Avenatti is right-It's time to fight!

Michael Avenatti: When they go low, hit them harder

In life you don't whip bullies by being nice. You must whip their ass and do so in a manner that breaks the bully so he never bullies again. That time has come for Trump. And you make it so that if the bully wins, the bully is altered in such a way he never, EVER bullies again. That's what time it is in America. Where I'm from we call it fuck it. Once you get to fuck it, you have nothing to lose. And that's where we are at right now in America.

Make sure you wear your fuzzy slippers and pretty pink helmet when you show up.
Michael Avenatti: When they go low, hit them harder

In life you don't whip bullies by being nice. You must whip their ass and do so in a manner that breaks the bully so he never bullies again. That time has come for Trump. And you make it so that if the bully wins, the bully is altered in such a way he never, EVER bullies again. That's what time it is in America. Where I'm from we call it fuck it. Once you get to fuck it, you have nothing to lose. And that's where we are at right now in America.

Great. So YOU go out and do some of the fighting. Or are you waiting for someone else to start it and do the fighting?

YOu have nothing to lose? Maybe that is the problem.

I said WE and that means YOU. I am fighting, this is just a small part.

Exactly what am I fight for? Or against? A political party? Give me specifics. Unlike you, I have a LOT to lose. And unlike party sheeple, I see problems with both sides of the aisle. But exactly what sort of "fighting" are you talking about? Armed revolution? Beating up people with hats on with political slogans?

We both have the same things to lose. You talk that party sheeple shit. That's part of the problem. At this point we have a republican majority and president running amuck. The president is doing all manner of unconstitutional things, and the republicans in congress are not doing their jobs by performing oversight. Both sides are not doing this. I'm talking about fighting with the damn ballot. Fighting by being informed citizens and pressuring our representatives as we are constitutionally required to do. Trump is here because of people who thought that both sides were the same thing. And they were not.

Let me say this to you. I have far more to lose than you. My civil rights, equal opportunity by law, equal protection under the law and voting rights just to name a few things, all are under attack because if this administration and the republicans in power and can be diminished or erased if we continue allowing this to happen. So don't tell me what I don't have to lose.

U don't tik Avenatti isqualfied to besident, but I do think he democats wo ae nedtoadpt the strategy he staes in his speech.

Why would you have more to lose than anyone else?
I think that maybe you think every thing is free but I know that my taxes go to pay for education and that incudes the state universities. So if we did not let our tax money get wasted unreasonably spending on the military, unreasonable spending on prisons and law enforcement, locking up on violent drug offenders and militarizing police departments, and handing out more money to the rich, we'd have more than enough to pay for educates and healthcare. But you paranoid world is out to get us, law and order for everyone but you types support this waste of money.

Notice I said UNREASONABLE SPENDING, not zero spending.

The government doesn't hand money to the rich. All government can do is take less of their money.

The problem with you on the left is you believe all money made in the private sector belongs to government, and what they allow is to keep is a gift from them to us.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

You are wrong. The government gives the rich money by the front-loader full.

Example: Scott Pruitt's EPA and Trump repealing environmental laws in place to protect our water supply, to whit:

1. Rivers in NC - coal ash dumps for Duke Energy, the gov't releasing Duke from cleaning the chemicals out of the wastewater before dumping in the rivers. The chemicals are KNOWN

2. Lake Okeechobee in Florida is a waste water dump for the sugar cane planters. The gov't waived the laws requiring them to remove the nitrogen and potassium and now Florida has the worst Red Tide in decades, killing millions of fish and wildlife.
Floridians have been advised NOT to eat seafood coming out of the Gulf of Mexico.

But the sugar conglomerates and Duke Energy save hundreds of millions of dollars after the regulations to clean up their waste were happily repealed by the whores in the White House.

That's how it works.
Any other questions, Dumbo?

Yes, why are you responding with something that doesn't even address my post? So one more time Dumbo: The government DOESN'T GIVE rich people anything. All they can do is take less from them.

No, you are still wrong.
In my sampler I explained that Duke Energy and the sugar conglomerates don't have to expend massive funds to third party services for clean up operations, saving them millions upon millions annually.
That is NOT the government taking less from them via taxes.

