Bad News For Race Hustlers


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The real America and the left can't understand it or don't want to...

Crisis reveals the real face of the American people.
September 8, 2017

Larry Elder

Hurricane Harvey reveals an America that many in the media seem not to know exists: a multi-ethnic, multiracial country where people, for the most part, get along. For those who claim that President Donald Trump "coarsened" our politics and "set back race relations," Hurricane Harvey was pretty bad optics.

Only weeks ago, some Democrats were counting the days toward Trump's impeachment and an early departure from the presidency. But last week they saw Trump, in Texas, looking quite presidential in his role as comforter in chief. They saw photos of a president soothing and embracing survivors, no matter their race or gender or sexual orientation. If he is a germaphobe, his fear must be in remission, as he hugged adult survivors and held kids in his arms. Texans, including black ones, appeared pleased by Trump's visit even as Democrats like Maxine Waters have denounced him as "racist," calling for his impeachment as Harvey was bearing down on Texas.


America just elected and re-elected a black president. Still, President Barack Obama famously said racism is "still part of (America's) DNA." Well, America's DNA clearly changed, and dramatically so. In 1958, when Gallup asked whether Americans would vote for a black person for president, 54 percent said, "No." A 2006 Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll found just 3 percent of Republicans and 4 percent of Democrats said they would not vote for a black presidential candidate. In fact, more Americans (14 percent) said they would not vote for a Mormon or a 72-year-old than the number who refused to vote for a black president.


Watch out, Trump-hating media. As more blacks recognize that Republicans are not out to get them, and they look at cities like Detroit under Democratic leadership, Trump can potentially tip the black vote in his party's direction more than any Republican since Abraham Lincoln.

Harvey Shows America's Colorblind Spirit -- Bad News for Race Hustlers
The irony of frontpage as a source of tolerance is a bit much. Fake news at its finest. Media is always the problem for fascist types. Weather disasters bring out the best in people, why then the need to beat up on your favorite bogeyman. Why, because that is the goal of the control freaks. Manage information and you mange the minds of the naive right in America.

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise." Adolf Hitler
The irony of frontpage as a source of tolerance is a bit much. Fake news at its finest. Media is always the problem for fascist types. Weather disasters bring out the best in people, why then the need to beat up on your favorite bogeyman. Why, because that is the goal of the control freaks. Manage information and you mange the minds of the naive right in America.

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise." Adolf Hitler

LOL the OP bends over backwards to signal how tolerant he is and how much he loves the idea of different races coming together in a time of crisis and you still call him hitler.
very true ...for the most part, everyone is just trying to make a living/etc
most people are nice and friendly ...the media is out of control with distortions and lies--this should be obvious to everyone
The irony of frontpage as a source of tolerance is a bit much. Fake news at its finest. Media is always the problem for fascist types. Weather disasters bring out the best in people, why then the need to beat up on your favorite bogeyman. Why, because that is the goal of the control freaks. Manage information and you mange the minds of the naive right in America.

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise." Adolf Hitler

LOL the OP bends over backwards to signal how tolerant he is and how much he loves the idea of different races coming together in a time of crisis and you still call him hitler.
Alt-left punks like mid-can don't bother me, I'd even like to meet some of them in person so I could show my "appreciation" like I always do...:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

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