*Being Slave In America Still Better Than Living Free In Africa*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

*****NEW CWN STUDY*****

1. With all *Political Correctness* aside, lets do this!
2. I can tell you for a fact, those slaves who were rescued from Africa in the days of slavery in America, from (1500,s 1800's) lived a by far better life than those people they left, and even if you compare them to most Africans right now, those slaves had it far better than they do presently.
3. Look at Africa right now, their quality of life is terrible, they have little or no health care, no social security, get sick, you die, get old you die, no safety net, they have horrible schools, dirt floors, drinking water is scarce, jobs non-existent, infrastructure is nowhere to be found, dirt roads if your lucky, no septic systems, so thats a health issue, no snack foods, fruits hard to find, veggies same thing.
4. Ever hear of a bunch of blacks moving back to Africa??? Hell NO!!!!!!!!!!
5. If I were a negro in Africa right now, I would beg for a year day and night, to come here and be some ones slave!
6. A whole lot of negros live in grass huts, no running water, dirt floors, no soap, shampoo, basic house hold goods, plates, forks, spoons, glass', and have bones in their nose's, grass skirts, and carry a spear, and wear a head dress, with huge ear rings.
7. Here we have negros sitting back at the crib, eating Dorritoes, watching a stolen flat screen, bumping up with the local bitches, making babies, getting their toof's replaced with gold, waiting for the guberment check, while living in section eight housing.
8. Hmmmmmm,...which is better for a negro? Living in Africa right now, or living in America right now? Easy Answer, Or living as a slave even back in the day, the slave owners at least made sure they got medical treatment, if for nothing else to keep the worker alive, but they loved their slaves I'm sure.
9. I get so tired of hearing how bad the slaves had it, no they didn't, they lived in luxury compared to their brethren back in Africa of that era, even this era, Africa hasn't really changed much the last 400 years, its the same hell hole they've been dieing in for millennium, and thats not likely to ever change.
10. I wonder how many car manufacturers they have in Africa????
11. Okay, you go!!!!!:badgrin:
12. Remember this is a *PC FREE THREAD*!!!!!! (Those are the rules):eusa_eh:

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"those slaves who were rescued from Africa in the days of slavery in America" Since this is a pc free thread, this alone makes you a dumb ass.
Sorry bout that,

"those slaves who were rescued from Africa in the days of slavery in America" Since this is a pc free thread, this alone makes you a dumb ass.

1. You do know it was muslim slave masters who sold those negros as slaves right?
2. As well as other tribes would sell other negros as slaves too.
3. So in a way they were being rescued.
4. If they didn't sale, their captors would kill them rather than feed them.
5. Food and water was scarce back then, even now, as it goes.

Sorry bout that,

"those slaves who were rescued from Africa in the days of slavery in America" Since this is a pc free thread, this alone makes you a dumb ass.

1. You do know it was muslim slave masters who sold those negros as slaves right?
2. As well as other tribes would sell other negros as slaves too.
3. So in a way they were being rescued.
4. If they didn't sale, their captors would kill them rather than feed them.
5. Food and water was scarce back then, even now, as it goes.


The blacks who sold out other blacks in Africa are still around now with Names like Allen West, Michael Steele etc.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

"those slaves who were rescued from Africa in the days of slavery in America" Since this is a pc free thread, this alone makes you a dumb ass.

1. You do know it was muslim slave masters who sold those negros as slaves right?
2. As well as other tribes would sell other negros as slaves too.
3. So in a way they were being rescued.
4. If they didn't sale, their captors would kill them rather than feed them.
5. Food and water was scarce back then, even now, as it goes.


The blacks who sold out other blacks in Africa are still around now with Names like Allen West, Michael Steele etc.

1. Zoom Zoom, this is a historical thread, not a political one, you are starting to lean this thread towards PC political hackery.
2. Thats quite enough old chum.....

8. Hmmmmmm,...which is better for a negro? Living in Africa right now, or living in America right now? Easy Answer, Or living as a slave even back in the day, the slave owners at least made sure they got medical treatment, if for nothing else to keep the worker alive, but they loved their slaves I'm sure.
Proof of idiocy:
1. they for sure did not get medical treatment from their Masters. They didn't give a crap whether or not they lived or died. They were property.
2. Using "negro" in every sentence is just plain ignorance.

