Benghazi Consulate: Gun Free Zone


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009

Thank you President Obama for making Benghazi a Gun Free Zone!

Can't wait until the USA is gun free!

Thank you President Obama for making Benghazi a Gun Free Zone!

Can't wait until the USA is gun free!

right wing ass hole. Security was effective and that's why only four americans died and how may were saved?
Don't look like a terrorist to me?
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[An alternative look under the covers at State. Ahh, "The tangled web we weave". This is going to be a juicy one, whenever Hillary gets around to testifying. Amazing, huh? 56 per cent of CNN's viewers have the same IQ's as chickens? Don't believe me, its in the article.]

"Obama’s Benghazi Fall Guys

It took long enough, but President Gutsy Call finally located three State Department employees who don’t have enough political juice to protect them from getting blamed for the predictable failure of the administration’s Libya policy:

The A.P., quoting an unidentified administration official, said Eric Boswell, the assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, and Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary responsible for embassy security, had resigned. The third person, who was not identified, was an official with the department’s Bureau of Near East Affairs, The A.P. said.

You have to picture in your mind Obama’s advisors huddled with Hillary’s advisors, going over a list of State Department personnel, trying to figure out who doesn’t have a key Democratic Senator or an influential DNC contributor to defend them against this “under-the-bus” move.

So now we know who the three least-connected State Department employees were, thus providing Obama with the chance to say that he has now solved the problem that his policies caused. Meanwhile, the Bureau of Disinformation’s effort to deceive voters has succeeded remarkably, with 56% of the gullible sheep telling CNN they fell for that farcical Susan Rice dog-and-pony show.""

Obama’s Benghazi Fall Guys : The Other McCain

[Quickly, now! We need a firewall at State! Ohhh! They've already got one! If Hillary's not responsible for what when on in her bailiwick while she was in charge, then by golly, Barry's got no responsibility for anything at all despite his policy setting intention to at all times "Let the Muslim Win" . Plausible deniability, you might say, like in 'Fast & Furious', when he and Eric did the three monkeys routine, "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil".

"Oh? George Bush did it, now you're saying?"]

"Does the buck stop with them?

Four State Deparment officials have been removed from their posts after the Accountability Review Board criticized the “grossly inadequate” security at a diplomatic compound in Benghazi. Three of the four have been identified by name. They are Eric Boswell, the assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary responsible for embassy security, and Raymond Maxwell, a deputy assistant secretary who had responsibility for North Africa. The fourth official is said to be another official in the diplomatic security office.

Patrick Kennedy, the under secretary for management, apparently will keep his job, even though he has vigorously defended the State Department’s decision-making on Benghazi to Congress. A blogger who monitors goings on at Foggy Bottom suggests that the State Department is erecting a firewall to protect officials at the Undersecretary level and higher.

The ARB report did not criticize Kennedy or other officials at that level. However, it did find that there was a culture of “husbanding resources” at senior levels of the State Department, and that this culture contributed to the security deficiencies in Benghazi. According to the report, the culture at State “had the effect of conditioning a few State Department managers to favor restricting the use of resources as a general orientation.”"

Four officials are out at State Department following ARB report — does the buck stop with them? | Power Line
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Thank you President Obama for making Benghazi a Gun Free Zone!

Can't wait until the USA is gun free!

right wing ass hole. Security was effective and that's why only four americans died and how may were saved?
Don't look like a terrorist to me?

Keeping the body-count low is not a success. If not for the 2 Special Forces operators not following orders the body-count would have been total or hostages would have been taken. Those hostages would have hung over Obama's head during the election and possibly into next year.

Basically he lucked out.

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