Be grateful JFK got elected in 1960 instead of Nixon


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.
Amazing display of grammatical, as well as historical, ignorance. The "Cuban Missile Crisis" was nothing more than a political Kabuki Dance which gave Khrushchev just what HE wanted (the removal of OUR missiles from Turkey) while allowing JFK to pretend he was a tough guy. NK played JFK just the way Putin is playing Obama on Syria (i.e., guaranteeing the current regime).
Amazing display of grammatical, as well as historical, ignorance. The "Cuban Missile Crisis" was nothing more than a political Kabuki Dance which gave Khrushchev just what HE wanted (the removal of OUR missiles from Turkey) while allowing JFK to pretend he was a tough guy. NK played JFK just the way Putin is playing Obama on Syria (i.e., guaranteeing the current regime).

Khruschev got what he wanted in that we pledged not to invade cuba, but I don't think it was Kabuki Theatre. Rather, imo the US military was quite pissed they didn't get a chance to strike preemtively and remove Castro.
JFK was a dilettante rich kid and his degenerate father's last hope for the big political enchilada . Old Joe Kennedy couldn't keep it in his pants and neither could his inbred sons but Joe had a secret weapon, Hollywood and organized crime. Even FDR couldn't control Joe Kennedy who embarrassed the administration by supporting Nazis while he was ambassador to England. Jack had a congenital disease which caused severe back pain and he may have been high on drugs for his entire adult life. Joe fixed it so Jack would have a cushy job in Navy Intelligence but Jack screwed it up by fooling around with a Nazi spy. Next thing you know Jack is asleep in a busy Japanese shipping lane and he gets his PT boat run over. Old Joe hired a novelist to spin the Court Martial offense into a story of heroism and the legend of PT 109 was born. Jack still didn't have much support when he ran for president and Joe called in a few chips and wouldn't you know the Chicago precincts turned defeat into victory. One thing Americans should have learned about the JFK years is to never, ever allow a president to appoint his own brother to head the "justice dept". Bobby's job was to control J. Edgar Hoover and to fight organized crime but he spent his entire job trying to figure out ways to kill the leader of a sovereign country. Like it or not Castro was the legitimate head of Cuba (and still is apparently) but the Kennedy brothers didn't like it so they illegally used the CIA in criminal ways to raise, feed, equip and train an invasion army and then the Kennedys got cold feet and abandoned the sorry mess at the Bay of Pigs. Is it any wonder that Khruschev correctly assessed the US leadership as cowardly and criminal? It seems to be deja-vu all over again today.
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JFK sent us into Vietnam. 57,000 dead Americans and tens of thousands more suffering with PTSD, all for nothing.
Actually, Ike tied us to the corrupt post-colonial govt. Whether JFK would have increased our involvement beyond special forces and aid, which he sent everywhere from Greece to the Congo to Bolivia, is an open question. JFK and RFK and Reagan's approach to the soviets was eerily similar. There's an interesting debate transcipt between Reagan and RFK from shortly before RFK's assassination out there. Taking questions from brit on why we were in vietnam. RFK changed his mind shortly thereafter, when he concluded we couldn't win, and we should cut our losses.
RFK was an interesting character. As Attorney General he authorized the illegal wiretapping of MLK and presumably the entire civil rights network and then he reversed himself for the media and pretended to be a friend and supporter of MLK. He was reluctant to go after organized crime because he and his brother had ties to Vegas mobsters so he spent his time creating exotic ways to kill Castro. He voted for Military adventures all over the world including Vietnam before he voted against them. The Kennedy brothers really had no core values or political skill. They relied on polling data and media support, something like what we are seeing now.
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The only reason why the Cuban missile crisis occurred was because JFK projected an image of weakness and vacillation. If it had been Nixon, it never would have started.
Nixon could never the get the nomination in today's GOP. You guys would dub him a RINO and run him out of the party.
RFK was interesting, and in many ways scary. He also had an ability to communicate with the least fortunate that's really unparralled. It's certainly true that Hoover had him by the balls. All, great leaders have personality traits that include huge failings, and at the very least personality "quirks." That's what I liked most about the movie Hyde Park on the Hudson.

It's interesting to speculate whether the Bay of Pigs disaster would have happened with Nixon. It was a CIA clusterfk, and Ike said very unkind things about the CIA. An interesting book on that a couple of years ago, but I don't recall the name. I gave it a quick read. I really don't think overall there was any difference between Nixon and JFK on communism. But, it's possible Nixon would have been more cautious in loosing the CIA on anything.

And yeah, Nixon embraced a way to liberal economic agenda to fit today's gop. And the gop is moving to isolationism that neither Ike, Nixon nor Reagan would have tolerated.
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RFK was interesting, and in many ways scary. He also had an ability to communicate with the least fortunate that's really unparralled. It's certainly true that Hoover had him by the balls. All, great leaders have personality traits that include huge failings, and at the very least personality "quirks." That's what I liked most about the movie Hyde Park on the Hudson.

It's interesting to speculate whether the Bay of Pigs disaster would have happened with Nixon. It was a CIA clusterfk, and Ike said very unkind things about the CIA. An interesting book on that a couple of years ago, but I don't recall the name. I gave it a quick read. I really don't think overall there was any difference between Nixon and JFK on communism. But, it's possible Nixon would have been more cautious in loosing the CIA on anything.

And yeah, Nixon embraced a way to liberal economic agenda to fit today's gop. And the gop is moving to isolationism that neither Ike, Nixon nor Reagan would have tolerated.

