Bernie Sanders hates all of our kids.

How can I use the title that I used? Easy since it is true. It isn't just Bernie ot is all progressive socialist democrats. They hate our kids because if they by some miracle are not killed in the womb they are being saddled with crushing debt brought on by thier liberal progressive parents who demands thier selfish needs to met and paid for by them .

We are supposed to look out for our kids and make the world better for them.... not if you are Bernie and his selfish followers. No they want it all and have no problem sticking thier kids with the check. As long as they can smoke as much drugs as the want and screw like rabbits without having to deal with the consequences of thier action and get some one else to pay for it they don't care that they are screwing thier kids over.... why would they? Most don't think they should have survived the womb any way?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

you wackos... you can disagree with him.... you can vote against him... you can think him misguided... but hates our kids?

that takes a special kind of stupid
How can I use the title that I used? Easy since it is true. It isn't just Bernie ot is all progressive socialist democrats. They hate our kids because if they by some miracle are not killed in the womb they are being saddled with crushing debt brought on by thier liberal progressive parents who demands thier selfish needs to met and paid for by them .

We are supposed to look out for our kids and make the world better for them.... not if you are Bernie and his selfish followers. No they want it all and have no problem sticking thier kids with the check. As long as they can smoke as much drugs as the want and screw like rabbits without having to deal with the consequences of thier action and get some one else to pay for it they don't care that they are screwing thier kids over.... why would they? Most don't think they should have survived the womb any way?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

you wackos... you can disagree with him.... you can vote against him... you can think him misguided... but hates our kids?

that takes a special kind of stupid
How can I use the title that I used? Easy since it is true. It isn't just Bernie ot is all progressive socialist democrats. They hate our kids because if they by some miracle are not killed in the womb they are being saddled with crushing debt brought on by thier liberal progressive parents who demands thier selfish needs to met and paid for by them .
Debt is an imbalance between expenditures and revenue. This only occurs when you refuse to tax sufficient to cover your expenses. Or refuse to reduce your expenses to match revenue. Or both.

Bernie is talking about tax increases. So the imbalance isn't inherent to his proposals.
A thread so retarded not even a single "like" or "thanks" from any of the other braindead cons on the site for the OP.

Now that's bad.
as long as Clinton is in the race, Bernie is totally moot.

He just provides the RW's with a slobbering post ... see all the above.
The poorest American lives better than the vast majority of the rest of the world.

All socialism ever did was drive more people into misery and poverty and people who support it are fucking morons

Daws, Cuba has no Wi-fi service. I mean why bother, except for your hero Fidel, no one can afford a computer

Hop on an Inner Tube, and go live in your workers Paradise
Frank: I know I'm a real asset.
Me : You're only off by two letters.

We'll pay for your inner tube.

Fidel is waiting for you

I think that is why so many Obama supporters are just miserable fucks.... they voted for this shit, all of it, and it is a fucking disaster of epic proportions. So what's the answer?


They're all nuts.
as long as Clinton is in the race, Bernie is totally moot.

He just provides the RW's with a slobbering post ... see all the above.

I disagree. Sanders is a constructive populist with a message that may well push the existing candidates closer to his agenda to enfold his supporters.

Take.....Obamacare. In Obama's early campaigning in 2007, healthcare wasn't a major talking point. But when he started to push into Hillary's supporters, especially after it became clear that he was likely to take the DNC was adopted in earnest. With Obamacare a product of that shift.

Bernie may well produce another.
The poorest American lives better than the vast majority of the rest of the world.

All socialism ever did was drive more people into misery and poverty and people who support it are fucking morons

Daws, Cuba has no Wi-fi service. I mean why bother, except for your hero Fidel, no one can afford a computer

Hop on an Inner Tube, and go live in your workers Paradise
Frank: I know I'm a real asset.
Me : You're only off by two letters.

We'll pay for your inner tube.

Fidel is waiting for you
love disappoint you fwank but I'm not a communist you're far closer to being one than I'll ever be.

I think that is why so many Obama supporters are just miserable fucks.... they voted for this shit, all of it, and it is a fucking disaster of epic proportions. So what's the answer?


They're all nuts.

Leave a reply
December 29, 2013

By Mike Caccioppoli

Well it’s the end of another year and everyone is doing their annual 10 best or worst something or other so I think it’s the perfect time to give you the Top 10 Republican fuck-ups of 2013. This means the stuff that screws over most people while not at all affecting the top 1 percent. You know, the stuff the Republicans are good at.


