Biden:Human life begins at conception

Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.

Joe Biden is a realistic person who recognizes abortion is a women's choice and his personal views should not be used to impose his morality on women.
Yes, I get it. Your inconvenience makes it okay to kill someone.
A fetus does not trump a women.
The right to life does. And Joe Biden says that fetus is alive.
Joe Biden is a realistic person who recognizes abortion is a women's choice and his personal views should not be used to impose his morality on women.

Totally false premise. We impose our morality on everyone all over the place. You aren't allowed to murder anyone. You aren't allowed to steal whatever you please.

So, please, don't give me this bogus "we can't force out beliefs on others" argument.

It's an excuse to violate the right to life.
We have a separation of church and state in this country, a large majority of people against abortion do so on religious grounds, not following the science. You can't compare a conscience human murdering another conscious human to a women aborting a fetus that leeches off of her body. It's a women's personal medical decision.
Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.


I saw him attempting to be the elder statesman once giving some advice to a young candidate. He told that young whippersnapper that once in government, one had to put aside his religious and moral views.
Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.

Joe Biden is a realistic person who recognizes abortion is a women's choice and his personal views should not be used to impose his morality on women.
Yes, I get it. Your inconvenience makes it okay to kill someone.
A fetus does not trump a women.
The right to life does. And Joe Biden says that fetus is alive.
No one is denying a fetus is alive, Protista are living, termites are living.. This is an endless and stupid debate since one side believes a zygote is comparable to a newborn.
We have a separation of church and state in this country, a large majority of people against abortion do so on religious grounds, not following the science. You can't compare a conscience human murdering another conscious human to a women aborting a fetus that leeches off of her body. It's a women's personal medical decision.

You can't tell me what I believe is murder. From where I am standing, abortion is the taking of a human life.

And Joe Biden believes that, too. But he's okay with it.

I am not.
Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.


I saw him attempting to be the elder statesman once giving some advice to a young candidate. He told that young whippersnapper that once in government, one had to put aside his religious and moral views.
And that's exactly what joe Biden has done, his personal views are his views. He knows this.
We have a separation of church and state in this country, a large majority of people against abortion do so on religious grounds, not following the science. You can't compare a conscience human murdering another conscious human to a women aborting a fetus that leeches off of her body. It's a women's personal medical decision.

You can't tell me what I believe is murder.
I never said that, I said you can't compare the two. Almost all abortions are done before the period when scientists say a fetus could be feeling pain.
We have a separation of church and state in this country, a large majority of people against abortion do so on religious grounds, not following the science. You can't compare a conscience human murdering another conscious human to a women aborting a fetus that leeches off of her body. It's a women's personal medical decision.

You can't tell me what I believe is murder.
I never said that, I said you can't compare the two. Almost all abortions are done before the period when scientists say a fetus could be feeling pain.
A person in a coma can't feel pain. If that's your benchmark, I can go ahead and start slaughtering coma patients.
Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.


I saw him attempting to be the elder statesman once giving some advice to a young candidate. He told that young whippersnapper that once in government, one had to put aside his religious and moral views.
And that's exactly what joe Biden has done, his personal views are his views. He knows this.

No. He is simply pandering to the women vote. Be honest.
We have a separation of church and state in this country, a large majority of people against abortion do so on religious grounds, not following the science. You can't compare a conscience human murdering another conscious human to a women aborting a fetus that leeches off of her body. It's a women's personal medical decision.

You can't tell me what I believe is murder.
I never said that, I said you can't compare the two. Almost all abortions are done before the period when scientists say a fetus could be feeling pain.
A person in a coma can't feel pain. If that's your benchmark, I can go ahead and start slaughtering coma patients.
Going down that argumentative line? A person in a coma was conscious before going into the coma, they are almost always citizens with family members, people who made their own medical choices, a 8 week fetus is reliant and leeching off of the mother, she can do what she pleases.
Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.


