Bernie waffles on gun control

Repealing a redundant and nonsensical special protection given to gun manufactures

and yet, the 'lady' says she is going to try.

Yes, she's going to "try" to repeal an entirely meaningless law.

That's not the same as suggesting that gun manufacturers actually be held liable.

If it's so "meaningless" then why are the leftwing turds always whining about it? Before the law was past group after group was lining up to sue gun manufacturers because people used guns to kill other people. Even if they won every suit, they could still go under from the expense of defending themselves from all these lawsuits.

Exhibit A.
Exhibit A of what case?


Both Bernie and Hillary are pandering to the anti-gun people, just as the gun people are pandering to their base when they clutch their pearls about "avalanches of frivolous lawsuits" putting them out of business.

It doesn't actually mean anything, either way.

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