Yes I get this is an "unPC" thread but all the same, there are some basic issues of human decency going on here.
Sorry bout that,

8. Hmmmmmm,...which is better for a negro? Living in Africa right now, or living in America right now? Easy Answer, Or living as a slave even back in the day, the slave owners at least made sure they got medical treatment, if for nothing else to keep the worker alive, but they loved their slaves I'm sure.
Proof of idiocy:
1. they for sure did not get medical treatment from their Masters. They didn't give a crap whether or not they lived or died. They were property.
2. Using "negro" in every sentence is just plain ignorance.

Yes I get this is an "unPC" thread but all the same, there are some basic issues of human decency going on here.

1. What makes you think they wanted their workers dead?
2. You can't get the crops in with a dead worker.
3. What little medical treatment that was available back then, they got.
4. Negro isn't even a bad way to describe a black person, and you are correct, the is a *PC VOID* thread.
5. The word negro, has been used on official documents for thousands of years, its the color of a race, like white.
6. It is the vanilla way to describe a person of African decent, with no racial hatred expressed.
7. The *PC Police* say its not to be used, are you the *PC Police*???

Sorry bout that,

8. Hmmmmmm,...which is better for a negro? Living in Africa right now, or living in America right now? Easy Answer, Or living as a slave even back in the day, the slave owners at least made sure they got medical treatment, if for nothing else to keep the worker alive, but they loved their slaves I'm sure.
Proof of idiocy:
1. they for sure did not get medical treatment from their Masters. They didn't give a crap whether or not they lived or died. They were property.
2. Using "negro" in every sentence is just plain ignorance.

Yes I get this is an "unPC" thread but all the same, there are some basic issues of human decency going on here.

1. What makes you think they wanted their workers dead?
2. You can't get the crops in with a dead worker.
3. What little medical treatment that was available back then, they got.
4. Negro isn't even a bad way to describe a black person, and you are correct, the is a *PC VOID* thread.
5. The word negro, has been used on official documents for thousands of years, its the color of a race, like white.
6. It is the vanilla way to describe a person of African decent, with no racial hatred expressed.
7. The *PC Police* say its not to be used, are you the *PC Police*???


I never said they wanted their slaves dead, they just didn't care if they lived or died. Their workers were objects, cheap pieces of machinery, easily replaced.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Proof of idiocy:
1. they for sure did not get medical treatment from their Masters. They didn't give a crap whether or not they lived or died. They were property.
2. Using "negro" in every sentence is just plain ignorance.

Yes I get this is an "unPC" thread but all the same, there are some basic issues of human decency going on here.

1. What makes you think they wanted their workers dead?
2. You can't get the crops in with a dead worker.
3. What little medical treatment that was available back then, they got.
4. Negro isn't even a bad way to describe a black person, and you are correct, the is a *PC VOID* thread.
5. The word negro, has been used on official documents for thousands of years, its the color of a race, like white.
6. It is the vanilla way to describe a person of African decent, with no racial hatred expressed.
7. The *PC Police* say its not to be used, are you the *PC Police*???


I never said they wanted their slaves dead, they just didn't care if they lived or died. Their workers were objects, cheap pieces of machinery, easily replaced.

1. I think thats crazy talk girl.
2. In that day, doctors made house calls, a dead worker meant lost revenue, slave owners didn't want them dead, so they took care of them.
3. PC Police make claims that that didn't happen, it did, you think free negros in Africa of that time ever saw a doctor, other than a witch doctor?
4. Voodoo was quite prevalent back then, as it is now.

Yes and being a TOOL preoably means that you're better off than people who refuse to be tools, too.

