'Beaten Harry Says Good-bye!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
This corrupt, lying leech on the buttocks of the United States should have already 'left' the Senate, led out of the honorable hall in handcuffs, perp-walked for breaking the law - the Hatch Act - not long ago, but Barak Obama refused to allow that to happen because, according to Barry, Harry 'said he was sorry'...the time-honored 'get out of jail free' card that only elitist liberal politicians can use - those such as Julian Castro, Charlie Rangel, Hillary Clinton, and Harry Reid.

Nevertheless, Harry Reid is finally 'gone'!

:banana: :thewave: :woohoo: :rock: :mm: :party: :clap:

Reid predicts death of filibuster
- "In a Politico Interview the departing Democratic leader blamed his party’s 2016 debacle on Jim Comey"

Of course he blamed someone else other than Hillary, who is the ONLY one to blame for what happened to her. Had she not chosen to violate rules, regulations, and laws, had she not illegally possessed classified information, illegally transported / stored / shared / destroyed classified, had she not violated the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, had she not perjured herself there would have been nothing for Comey to investigate....

"To hear Reid tell it, the party’s electoral collapse wasn’t a result of poor messaging or even a bad candidate. It stemmed from looser campaign finance rules, FBI Director James Comey and the influence of a few powerful individuals — namely the Koch brothers, his long-running nemeses. The outgoing Senate minority leader is unapologetic on behalf of his party, and remains resolute that Democrats don’t need to chart a new political course after their 2016 debacle."

Harry's last comment proves that Democratic Party Leaders are tone deaf to and do not listen to their constituents / Americans - they do not care what the people want. They are self-appointed despots who impose their will on Americans. The ACA was a perfect example of this. The American people made it clear they did not want this minority-supported, liberal agenda-driven legislation yet the Democrats rammed it down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it while they slept. Nancy Pelosi even declared the American people HAD NO RIGHT to know what was in legislation the Democrats were imposing on them until it had been passed. With this attitude of not needing to change and actually listed to the people the Democrats suffered an historic and record-setting loss in 2014 and again in 2016. Harry's comments only show dinosaurs like him have STILL not learned and prove that it is high time politicians like him are shown the door.

Bernie Sanders recently declared he was embarrassed for his Democratic Party because they had abandoned the hard-working middle class, and in turn the hard-working middle class abandoned them at the voting booths. His blunt honesty and ability to admit his party's short-comings is one of the reasons he s not welcome in the DNC. Acknowledging or assigning any blame for anything onto the DNC is strictly taboo.

Harry Reid just followed the Liberal Playbook, adhered to the standard Democrat refusal to accept / acknowledge Personal Accountability, and engaged in good ol' liberal 'blame-shifting'.

“I mean, if Comey kept his mouth shut, we would have picked up a couple more Senate seats and we probably would have elected Hillary.”

'If Comey had refused to do his job to his best as he saw it, 'we' would have won the election and picked up more seats.' Yes, harry, and if the DNC had not run such an archaic, throw-back, corrupt, criminal, self-serving globalist, elitist, favor/access-selling dain bramaged candidate we would all be talking about the greatest land-slide political victories in US history scored by the Democrats. The blame for the DNC's loss lies squarely on the shoulders of the DNC - who rigged their primary to ensure Democrats were forced to support Hillary - and Hillary 'It's My Turn' Clinton herself.

Even on the way out, to the very end, he has to prove he is a nasty, partisan loser who has well overstayed his welcome / usefulness to this nation.

Good-bye, Harry, you miserable SOB!

Reid predicts death of filibuster
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2016 just keeps getting Better and Betterer!

Bye bye Harry, you Old Corrupt Creep!
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi look like characters straight out of a Tim Burton film... here's a picture of what Harry Reid's wife did to him.
This corrupt, lying leech on the buttocks of the United States should have already 'left' the Senate, led out of the honorable hall in handcuffs, perp-walked for breaking the law - the Hatch Act - not long ago, but Barak Obama refused to allow that to happen because, according to Barry, Harry 'said he was sorry'...the time-honored 'get out of jail free' card that only elitist liberal politicians can use - those such as Julian Castro, Charlie Rangel, Hillary Clinton, and Harry Reid.

