Betsy Devos frankly discusses education with a person having a masters degree in education

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
I get e mail at times from Marissa Streit, the CEO of Prager U. Notice it does not say university, but simply U.
Betsy had 30 years experience with education issues prior to Trump appointing her the Secretary of education. She did a lot of good for our children despite the constant attacks by Democrats.
Hear her in her own voice discussing helping our children get a good education. Compare to now where the issue vital for teachers is supposed to be humans with both male and female organs being in bathrooms with the opposite sex they actually represent. Transgenders do not show up as half woman and half man. They show up as one particular sex. So a person with the appearance of a man but has a vagina (does this really exist) wants to be in the mens toilet with the boys in school. Very strange in my opinion.
I get e mail at times from Marissa Streit, the CEO of Prager U. Notice it does not say university, but simply U.
Betsy had 30 years experience with education issues prior to Trump appointing her the Secretary of education. She did a lot of good for our children despite the constant attacks by Democrats.
Hear her in her own voice discussing helping our children get a good education. Compare to now where the issue vital for teachers is supposed to be humans with both male and female organs being in bathrooms with the opposite sex they actually represent. Transgenders do not show up as half woman and half man. They show up as one particular sex. So a person with the appearance of a man but has a vagina (does this really exist) wants to be in the mens toilet with the boys in school. Very strange in my opinion.

The departing education secretary, Betsy DeVos, will be remembered as perhaps the most disastrous leader in the Education Department’s history.
I get e mail at times from Marissa Streit, the CEO of Prager U. Notice it does not say university, but simply U.
Betsy had 30 years experience with education issues prior to Trump appointing her the Secretary of education. She did a lot of good for our children despite the constant attacks by Democrats.
Hear her in her own voice discussing helping our children get a good education. Compare to now where the issue vital for teachers is supposed to be humans with both male and female organs being in bathrooms with the opposite sex they actually represent. Transgenders do not show up as half woman and half man. They show up as one particular sex. So a person with the appearance of a man but has a vagina (does this really exist) wants to be in the mens toilet with the boys in school. Very strange in my opinion.

Betsy Devoss? The Betsy devoss that is heir to the AMWAY pyramid scheme? That Betsy Devoss?
Betsy Devoss? The Betsy devoss that is heir to the AMWAY pyramid scheme? That Betsy Devoss?
So many thank her for selling them a product so widely consumed Americans made her a Billionaire. She spent 30 years prior to being our Secretary of education and made so many improvements that surely will outlast Biden.
So many thank her for selling them a product so widely consumed Americans made her a Billionaire. She spent 30 years prior to being our Secretary of education and made so many improvements that surely will outlast Biden.
That is just stupid. Name one improvement she made, just one, or STFU. Almost from the get-go, she released the restrictions on predatory for-profit colleges and hamstringed efforts to hold some of those predatory so-called colleges accountable through the forgiveness of student loans acquired while attending them. She cut the employees investigating those scumbag schools from twelve to three. And the appointed team leader was a former dean of DeVry Education Group, one of the very institutions under investigation, how the hell does that work?

She stalled initiatives implemented by the Obama administration to protect student borrowers from those predatory schools and they were only implemented after she lost the case in Federal court. Her primary agenda, "school choice", which is a misnomer, it ain't about "choice", it is about federal dollars used to subsidize wealthy private school tuition, period. Few, if any, poor people make it to those schools with those vouchers They get better results by applying for scholarship programs to schools like Philips Academy Andover, Choate Rosemary Hall, or Harvard Westlake.

Furthermore, she was deeply involved in the school choice program in Michigan and yet when asked, she couldn't provide a single example of any improvement in the Michagan school system since her supported programs were implemented, matter of fact, it got worse.