So the fuck what?
Sorry bout that,

*****NEW CWN STUDY*****

1. With all *Political Correctness* aside, lets do this!
2. I can tell you for a fact, those slaves who were rescued from Africa in the days of slavery in America, from (1500,s 1800's) lived a by far better life than those people they left, and even if you compare them to most Africans right now, those slaves had it far better than they do presently.
3. Look at Africa right now, their quality of life is terrible, they have little or no health care, no social security, get sick, you die, get old you die, no safety net, they have horrible schools, dirt floors, drinking water is scarce, jobs non-existent, infrastructure is nowhere to be found, dirt roads if your lucky, no septic systems, so thats a health issue, no snack foods, fruits hard to find, veggies same thing.
4. Ever hear of a bunch of blacks moving back to Africa??? Hell NO!!!!!!!!!!
5. If I were a negro in Africa right now, I would beg for a year day and night, to come here and be some ones slave!
6. A whole lot of negros live in grass huts, no running water, dirt floors, no soap, shampoo, basic house hold goods, plates, forks, spoons, glass', and have bones in their nose's, grass skirts, and carry a spear, and wear a head dress, with huge ear rings.
7. Here we have negros sitting back at the crib, eating Dorritoes, watching a stolen flat screen, bumping up with the local bitches, making babies, getting their toof's replaced with gold, waiting for the guberment check, while living in section eight housing.
8. Hmmmmmm,...which is better for a negro? Living in Africa right now, or living in America right now? Easy Answer, Or living as a slave even back in the day, the slave owners at least made sure they got medical treatment, if for nothing else to keep the worker alive, but they loved their slaves I'm sure.
9. I get so tired of hearing how bad the slaves had it, no they didn't, they lived in luxury compared to their brethren back in Africa of that era, even this era, Africa hasn't really changed much the last 400 years, its the same hell hole they've been dieing in for millennium, and thats not likely to ever change.
10. I wonder how many car manufacturers they have in Africa????
11. Okay, you go!!!!!:badgrin:
12. Remember this is a *PC FREE THREAD*!!!!!! (Those are the rules):eusa_eh:


Such a ignorant fucking post, if I were a mod I would ban you for posting this rubbish.
Sorry bout that,

Yes and being a TOOL probably means that you're better off than people who refuse to be tools, too.

So the fuck what?

1. Hummmmm,...... negros slaves got an avenue to a new life, away from the dispare of Africa, which is still alive and well.
2. A slave wasn't a tool, they were captive workers, who were thrust into a better reality than they were in.
3. Honestly, look at most of Africa, no one in their right mind would want to live there, think what it was like 300 years ago.
4. The best part of Africa is South Africa, where the white man actually made a settlement.
5. Africa's legacy is its a major shit hole, can it change?
6. No.

Sorry bout that,

Proof of idiocy:
1. they for sure did not get medical treatment from their Masters. They didn't give a crap whether or not they lived or died. They were property.
2. Using "negro" in every sentence is just plain ignorance.

Yes I get this is an "unPC" thread but all the same, there are some basic issues of human decency going on here.

1. What makes you think they wanted their workers dead?
2. You can't get the crops in with a dead worker.
3. What little medical treatment that was available back then, they got.
4. Negro isn't even a bad way to describe a black person, and you are correct, the is a *PC VOID* thread.
5. The word negro, has been used on official documents for thousands of years, its the color of a race, like white.
6. It is the vanilla way to describe a person of African decent, with no racial hatred expressed.
7. The *PC Police* say its not to be used, are you the *PC Police*???


I never said they wanted their slaves dead, they just didn't care if they lived or died. Their workers were objects, cheap pieces of machinery, easily replaced.

Easily replaced? You really need to open a history book and educate yourself.
Sorry bout that,

*****NEW CWN STUDY*****

1. With all *Political Correctness* aside, lets do this!
2. I can tell you for a fact, those slaves who were rescued from Africa in the days of slavery in America, from (1500,s 1800's) lived a by far better life than those people they left, and even if you compare them to most Africans right now, those slaves had it far better than they do presently.
3. Look at Africa right now, their quality of life is terrible, they have little or no health care, no social security, get sick, you die, get old you die, no safety net, they have horrible schools, dirt floors, drinking water is scarce, jobs non-existent, infrastructure is nowhere to be found, dirt roads if your lucky, no septic systems, so thats a health issue, no snack foods, fruits hard to find, veggies same thing.
4. Ever hear of a bunch of blacks moving back to Africa??? Hell NO!!!!!!!!!!
5. If I were a negro in Africa right now, I would beg for a year day and night, to come here and be some ones slave!
6. A whole lot of negros live in grass huts, no running water, dirt floors, no soap, shampoo, basic house hold goods, plates, forks, spoons, glass', and have bones in their nose's, grass skirts, and carry a spear, and wear a head dress, with huge ear rings.
7. Here we have negros sitting back at the crib, eating Dorritoes, watching a stolen flat screen, bumping up with the local bitches, making babies, getting their toof's replaced with gold, waiting for the guberment check, while living in section eight housing.
8. Hmmmmmm,...which is better for a negro? Living in Africa right now, or living in America right now? Easy Answer, Or living as a slave even back in the day, the slave owners at least made sure they got medical treatment, if for nothing else to keep the worker alive, but they loved their slaves I'm sure.
9. I get so tired of hearing how bad the slaves had it, no they didn't, they lived in luxury compared to their brethren back in Africa of that era, even this era, Africa hasn't really changed much the last 400 years, its the same hell hole they've been dieing in for millennium, and thats not likely to ever change.
10. I wonder how many car manufacturers they have in Africa????
11. Okay, you go!!!!!:badgrin:
12. Remember this is a *PC FREE THREAD*!!!!!! (Those are the rules):eusa_eh:


Such a ignorant fucking post, if I were a mod I would ban you for posting this rubbish.

