Ben Shapiro relents...

Wow...that's a big boost for Trump with Right leaning independents, moderate Republican fencesitters and even Never-Trumpers

He has no choice but to vote for tramp in 2020, most of the republicans held their noses when voting for Tramp in 2016, he probably wrote in a name, Cruz comes to mind.
Very powerful, thanks for posting.

Note that the length of Ben's video is 8:46. This was a worthwhile 8 minutes and 46 seconds, unlike the bogus 8 minutes and 46 seconds that occurred earlier this year.

There are people who care about Ben Shapiro?

Just a couple...

"The Daily Wire was the top publisher on Facebook in July, the most recent month data is available, according to research shared by data firm NewsWhip. The outlet had 98.9 million engagements for the month, or about 8 million more engagements than CNN, the next closest outlet. (Engagement counts all likes, reactions, comments and shares that a post receives.) Those figures easily blew past The New York Times, which had 61.5 million engagements, and The Washington Post's 43.6 million engagements."

He has no choice but to vote for tramp in 2020
He was willing to let Hillary win.

Obviously something has changed...

...either Trump won him over...or he believes Biden is more dangerous that Hillary.

As someone who like Shapiro voted Johnson in 2016 and Trump in 2020, for me it's neither of those. Trump isn't everything I'd like, but he's better than I though he'd be. Significantly better
Ben Shapiro's IQ is higher than the stock market.
His endorsement is golden to many.
And Bens statements reinforces what Ive been saying, so Im patting myself on the back.
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You're seriously not a chick? That really surprised me

Was it my rational nature and rejection of conservative emotion-based appeals that made you think I was a woman?

In any case, I thank you for the compliment.

When did your issues with women first originate, and what was the root cause?

It was because of the reasons that you cut out of my post when you responded to it because you're a chick and chicks do that.

And what issues with women? More of your self declared mind reading prowess. It's as lame as it sounds.

I feel sorry for you that you can't enjoy men and women and how we are different and have fun with it. Poor {whatever gender you are}. Taking life so seriously is no way to enjoy it
Meh, he's too smart for his own good. He couldn't see the tea leaves as other saw them, so apparently he's only good at regurgitating information and not assessing the future and risks (he isn't alone, Western intel have failed in this regard also). Soon he may be silenced, canceled, or just ignored.

As we say in hockey, "don't chase the puck, go where the puck is going to be". He couldn't see the play that was clearly being formed a decade ago, now he has to desperately backtrack and help Trump get 100 more voters.

It was because of the reasons that you cut out of my post when you responded to it because you're a chick and chicks do that.

Thanks for convincing more people to vote Democratic! Please keep up the good work.

Convincing people to vote Democrat who were already voting Democrat is not exactly either a talent or a shortcoming.

You SERIOUSLY are a chick. I don't care if you have a pecker. Was it original equipment or constructed in an operation?

Ben Shapiro may be a short wimpy guy, but he's 10 times the man you are, Shirley
Meh, he's too smart for his own good. He couldn't see the tea leaves as other saw them, so apparently he's only good at regurgitating information and not assessing the future and risks (he isn't alone, Western intel have failed in this regard also). Soon he may be silenced, canceled, or just ignored.

As we say in hockey, "don't chase the puck, go where the puck is going to be". He couldn't see the play that was clearly being formed a decade ago, now he has to desperately backtrack and help Trump get 100 more voters.

I listen to his podcast sometimes, and Tim Pool, Jimmy Dore and Joe Rogan.

It certainly doesn't bother me that he stuck to his convictions in 2016. The fact that he stuck to his convictions makes his endorsement more powerful IMO.
Wow...that's a big boost for Trump with Right leaning independents, moderate Republican fencesitters and even Never-Trumpers

why does he wear his funny little hat during all podcasts but he never does when he's out/

I don't understand that

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