RFK's "ability to communicate with the least fortunate"? What the hell does that mean? RFK was Attorney General and as far as I know his duties did not include "communicating with the least fortunate" or Vegas hookers or Hollywood starlets. The Kennedy legend is coming unraveled and that's a good thing.
This is a good thread. If Nixon had been elected in 60', the "bay of pigs" fiasco may never have happened, the Cuban missile crisis may never have happened and JFK may have lived past November of 63. We may have avoided a military disaster of Vietnam...not to mention Watergate years later...
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Nixon could never the get the nomination in today's GOP. You guys would dub him a RINO and run him out of the party.

Reagan too.

Those two posts must be attempts at humor...because factually they are totally clueless, but do fit nicely into lib/d party talking points.

Lets see, W was a progressive and so was his daddy. Dole, McCain, and Romney all progressives. Yet you two believe the R party is some kind of right wing fanatical party. How can you be so easily duped?

The Rs and Ds are essentially the same. Stinking progressive.
Nixon could never the get the nomination in today's GOP. You guys would dub him a RINO and run him out of the party.

As always the radical left has it ass backwards. Democrats ran their former V.P. candidate out of the party for appearing too moderate. Now that you mention it, JFK's policies (as faulty as they are) would appear to be Tea Party day dreams to today's democrat party. "Ask not what your Country can do for you but what you can do for your Country" ....did a democrat really say that?
Amazing display of grammatical, as well as historical, ignorance. The "Cuban Missile Crisis" was nothing more than a political Kabuki Dance which gave Khrushchev just what HE wanted (the removal of OUR missiles from Turkey) while allowing JFK to pretend he was a tough guy. NK played JFK just the way Putin is playing Obama on Syria (i.e., guaranteeing the current regime).

Way to avoid the facts.:lol: :lmao::clap: Nice game of dodgeball there ignoring that Nixon in later years said he would have gone in and bombed them just like the military wanted Jfk to do but he wisely resisted.:cuckoo:

Oh and Jfk was a man of world peace,contrary to many of the lies that have been spread over the years by our corrupt society and media,the missiles were already there when Jfk got in office.

They were put in place in Turkey under Eisenhower whom unlike vietnam,actually had a good reason for putting them there.Jfk and Kruschev had to make back channel meetings with each other because their governments were both doing a very good job of not carrying oput their directives.
Amazing display of grammatical, as well as historical, ignorance. The "Cuban Missile Crisis" was nothing more than a political Kabuki Dance which gave Khrushchev just what HE wanted (the removal of OUR missiles from Turkey) while allowing JFK to pretend he was a tough guy. NK played JFK just the way Putin is playing Obama on Syria (i.e., guaranteeing the current regime).

Khruschev got what he wanted in that we pledged not to invade cuba, but I don't think it was Kabuki Theatre. Rather, imo the US military was quite pissed they didn't get a chance to strike preemtively and remove Castro.


You have definetely done your homework I see.

they would have gotten there wish though had Dick Nixon been elected back then.By the time he became president,thankfully by then,he had matured enough to not do what he tried to get Ike to do in Laos which i said bomb, but Nixon is actually on record in those meetings telling Ike that we need to NUKE the communists in Laos which Eisenhower being wise in wisdom in years,thankfully did not listen to Dick Nixon and did follow his advise.

In 68 by the time he had become president,he had become more mature enough at that time not to follow through with his earlier advise to Ike and thankfully did not nuke them.

However in the early 60's? Whitehouse staffers who worked in the Eisenhower administration said they thought he was the most immature idiot of a politician they ever met so seeing as how he was so immature back then under Eisenhower ,you can count on it that in the early 60's,unlike Jfk, he would have done what the bass in the military wanted Jfk to do with Cuba and gone ahead and bombed them and gotten us into world war three.

I see some posters completely dodged that important fact.:cuckoo:
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Because whether you realise it or not,Dick Nixon would have gotten us into a nuclear war with russia and we would not be here today if he had won.

I hear people say they dont think JFK was that great a president because he alsomt got us into a nuclear war with Russia. Thats true but he also got us out of it and we escaped it because of him.

Thank god we had the disasterous bay of pigs invasion happen because Kenendy learned from that mistake not to listen to the military anymore.

They lied to him about everything they needed to make the invasion into Cuba a succesful invasion.He inherited the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower.The plan they presented and was drawn up and presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to Kennedy.

Kennedy was told from the very beginning by the CIA that air support was not needed for the invasion to be successful.

During the invasion when it was obviously a disater,Kennedy approached them and said-Hey guys,I know you lied to me about the invasion plans.Tell me the truth this time,do you need air support? they agin lied to him and thats when he made the fatal mistake of saying he would splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the four winds.

After that experience,he got wise and stopped listening to what the military told him to do and when the next crisis,the cuban missile crisis came,this time he wisely did not listen to them and follow the joint chief of staffs recommendations for an all out bombing and invasion of cuba.

He wisely listentend to the advise of his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise during the crisis.He negoaited with Kruschev not to invade cuba as long as they withdrew their missiles.Kruschev agreed and they turned back away from cuba.

He got us out of it because he wisely listented to the advise of his aides and Bobby instead of the military whos recommendations were to go and bomb them.

Had DICK Nixon won the elction back then and had become president,you can put it in the bank he would have followed the advise of the military and done what they wanted Kennedy to do that he resisted and he WOULD have bombed them.

We know that to be true because in later years he said that had he been president at that time,he would have gone in and bombed them and that would have started world war three.Knowing how extremely immature Nixon was back than at that time,it would be foolhardy not to beliebe he would have done just that.In later years r after 68 became more mature and more wise about things,but at that time,he was the most immature idiot there ever was and you can take it to the bank he was not joking when he said he would have gone in and bombed them.

You also got to remember he was always trying to talk Ike into nuking vietnam which Ike being wise as he was,knew better and wisely ignored and did not listen to him.

Not true, Professor X, Magneto and the Original XMen would have still been there to prevent war! Did you not see the documentary on it called XMen: The First Class!

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