AND that is also the government taking money from the poor and middle class workers, when they either repeal or break current environmental laws, considering that the shrimpers and fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico are out of business this year because of the Red Tide.

Would you eat this?

BTW..........2016 article........and Obama got funding for research on it.

From the article on your picture.......it is naturally occurring...........
We had a similar die off of fish several years in a row, I remember, on Lake Ontario, in the 60's and they said it was salt water fish getting into the fresh water via the St. Lawrence Seaway, or something.
It was gross. We lived on the shore at the time.
The government doesn't hand money to the rich. All government can do is take less of their money.

The problem with you on the left is you believe all money made in the private sector belongs to government, and what they allow is to keep is a gift from them to us.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

You are wrong. The government gives the rich money by the front-loader full.

Example: Scott Pruitt's EPA and Trump repealing environmental laws in place to protect our water supply, to whit:

1. Rivers in NC - coal ash dumps for Duke Energy, the gov't releasing Duke from cleaning the chemicals out of the wastewater before dumping in the rivers. The chemicals are KNOWN

2. Lake Okeechobee in Florida is a waste water dump for the sugar cane planters. The gov't waived the laws requiring them to remove the nitrogen and potassium and now Florida has the worst Red Tide in decades, killing millions of fish and wildlife.
Floridians have been advised NOT to eat seafood coming out of the Gulf of Mexico.

But the sugar conglomerates and Duke Energy save hundreds of millions of dollars after the regulations to clean up their waste were happily repealed by the whores in the White House.

That's how it works.
Any other questions, Dumbo?

Yes, why are you responding with something that doesn't even address my post? So one more time Dumbo: The government DOESN'T GIVE rich people anything. All they can do is take less from them.

No, you are still wrong.
In my sampler I explained that Duke Energy and the sugar conglomerates don't have to expend massive funds to third party services for clean up operations, saving them millions upon millions annually.
That is NOT the government taking less from them via taxes.

AND that is also the government taking money from the poor and middle class workers, when they either repeal or break current environmental laws, considering that the shrimpers and fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico are out of business this year because of the Red Tide.

Would you eat this?

BTW..........2016 article........and Obama got funding for research on it.

From the article on your picture.......it is naturally occurring...........
We had a similar die off of fish several years in a row, I remember, on Lake Ontario, in the 60's and they said it was salt water fish getting into the fresh water via the St. Lawrence Seaway, or something.
It was gross. We lived on the shore at the time.
I believe it is also less oxygen in the water as well...........it happens.......better if it's a Jubilee though and not a fish kill..............

One issue with the water..........dams tend to not deposit as much silt into the bay.......another issue......
How old are you? In the 60's and early 70's college at Public Schools was very inexpensive. Example, USF charged $100 per unit in 1972; SFSU had no per unit fee, and all one needed to pay was a registration fee [$50] and buy books (my history of Western Civilization book cost me $6.70, used). My oldest son was a math major/Science Minor and each year text books were refreshed, so he could not buy a used one; most books were over $100 each.

Health care was free at SFSU. I was treated for a sinus infection and given an antibiotic, at no cost.

I paid $348 per semester in my first year of college before I wet away on athletic scholarship. Health care was free.
It was?

It's obvious to me and all those who actually did go to college that you didn't.

I went to college so I know that those posts are true.

The UW has the "Hall of Health" where any student could go for free health care and prescriptions. If they needed a surgery it was done at the UW school of Medicine for free.

Tuition for full time for me in the late 70s was 500 dollars per quarter. That was a full 4 classes 5 days a week of 20 credits.

My parents paid for my education and my sibling's education. They taught us that when you bring a new life into this world you're obligated to make sure that new life has all the tools need to succeed in life. That means a good education and college. I doubt your parents had that belief. Mine were responsible and taught us to be responsible. I taught my child to be responsible.

I prepaid my child's college tuition at rates from the end of the 90s. Which at the time I thought were high. Now it's astronomical. That investment of 4 prepaid years when my child was first born was a very good investment since the cost of college is astronomical now.

Yes we had a lot of free education and health care before reagan and conservatives took over and dismantled all of it.