Why are you opposed to free speech?

Don't like what is written, don't read it!
Sorry bout that,

*****NEW CWN STUDY*****

1. With all *Political Correctness* aside, lets do this!
2. I can tell you for a fact, those slaves who were rescued from Africa in the days of slavery in America, from (1500,s 1800's) lived a by far better life than those people they left, and even if you compare them to most Africans right now, those slaves had it far better than they do presently.
3. Look at Africa right now, their quality of life is terrible, they have little or no health care, no social security, get sick, you die, get old you die, no safety net, they have horrible schools, dirt floors, drinking water is scarce, jobs non-existent, infrastructure is nowhere to be found, dirt roads if your lucky, no septic systems, so thats a health issue, no snack foods, fruits hard to find, veggies same thing.
4. Ever hear of a bunch of blacks moving back to Africa??? Hell NO!!!!!!!!!!
5. If I were a negro in Africa right now, I would beg for a year day and night, to come here and be some ones slave!
6. A whole lot of negros live in grass huts, no running water, dirt floors, no soap, shampoo, basic house hold goods, plates, forks, spoons, glass', and have bones in their nose's, grass skirts, and carry a spear, and wear a head dress, with huge ear rings.
7. Here we have negros sitting back at the crib, eating Dorritoes, watching a stolen flat screen, bumping up with the local bitches, making babies, getting their toof's replaced with gold, waiting for the guberment check, while living in section eight housing.
8. Hmmmmmm,...which is better for a negro? Living in Africa right now, or living in America right now? Easy Answer, Or living as a slave even back in the day, the slave owners at least made sure they got medical treatment, if for nothing else to keep the worker alive, but they loved their slaves I'm sure.
9. I get so tired of hearing how bad the slaves had it, no they didn't, they lived in luxury compared to their brethren back in Africa of that era, even this era, Africa hasn't really changed much the last 400 years, its the same hell hole they've been dieing in for millennium, and thats not likely to ever change.
10. I wonder how many car manufacturers they have in Africa????
11. Okay, you go!!!!!:badgrin:
12. Remember this is a *PC FREE THREAD*!!!!!! (Those are the rules):eusa_eh:


Such a ignorant fucking post, if I were a mod I would ban you for posting this rubbish.

Why are you opposed to free speech?

Don't like what is written, don't read it!

I am opposed to racist retards like the OP and you convict.
Such a ignorant fucking post, if I were a mod I would ban you for posting this rubbish.

Why are you opposed to free speech?

Don't like what is written, don't read it!

I am opposed to racist retards like the OP and you convict.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but um, in the United States a person has the right to be racist. Just as you have the right to be an idiot and an obvious bigot.
Why are you opposed to free speech?

Don't like what is written, don't read it!

I am opposed to racist retards like the OP and you convict.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but um, in the United States a person has the right to be racist. Just as you have the right to be an idiot and an obvious bigot.

I don't give a shit faggot, if I were a mod here the OP would be banned for posting this bullshit and you would have been gone long ago convict, so sit the fuck down and consider yourself lucky.
Sorry bout that,

1. Ban *CWN* for telling the truth????
2. If this were hg's site, *ALL* people who told the truth would be banned.
3. If it comes to that, then I'm okay with it.
4. As of now, no one has put up any sort of argument that I might be *wrong*, or a *liar*.
5. If telling the irrefutable truth is a bannable offense, *SIGN ME UP*!!!!!
6. *RANT OFF*. :badgrin:

Sorry bout that,

1. Ban *CWN* for telling the truth????
2. If this were hg's site, *ALL* people who told the truth would be banned.
3. If it comes to that, then I'm okay with it.
4. As of now, no one has put up any sort of argument that I might be *wrong*, or a *liar*.
5. If telling the irrefutable truth is a bannable offense, *SIGN ME UP*!!!!!
6. *RANT OFF*. :badgrin:


You have me on ignore because you are a fucking coward so you have no legs to stand on with this issue.

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