And the kicker, test scores during her tenure absolutely plummeted to the lowest level in decades. Sure, you can blame much of that on Covid, but like Trump, her inept handling of the situation only made matters worse. This bitch left a damn disaster behind. A suicide epidemic among young females, depression level among students and young adults at record levels, and almost an entire generation losing tens of thousands of dollars in future earnings because of the disastrous education policy of this spoiled silver spoon little bitch that had ZERO experience in public education.
Uninformed flippin ass idiots might have loved her, but they ain't what I would call "real" Americans.

You stupid uneducated inbred Moon Bats don't even know that the US Department of Education is absolutely worthless and should be abolished.

After spending billions and billions on education in the US is worse now than when the stupid department was established.

Typical stupid federal bureaucracy. Billions wasted and nothing of value produced.

When that idiot Carter started the department in 1979 the US was ranked number one in the world

Nowadays the US doesn't even rank in the top ten.

I get e mail at times from Marissa Streit, the CEO of Prager U. Notice it does not say university, but simply U.
Betsy had 30 years experience with education issues prior to Trump appointing her the Secretary of education. She did a lot of good for our children despite the constant attacks by Democrats.
Hear her in her own voice discussing helping our children get a good education. Compare to now where the issue vital for teachers is supposed to be humans with both male and female organs being in bathrooms with the opposite sex they actually represent. Transgenders do not show up as half woman and half man. They show up as one particular sex. So a person with the appearance of a man but has a vagina (does this really exist) wants to be in the mens toilet with the boys in school. Very strange in my opinion.
betsy's plan for the amwayization of public education seems to be proceeding without trump.

must be stopped, of course.
You stupid uneducated inbred Moon Bats don't even know that the US Department of Education is absolutely worthless and should be abolished.

After spending billions and billions on education in the US is worse now than when the stupid department was established.

Typical stupid federal bureaucracy. Billions wasted and nothing of value produced.

When that idiot Carter started the department in 1979 the US was ranked number one in the world

Nowadays the US doesn't even rank in the top ten.

Look you dumbass, that has nothing to do with the Department of Education and everything to do with parents that believe the purpose of public education is a baby sitting service so they can make it to their job at Walmart. I mean I am not having it, nor am I listening to it. I have six kids, SIX.

Two doctors, two business owners, a high level sales executive, and a blue collar worker making six figures. Yearly income from the six approaches seven figures. Five college graduates, two with Phd's, one with an MBA. All from public universities and attending public schools. All raised in a household with a full-time mother.

And that is just it. I spent a lot of time with them as well. When it came to PTO meetings, field trips, you know who was there with me--immigrants. While most Americans were chasing the Joneses, the immigrants had one man working and the woman staying at home. And wow, big surprise, their kids are now doctors and lawyers and business owners. The problem with public education is not public education, the problem is the damn self-absorbed parents.
betsy's plan for the amwayization of public education seems to be proceeding without trump.

must be stopped, of course.
Yeah, how dare she work for the children!!!!
Look you dumbass, that has nothing to do with the Department of Education and everything to do with parents that believe the purpose of public education is a baby sitting service so they can make it to their job at Walmart. I mean I am not having it, nor am I listening to it. I have six kids, SIX.

Two doctors, two business owners, a high level sales executive, and a blue collar worker making six figures. Yearly income from the six approaches seven figures. Five college graduates, two with Phd's, one with an MBA. All from public universities and attending public schools. All raised in a household with a full-time mother.

And that is just it. I spent a lot of time with them as well. When it came to PTO meetings, field trips, you know who was there with me--immigrants. While most Americans were chasing the Joneses, the immigrants had one man working and the woman staying at home. And wow, big surprise, their kids are now doctors and lawyers and business owners. The problem with public education is not public education, the problem is the damn self-absorbed parents.
This nation got along well without the Department of education. We never must forget the nature of states. America is not A Government, it is 50 of them. Each able to handle the needs of citizens. For the Feds to be in charge is a dictatorship.
Uninformed flippin ass idiots might have loved her, but they ain't what I would call "real" Americans.
Why didn't you listen to her discussion? Had you listened and not been a smart ass, you would not be so bigoted against her.
Look you dumbass, that has nothing to do with the Department of Education and everything to do with parents that believe the purpose of public education is a baby sitting service so they can make it to their job at Walmart. I mean I am not having it, nor am I listening to it. I have six kids, SIX.