Wow, and you feel the solution is "Free" education, and "Free" health care?
No. Some on the pioneering left believe equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at-will, is the solution.

Well, on paper I'm sure it looks great, although in reality all ya got is BS.
I paid $348 per semester in my first year of college before I wet away on athletic scholarship. Health care was free.
It was?

It's obvious to me and all those who actually did go to college that you didn't.

I went to college so I know that those posts are true.

The UW has the "Hall of Health" where any student could go for free health care and prescriptions. If they needed a surgery it was done at the UW school of Medicine for free.

Tuition for full time for me in the late 70s was 500 dollars per quarter. That was a full 4 classes 5 days a week of 20 credits.

My parents paid for my education and my sibling's education. They taught us that when you bring a new life into this world you're obligated to make sure that new life has all the tools need to succeed in life. That means a good education and college. I doubt your parents had that belief. Mine were responsible and taught us to be responsible. I taught my child to be responsible.

I prepaid my child's college tuition at rates from the end of the 90s. Which at the time I thought were high. Now it's astronomical. That investment of 4 prepaid years when my child was first born was a very good investment since the cost of college is astronomical now.

Yes we had a lot of free education and health care before reagan and conservatives took over and dismantled all of it.

Wow, and you feel the solution is "Free" education, and "Free" health care?
No. Some on the pioneering left believe equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at-will, is the solution.

Well, on paper I'm sure it looks great, although in reality all ya got is BS.
In reality, you only have BS on paper and in reality. You need an actual rebuttal to have more than a simple and unsubstantiated opinion.
Michael Avenatti: When they go low, hit them harder

In life you don't whip bullies by being nice. You must whip their ass and do so in a manner that breaks the bully so he never bullies again. That time has come for Trump. And you make it so that if the bully wins, the bully is altered in such a way he never, EVER bullies again. That's what time it is in America. Where I'm from we call it fuck it. Once you get to fuck it, you have nothing to lose. And that's where we are at right now in America.

And what exactly are you going to do, Prime Time? What's that you say? Nothing? Thought so.
Michael Avenatti: When they go low, hit them harder

In life you don't whip bullies by being nice. You must whip their ass and do so in a manner that breaks the bully so he never bullies again. That time has come for Trump. And you make it so that if the bully wins, the bully is altered in such a way he never, EVER bullies again. That's what time it is in America. Where I'm from we call it fuck it. Once you get to fuck it, you have nothing to lose. And that's where we are at right now in America.

Democrats are often too diplomatic when dealing with the bullying of cowards like Trump........Republicans in congress have NO spine........So, its left up to a few individuals, such as Avenatti [albeit, self-serving] to fight back with the same fervor.

Really ? So confronting people in a restaurant, stealing hats from kids, burning shit to the ground that's diplomacy in your book ?

Nope, notwithstanding the arson claim, shamming people in public seems tame, and taking someone's hat is wrong and a crime. Seems to me driving into a crowd and killing someone is a bit more serious, don't you think?

Talking to and shaming someone is a lot different from what the right has been doing.

Taking someone's hat isn't the same as beating an old man in the face with a brick while telling him to go back to Mexico.

I have not heard of any instance where a democrat killed someone with a car because they didn't like the person's views. I have not heard of any instance of any democrat beating a 91 year old man in the face with a brick telling him to go back to Mexico.

All I've read about is democrats talking and taking a hat.

91-year-old man beaten with brick, told 'go back to Mexico'

If I remember correctly the old mexican dude was beat up by black dudes.
Stormy Daniels lawyer said he is going to run for POTUS. Slim chance of being elected.
Great. So YOU go out and do some of the fighting. Or are you waiting for someone else to start it and do the fighting?

YOu have nothing to lose? Maybe that is the problem.

I said WE and that means YOU. I am fighting, this is just a small part.

Exactly what am I fight for? Or against? A political party? Give me specifics. Unlike you, I have a LOT to lose. And unlike party sheeple, I see problems with both sides of the aisle. But exactly what sort of "fighting" are you talking about? Armed revolution? Beating up people with hats on with political slogans?