Nevertheless, Harry Reid is finally 'gone'!

:banana: :thewave: :woohoo: :rock: :mm: :party: :clap:

Reid predicts death of filibuster
- "In a Politico Interview the departing Democratic leader blamed his party’s 2016 debacle on Jim Comey"

Of course he blamed someone else other than Hillary, who is the ONLY one to blame for what happened to her. Had she not chosen to violate rules, regulations, and laws, had she not illegally possessed classified information, illegally transported / stored / shared / destroyed classified, had she not violated the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, had she not perjured herself there would have been nothing for Comey to investigate....

"To hear Reid tell it, the party’s electoral collapse wasn’t a result of poor messaging or even a bad candidate. It stemmed from looser campaign finance rules, FBI Director James Comey and the influence of a few powerful individuals — namely the Koch brothers, his long-running nemeses. The outgoing Senate minority leader is unapologetic on behalf of his party, and remains resolute that Democrats don’t need to chart a new political course after their 2016 debacle."

Harry's last comment proves that Democratic Party Leaders are tone deaf to and do not listen to their constituents / Americans - they do not care what the people want. They are self-appointed despots who impose their will on Americans. The ACA was a perfect example of this. The American people made it clear they did not want this minority-supported, liberal agenda-driven legislation yet the Democrats rammed it down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it while they slept. Nancy Pelosi even declared the American people HAD NO RIGHT to know what was in legislation the Democrats were imposing on them until it had been passed. With this attitude of not needing to change and actually listed to the people the Democrats suffered an historic and record-setting loss in 2014 and again in 2016. Harry's comments only show dinosaurs like him have STILL not learned and prove that it is high time politicians like him are shown the door.

Bernie Sanders recently declared he was embarrassed for his Democratic Party because they had abandoned the hard-working middle class, and in turn the hard-working middle class abandoned them at the voting booths. His blunt honesty and ability to admit his party's short-comings is one of the reasons he s not welcome in the DNC. Acknowledging or assigning any blame for anything onto the DNC is strictly taboo.

Harry Reid just followed the Liberal Playbook, adhered to the standard Democrat refusal to accept / acknowledge Personal Accountability, and engaged in good ol' liberal 'blame-shifting'.

“I mean, if Comey kept his mouth shut, we would have picked up a couple more Senate seats and we probably would have elected Hillary.”

'If Comey had refused to do his job to his best as he saw it, 'we' would have won the election and picked up more seats.' Yes, harry, and if the DNC had not run such an archaic, throw-back, corrupt, criminal, self-serving globalist, elitist, favor/access-selling dain bramaged candidate we would all be talking about the greatest land-slide political victories in US history scored by the Democrats. The blame for the DNC's loss lies squarely on the shoulders of the DNC - who rigged their primary to ensure Democrats were forced to support Hillary - and Hillary 'It's My Turn' Clinton herself.

Even on the way out, to the very end, he has to prove he is a nasty, partisan loser who has well overstayed his welcome / usefulness to this nation.

Good-bye, Harry, you miserable SOB!

Reid predicts death of filibuster
Now the pussy cant hide behind the podium and spew the bullshit he has. If he does, maybe more athletic equipment will beat upon him again.

Harry Reid's Treadmill | Facebook

Harry Reid's Treadmill
November 16 at 8:59am ·

I turned him into a cyclops...I hope that, one day, someone turns him in to the authorities. -- HRT

Harry Reid's Top 25 Verbal Faux Pas
Dingy Harry is prone to outbursts of verbal diarrhea.
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi look like characters straight out of a Tim Burton film... here's a picture of what Harry Reid's wife did to him.

maybe he can make like the terminator and cut that eye out? Goodbye cockroach.
It is on C span, his dad was always depressed and his mom had no theeth and that's why he likes Obamacare!
So long Harry! And thanks for the nuke option!


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