Beware the term "Gender Affirming Care"... It involves horrible things.

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
While the leftist narrative is attempting to normalize the practice of giving children hormones, hormone blockers, or surgery that all cause irreversible damage... they are corraling all of these along with psychiatric services and less intrusive measures as "gender affirming care", and if you oppose the radical portions, it's claimed that you oppose ALL "gender affirming care", have no empathy for all people of any age who are experiencing such dysphoria, and are actually hateful or bigoted against them.

I think a safe representation of Conservative opinion on the matter involves this: An adult can make their own choices, if they want to take hormones, block their hormones, or have surgery, I might think they're making a bad decision, but it's theirs to make, and I won't try to stop them from making it, but I'll speak out against it just as anyone does when they disagree with something.

However, with children it's different. They are vulnerable and easily influenced. Hormones and surgery impede on their bodies natural progression to achieve its own fruition, not to mention the development of the psyche and brain.

Make no mistake about it, from what we've seen exposed by watchdog groups, "Gender affirming care" for children involves encouraging them to partake in hormone therapy, surgeries, and even withholding such decisions from parents.

When president Biden, VP Kamala Harris, or any Democrat talks about "gender affirming care" for kids, it's trying to put lipstick on a pig. It's not merely supporting them in troubled times, its far more devious and harmful.

I ask, if a 12 year old decided they wanted to tattoo their entire face, would it be a smart choice to allow it?
While the leftist narrative is attempting to normalize the practice of giving children hormones, hormone blockers, or surgery that all cause irreversible damage... they are corraling all of these along with psychiatric services and less intrusive measures as "gender affirming care", and if you oppose the radical portions, it's claimed that you oppose ALL "gender affirming care", have no empathy for all people of any age who are experiencing such dysphoria, and are actually hateful or bigoted against them.

I think a safe representation of Conservative opinion on the matter involves this: An adult can make their own choices, if they want to take hormones, block their hormones, or have surgery, I might think they're making a bad decision, but it's theirs to make, and I won't try to stop them from making it, but I'll speak out against it just as anyone does when they disagree with something.

However, with children it's different. They are vulnerable and easily influenced. Hormones and surgery impede on their bodies natural progression to achieve its own fruition, not to mention the development of the psyche and brain.

Make no mistake about it, from what we've seen exposed by watchdog groups, "Gender affirming care" for children involves encouraging them to partake in hormone therapy, surgeries, and even withholding such decisions from parents.

When president Biden, VP Kamala Harris, or any Democrat talks about "gender affirming care" for kids, it's trying to put lipstick on a pig. It's not merely supporting them in troubled times, its far more devious and harmful.

I ask, if a 12 year old decided they wanted to tattoo their entire face, would it be a smart choice to allow it?
I think the ASPCA has banned labratorial experimentation on guinea pigs so .........
I think the ASPCA has banned labratorial experimentation on guinea pigs so .........
Scientists in Boston have given it up to experiment on gain of function of live viruses. The idiots.

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