We both have the same things to lose. You talk that party sheeple shit. That's part of the problem. At this point we have a republican majority and president running amuck. The president is doing all manner of unconstitutional things, and the republicans in congress are not doing their jobs by performing oversight. Both sides are not doing this. I'm talking about fighting with the damn ballot. Fighting by being informed citizens and pressuring our representatives as we are constitutionally required to do. Trump is here because of people who thought that both sides were the same thing. And they were not.

Let me say this to you. I have far more to lose than you. My civil rights, equal opportunity by law, equal protection under the law and voting rights just to name a few things, all are under attack because if this administration and the republicans in power and can be diminished or erased if we continue allowing this to happen. So don't tell me what I don't have to lose.

U don't tik Avenatti isqualfied to besident, but I do think he democats wo ae nedtoadpt the strategy he staes in his speech.

Wow, someone seemed to go from "we both have the same things to lose" to "I have more to lose than you" pretty darn quickly.....dumbass.


So!? And for some reason you feel you losing civil rights, equal opportunity by law, equal protection under the law and voting rights is makes you different. With Democrats everyone will be affected the same, everyone loses...dumbass.
Michael Avenatti: When they go low, hit them harder

In life you don't whip bullies by being nice. You must whip their ass and do so in a manner that breaks the bully so he never bullies again. That time has come for Trump. And you make it so that if the bully wins, the bully is altered in such a way he never, EVER bullies again. That's what time it is in America. Where I'm from we call it fuck it. Once you get to fuck it, you have nothing to lose. And that's where we are at right now in America.

Democrats are often too diplomatic when dealing with the bullying of cowards like Trump........Republicans in congress have NO spine........So, its left up to a few individuals, such as Avenatti [albeit, self-serving] to fight back with the same fervor.

Really ? So confronting people in a restaurant, stealing hats from kids, burning shit to the ground that's diplomacy in your book ?

Nope, notwithstanding the arson claim, shamming people in public seems tame, and taking someone's hat is wrong and a crime. Seems to me driving into a crowd and killing someone is a bit more serious, don't you think?

Talking to and shaming someone is a lot different from what the right has been doing.

Taking someone's hat isn't the same as beating an old man in the face with a brick while telling him to go back to Mexico.

I have not heard of any instance where a democrat killed someone with a car because they didn't like the person's views. I have not heard of any instance of any democrat beating a 91 year old man in the face with a brick telling him to go back to Mexico.

All I've read about is democrats talking and taking a hat.

91-year-old man beaten with brick, told 'go back to Mexico'

Oh...and the fat hog wasnt run over. She had a heart attack.
Michael Avenatti: When they go low, hit them harder

In life you don't whip bullies by being nice. You must whip their ass and do so in a manner that breaks the bully so he never bullies again. That time has come for Trump. And you make it so that if the bully wins, the bully is altered in such a way he never, EVER bullies again. That's what time it is in America. Where I'm from we call it fuck it. Once you get to fuck it, you have nothing to lose. And that's where we are at right now in America.

America was made by free college, free healthcare....WTF?

How old are you? In the 60's and early 70's college at Public Schools was very inexpensive. Example, USF charged $100 per unit in 1972; SFSU had no per unit fee, and all one needed to pay was a registration fee [$50] and buy books (my history of Western Civilization book cost me $6.70, used). My oldest son was a math major/Science Minor and each year text books were refreshed, so he could not buy a used one; most books were over $100 each.

Health care was free at SFSU. I was treated for a sinus infection and given an antibiotic, at no cost.

I paid $348 per semester in my first year of college before I wet away on athletic scholarship. Health care was free.

It was?

It's obvious to me and all those who actually did go to college that you didn't.

I went to college so I know that those posts are true.

The UW has the "Hall of Health" where any student could go for free health care and prescriptions. If they needed a surgery it was done at the UW school of Medicine for free.

Tuition for full time for me in the late 70s was 500 dollars per quarter. That was a full 4 classes 5 days a week of 20 credits.

My parents paid for my education and my sibling's education. They taught us that when you bring a new life into this world you're obligated to make sure that new life has all the tools need to succeed in life. That means a good education and college. I doubt your parents had that belief. Mine were responsible and taught us to be responsible. I taught my child to be responsible.