Two doctors, two business owners, a high level sales executive, and a blue collar worker making six figures. Yearly income from the six approaches seven figures. Five college graduates, two with Phd's, one with an MBA. All from public universities and attending public schools. All raised in a household with a full-time mother.

And that is just it. I spent a lot of time with them as well. When it came to PTO meetings, field trips, you know who was there with me--immigrants. While most Americans were chasing the Joneses, the immigrants had one man working and the woman staying at home. And wow, big surprise, their kids are now doctors and lawyers and business owners. The problem with public education is not public education, the problem is the damn self-absorbed parents.
Sounds as if you blame the Reagan administration for your children's progress.
Yeah, how dare she work for the children!!!!
she is working for herself and her "brand"

the certain thing is that profit centers do not care about children.

charter schools have been operating , without much competition, in new orleans since 2007 (thank you bobby jindal). also without much success educating the children. read Winston post below for the reason why.

Look you dumbass, that has nothing to do with the Department of Education and everything to do with parents that believe the purpose of public education is a baby sitting service so they can make it to their job at Walmart. I mean I am not having it, nor am I listening to it. I have six kids, SIX.
the charter schools are baby sitting services, day care, paying "teach for america program" fresh graduates peanuts and sending a large chunk of cash to the corporate executives far away. plenty of it to sen bill cassidy and plenty to amway and devos.
she is working for herself and her "brand"

the certain thing is that profit centers do not care about children.

charter schools have been operating , without much competition, in new orleans since 2007 (thank you bobby jindal). also without much success educating the children. read Winston post below for the reason why.

the charter schools are baby sitting services, day care, paying "teach for america program" fresh graduates peanuts and sending a large chunk of cash to the corporate executives far away. plenty of it to sen bill cassidy and plenty to amway and devos.
Frankly that is a clear damnation of our nations public schools. How dare teachers watch our children when the Feds demand they show up in schools.
Betsy Devoss? The Betsy devoss that is heir to the AMWAY pyramid scheme? That Betsy Devoss?
Yup, she's that clown.
Never in a classroom as a public school teacher.
You stupid uneducated inbred Moon Bats don't even know that the US Department of Education is absolutely worthless and should be abolished.
Just as Betsy should have been abolished.

Hey, why don't all you clowns just do the HomeSchooling thingy.
Frankly that is a clear damnation of our nations public schools. How dare teachers watch our children when the Feds demand they show up in schools.
how dare they NOT watch your little angels, who might gladly knife a teacher in the back.
i wish every class room had a camera so parents could see of what their little angels , who hear you constantly disparaging their "groomers," are capable.

"the feds" do not demand school attendance. every state allows home schooling and i'm sure there are plenty of republican run cities that do not enforce truancy laws.
Look you dumbass, that has nothing to do with the Department of Education and everything to do with parents that believe the purpose of public education is a baby sitting service so they can make it to their job at Walmart. I mean I am not having it, nor am I listening to it. I have six kids, SIX.

Two doctors, two business owners, a high level sales executive, and a blue collar worker making six figures. Yearly income from the six approaches seven figures. Five college graduates, two with Phd's, one with an MBA. All from public universities and attending public schools. All raised in a household with a full-time mother.

And that is just it. I spent a lot of time with them as well. When it came to PTO meetings, field trips, you know who was there with me--immigrants. While most Americans were chasing the Joneses, the immigrants had one man working and the woman staying at home. And wow, big surprise, their kids are now doctors and lawyers and business owners. The problem with public education is not public education, the problem is the damn self-absorbed parents.
That is also bullshit.

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