The top fuck-up was an easy choice. The 16 day Republican forced shutdown of the government which cost the American people $24 billion. That’s from the self-appointed “fiscally responsible” party. The Tea Party led hard on for Obamacare gave Cruz and his cronies a reason to stop everything and cause financial harm to everyone other than themselves. The economy will be feeling the effects of this for a long time.


Nearly 50 votes by House Republicans to repeal Obamacare even though it is the law of the land and has no chance to be repealed. This instead of tackling issues such as jobs, immigration and gun control. All because they do not want to see this President have any success whatsoever.


November marked the first time in the 80 year history of the food stamps program that the program was cut across the board. That affects 47 million people who rely on the program to eat and live. Included in that 47 million are the elderly and children. The Republicans felt that instead of their rich buddies paying their fair share of taxes, those struggling should get less than $200 a month for food. Disgusting.

4. Goodbye unemployment benefits

Continuing the spread of their holiday cheer, the Republicans in Congress decided it was time to cut unemployment benefits from 1.3 million people just a few days after Christmas. These are people who morons like Rand Paul believe are just enjoying the meager sum of money they get every month instead of looking for a job. Paul, who like most Republicans in Congress, never worked an honest job in his life simply doesn’t give a shit. By the way, when Paul and other Republicans talk about “lazy people” it’s sneaky racist code for “lazy blacks.” This is how they get their Tea Party voters on their side. Sickening.

5. No gun control

Even an event like Newtown didn’t get Republicans in Congress to agree on sweeping gun control legislation. Think about that. Twenty little kids blown to bits and nothing. Makes me sick and it should make any person with a heart sick as well. Nothing else needs to be said.

6. The Pope is a Marxist!

The leader of Christians tells everyone in his own eloquent way how full of shit Republicans are and they strike back calling him a “Marxist” who “doesn’t understand Capitalism.” Republican and Tea Party voters might want to take a moment to decide whether they side with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz, and Paul Ryan or the Pope. Could be the most important decision they make in life…..or death.

7. Darryl Issa

From Darryl Issa, the man who brought you Governor Terminator, it’s “Scandalgate!” Issa, tried to personally convict President Obama on scandal after scandal, from Benghazi to the I.R.S. to “Fast and Furious.” The result was a whole lot of wasted time and of course money once again. His sick vendetta against the President went nowhere and he needs to face banishment from Congress because of it.

8. Martin Luther King

On the 50th anniversary of King’s famous “I have a dream” speech, not one Republican in Congress showed up despite being invited. Of course this didn’t prevent morons like Bill O’Reilly to falsely claim that no Republicans were invited, making Democrats look like the bad guys. Once again Republicans turn their noses at a group of voters they claim they are trying to appeal to. What a joke! By the way, O’Reilly still has his job even though he lied..again.

9. Republican Governors nix Obamacare

One thing you didn’t hear from the MSM is how the fact that Republican Governors in nearly half of the states decided to not allow local exchanges helped cause the crash of the Federal ACA website. But so much more important than a website is that these selfish, ignorant Governors prevented their constituents, many of whom have no health coverage, from obtaining good plans that people living under Democratic Governors had immediate access to. They must feel they were elected to fuck people over.

10. John Boehner and his do nothing Congress

Boehner finally exploded after another year of bowing down to the Tea Party and letting them run Congress. But it was way too little too late. Passing the fewest bills ever, Boehner was a total disaster as majority leader. The economy is improving thanks to the President and Democrats but it could be so much further along if Republicans didn’t try to block every single thing that came their way. This is the Congress we are stuck with again in 2014. It should be the last year Republicans control anything!
How can I use the title that I used? Easy since it is true. It isn't just Bernie ot is all progressive socialist democrats. They hate our kids because if they by some miracle are not killed in the womb they are being saddled with crushing debt brought on by thier liberal progressive parents who demands thier selfish needs to met and paid for by them .

We are supposed to look out for our kids and make the world better for them.... not if you are Bernie and his selfish followers. No they want it all and have no problem sticking thier kids with the check. As long as they can smoke as much drugs as the want and screw like rabbits without having to deal with the consequences of thier action and get some one else to pay for it they don't care that they are screwing thier kids over.... why would they? Most don't think they should have survived the womb any way?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Guess I'll vote Clinton* then cuz I don't hate all kids, just those under 26.

(*Bill, not Hillary)
All democrats hate kids

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Five Truths that Republicans Hate

Jul 2, 2010 by Dr. Joel McDurmon 148 Comments

1. Most Republicans are as socialist as the Left. While not as socially liberal as the left—not advocating equality, gay rights, feminism, etc., etc.—Republicans have proven every bit as fiscally liberal with the exception of the last year or so when political convenience has changed their rhetoric. But try to get one to admit that social security and medicare are socialist programs along the lines of Obamacare, and they’ll dance and dodge all day! It was Bush II who created medicare prescription drug coverage at the cost of $550 billion, and only nine Senate republicans opposed.

