every religion believes a soul is formed in conjunction with conception.

The vast majority of fertilized eggs do. That makes the fertilized egg human & since you acknowledged it has unique DNA, this means it isn't part of a woman's body, but rather a separate living entity.

Your first point is debatable. The uniqueness is a scientific fact. If that were true that they are separate living entities then the little zygotes should pop on out and start living. But they are not separate living entities. It is life completely dependent on the host for everything, and lets face is some of the hosts should never have babies.

A newborn is equally helpless & dependent on its parents for its survival. Given the planet's population count, it's logical that a large majority of fertilized eggs are born. And yes, with distinct DNA, they are separate entities which are forming. Just because they can't survive outside the womb yet, does not detract from this.
Big difference between a newborn and a zygote.
Sorry man, a fetus doesn't have rights equal to that of a women who is pregnant with the fetus. Can you imagine how ridiculous society would be if this were the case?
We had such a society, and it was not ridiculous. It is your fevered imaginings which are ridiculous.
No, it was ridiculous, underground dirty abortions, women being stuck with babies they can't afford, a violation of privacy.. Roe v wade is here to stay though.
"Underground dirty abortions". Pure propaganda bullshit.

"Being stuck with babies they can't afford". That argument is just as true for a one day old baby as it is for a baby in the womb. So why don't we just let mom kill her infant?
Not propaganda.
Hey, buddy, a fetus is different from a newborn, do you know the cost of childbirth? The cruelty of forcing a mother to give birth?
Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.

Joe Biden is a realistic person who recognizes abortion is a women's choice and his personal views should not be used to impose his morality on women.
Yes, I get it. Your inconvenience makes it okay to kill someone.
The Dems are the True Sponsors of the War on Women.

Democrats are not the ones wanting to put women away for life for having an abortion.

Well, I guess my wife and two daughters haven't been drafted into this "War on Women" yet. I haven't seen them in any kind of uniform marching off to anywhere. Perhaps they are exempt though if this war was begun by the Democrats since they are all Conservatives and mothers as well.
Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.

Joe Biden is a realistic person who recognizes abortion is a women's choice and his personal views should not be used to impose his morality on women.
Yes, I get it. Your inconvenience makes it okay to kill someone.
A fetus does not trump a women.
Joe Biden is a realistic person who recognizes abortion is a women's choice and his personal views should not be used to impose his morality on women.

Totally false premise. We impose our morality on everyone all over the place. You aren't allowed to murder anyone. You aren't allowed to steal whatever you please. You aren't allowed to live without health insurance.

So, please, don't give me this bogus "we can't force our beliefs on others" argument.

It's a bogus smokescreem excuse to violate the right to life.

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