I saw him attempting to be the elder statesman once giving some advice to a young candidate. He told that young whippersnapper that once in government, one had to put aside his religious and moral views.
And that's exactly what joe Biden has done, his personal views are his views. He knows this.
Joe Biden believes the fetus is a human life. He is okay with violating that right to life.

I could "put aside my religious and moral views" and start taking lives, too. That okay with you?
Funny, Biden is okay with violating an unborn human's right to life, but not okay with violating a homosexual's right to equal protection of the law.

What a walking contradiction that man is!
We have a separation of church and state in this country, a large majority of people against abortion do so on religious grounds, not following the science. You can't compare a conscience human murdering another conscious human to a women aborting a fetus that leeches off of her body. It's a women's personal medical decision.

You can't tell me what I believe is murder.
I never said that, I said you can't compare the two. Almost all abortions are done before the period when scientists say a fetus could be feeling pain.

There's that "almost" again. Then there's the "probably".
Funny, Biden is okay with violating a human's right to life, but not okay with violating a homosexual's right to equal protection of the law.

What a walking contradiction that man is!

He's a Liberal Democrat who sends a check to the Catholic Church.
Joe Biden says life begins at conception.

Joe Biden is pro-choice.

Joe Biden believes the mother's right to privacy trumps a right to life which he says begins at conception.


I saw him attempting to be the elder statesman once giving some advice to a young candidate. He told that young whippersnapper that once in government, one had to put aside his religious and moral views.
And that's exactly what joe Biden has done, his personal views are his views. He knows this.
Joe Biden believes the fetus is a human life. He is okay with violating that right to life.

I could "put aside my religious and moral views" and start taking lives, too. That okay with you?
No, ideally, we all want a world where a women doesn't even have to consider abortion, but this is the real world. Rape, incest, teenage pregnancy, financial troubles mid pregnancy, broken condoms, a change in opinion.. Democrats support actual sex Ed, encourage free birth control which reduces abortion drastically, family planning.. Joe Biden knows it's entirely unrealistic to attempt to crusade that fetuses need to be on par with pregnant women.
Why doesn't Joe Biden "put aside his moral views" and allow Kim Davis to deny same sex couples to get married?
We have a separation of church and state in this country, a large majority of people against abortion do so on religious grounds, not following the science. You can't compare a conscience human murdering another conscious human to a women aborting a fetus that leeches off of her body. It's a women's personal medical decision.

You can't tell me what I believe is murder.
I never said that, I said you can't compare the two. Almost all abortions are done before the period when scientists say a fetus could be feeling pain.

There's that "almost" again. Then there's the "probably".
Want the numbers?

In 2011, 730,322 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. The abortion rate was 13.9 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years and the abortion ratio was 219 abortions per 1,000 live births.

Compared with 2010, the total number and rate of reported abortions for 2011 decreased 5%, and the abortion ratio decreased 4%. Additionally, from 2002 to 2011 the number, rate, and ratio of reported abortions decreased 13%, 14%, and 12%, respectively. The large decreases in the total number, rate, and ratio of reported abortions from 2010 to 2011, in combination with decreases that occurred during 2008–2010, resulted in historic lows for all three measures of abortion.

Women in their twenties accounted for the majority of abortions in 2011 and throughout the period of analysis. The majority of abortions in 2011 took place early in gestation. In 2011, most abortions (91.4%) were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (7.3%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (1.4%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation. In 2011, 19.1% of all abortions were medical abortions. Source: MMWR 2014;63(11).
We have a separation of church and state in this country, a large majority of people against abortion do so on religious grounds, not following the science. You can't compare a conscience human murdering another conscious human to a women aborting a fetus that leeches off of her body. It's a women's personal medical decision.

You can't tell me what I believe is murder. From where I am standing, abortion is the taking of a human life.

And Joe Biden believes that, too. But he's okay with it.

I am not.

G500, you are right. Don't allow these murderous despots to change your moral compass nor destroy your humanity. These animals have neither.

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