2. Public schooling is a socialist institution, paid for like a social welfare scheme, where socialist teachers teach socialism to conservatives’ kids. It was designed as an anti-conservative institution and operates openly as an anti-conservative institution. Yet most conservative parents still mock homeschooling and refuse to put their kids in even a private school. Some Christians argue they’re salt and light—”we just need prayer back in schools!” The only prayer any kid should be praying in school is “Mom! Dad! Please! Get me out!”

3. There is no such thing as private property as long as property taxes and the threat of liens exist. Bad-mouthing Obama’s socialism rings hollow until you pressure your state, county, and municipal officials to abolish property taxes. Of course, you’d also have to argue against public schooling as well, for about 75% of property taxes go to pay for public schools.

4. There is nothing inherently or historically conservative about our national standing military. It was a Republican-led effort that ignored everything the American founders wrote about the dangers of standing armies and centralized the state militias into a national army, the outlawed state militias. Shortly after the Militia Act of 1903, in one ten year span before WWI, the military budget rose from $2 million to $53 million—a 2,650% budget increase. The whole program was carried out by Progressives which at that time dominated the Republican Party. These were men whom Republicans generally revere as well, Republicans: William McKinley, Teddy Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Elihu Root. Historically, big war has been carried out under progressive Democrats: Wilson got us into WW1, FDR WWII, Truman Korea, and Kennedy/Johnson Vietnam. Progressives love war inherently: it was one aspect that grew directly out of social Darwinism. Conservatives fight when necessary to protect their own land and freedom, except against property taxes, apparently.

5. Republicans were the original spend-and-tax, big-government Progressives, and remain so today. The same Republican men who nationalized the military, in order to fund their progressive ideals, created, promoted, and signed into law the Sixteenth amendment (national income tax) which had the side-effect of rendering the IRS a permanent institution. Taft got the act through Congress in 1909, the last state ratified it in 1913. The intervening presidential election was a contest of three men with the same ideals—Wilson, T. Roosevelt, and Taft—all of whom supported the national income tax. The same Republicans instituted the National Monetary Commission which developed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which Wilson also signed into law. In modern times, were it not for Obama, Bush II would reign as the spending and deficit king by quite a margin. The biggest spenders in recent decades were all the Republican presidents, including Reagan. Only Clinton in his first term rivaled them before Obama.

Five Truths that Republicans Hate - The American Vision
Only a idiot thinks hiding his hate by spending his children's money with a lie of helping him is sound policy

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
How can I use the title that I used? Easy since it is true. It isn't just Bernie ot is all progressive socialist democrats. They hate our kids because if they by some miracle are not killed in the womb they are being saddled with crushing debt brought on by thier liberal progressive parents who demands thier selfish needs to met and paid for by them .

We are supposed to look out for our kids and make the world better for them.... not if you are Bernie and his selfish followers. No they want it all and have no problem sticking thier kids with the check. As long as they can smoke as much drugs as the want and screw like rabbits without having to deal with the consequences of thier action and get some one else to pay for it they don't care that they are screwing thier kids over.... why would they? Most don't think they should have survived the womb any way?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

you wackos... you can disagree with him.... you can vote against him... you can think him misguided... but hates our kids?

that takes a special kind of stupid
So why do you hate kids?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
How can I use the title that I used? Easy since it is true. It isn't just Bernie ot is all progressive socialist democrats. They hate our kids because if they by some miracle are not killed in the womb they are being saddled with crushing debt brought on by thier liberal progressive parents who demands thier selfish needs to met and paid for by them .
Debt is an imbalance between expenditures and revenue. This only occurs when you refuse to tax sufficient to cover your expenses. Or refuse to reduce your expenses to match revenue. Or both.

Bernie is talking about tax increases. So the imbalance isn't inherent to his proposals.
If you tax every penny from all of us he still can't pay for his spending

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The poorest American lives better than the vast majority of the rest of the world.

All socialism ever did was drive more people into misery and poverty and people who support it are fucking morons

Daws, Cuba has no Wi-fi service. I mean why bother, except for your hero Fidel, no one can afford a computer

Hop on an Inner Tube, and go live in your workers Paradise
Frank: I know I'm a real asset.
Me : You're only off by two letters.

We'll pay for your inner tube.

Fidel is waiting for you
love disappoint you fwank but I'm not a communist you're far closer to being one than I'll ever be.
Free healthcare! Viva Fidel!

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