I prepaid my child's college tuition at rates from the end of the 90s. Which at the time I thought were high. Now it's astronomical. That investment of 4 prepaid years when my child was first born was a very good investment since the cost of college is astronomical now.

Yes we had a lot of free education and health care before reagan and conservatives took over and dismantled all of it.

Thats abject bullshit.
Prices went sky high when the gov got into the college loan business.
I said WE and that means YOU. I am fighting, this is just a small part.

Exactly what am I fight for? Or against? A political party? Give me specifics. Unlike you, I have a LOT to lose. And unlike party sheeple, I see problems with both sides of the aisle. But exactly what sort of "fighting" are you talking about? Armed revolution? Beating up people with hats on with political slogans?

Democracy made ancient Athens fall. The word Democracy is not in the US Constitution but Republic is there many times.

We both have the same things to lose. You talk that party sheeple shit. That's part of the problem. At this point we have a republican majority and president running amuck. The president is doing all manner of unconstitutional things, and the republicans in congress are not doing their jobs by performing oversight. Both sides are not doing this. I'm talking about fighting with the damn ballot. Fighting by being informed citizens and pressuring our representatives as we are constitutionally required to do. Trump is here because of people who thought that both sides were the same thing. And they were not.

Let me say this to you. I have far more to lose than you. My civil rights, equal opportunity by law, equal protection under the law and voting rights just to name a few things, all are under attack because if this administration and the republicans in power and can be diminished or erased if we continue allowing this to happen. So don't tell me what I don't have to lose.

U don't tik Avenatti isqualfied to besident, but I do think he democats wo ae nedtoadpt the strategy he staes in his speech.

Wow, someone seemed to go from "we both have the same things to lose" to "I have more to lose than you" pretty darn quickly.....dumbass.


So!? And for some reason you feel you losing civil rights, equal opportunity by law, equal protection under the law and voting rights is makes you different. With Democrats everyone will be affected the same, everyone loses...dumbass.
Haha...you whacks really believe there is such a thing as free. Do you really believe that NOBODY paid your way?
Your professors and doctors worked for you for no pay...a pat on the back and an attaboy was all they wanted huh? Cool story

I think that maybe you think every thing is free but I know that my taxes go to pay for education and that incudes the state universities. So if we did not let our tax money get wasted unreasonably spending on the military, unreasonable spending on prisons and law enforcement, locking up on violent drug offenders and militarizing police departments, and handing out more money to the rich, we'd have more than enough to pay for educates and healthcare. But you paranoid world is out to get us, law and order for everyone but you types support this waste of money.

Notice I said UNREASONABLE SPENDING, not zero spending.

The government doesn't hand money to the rich. All government can do is take less of their money.

The problem with you on the left is you believe all money made in the private sector belongs to government, and what they allow is to keep is a gift from them to us.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

You are wrong. The government gives the rich money by the front-loader full.

Example: Scott Pruitt's EPA and Trump repealing environmental laws in place to protect our water supply, to whit:

1. Rivers in NC - coal ash dumps for Duke Energy, the gov't releasing Duke from cleaning the chemicals out of the wastewater before dumping in the rivers. The chemicals are KNOWN

2. Lake Okeechobee in Florida is a waste water dump for the sugar cane planters. The gov't waived the laws requiring them to remove the nitrogen and potassium and now Florida has the worst Red Tide in decades, killing millions of fish and wildlife.
Floridians have been advised NOT to eat seafood coming out of the Gulf of Mexico.

But the sugar conglomerates and Duke Energy save hundreds of millions of dollars after the regulations to clean up their waste were happily repealed by the whores in the White House.

That's how it works.
Any other questions, Dumbo?

Yes, why are you responding with something that doesn't even address my post? So one more time Dumbo: The government DOESN'T GIVE rich people anything. All they can do is take less from them.

No, you are still wrong.
In my sampler I explained that Duke Energy and the sugar conglomerates don't have to expend massive funds to third party services for clean up operations, saving them millions upon millions annually.
That is NOT the government taking less from them via taxes.

AND that is also the government taking money from the poor and middle class workers, when they either repeal or break current environmental laws, considering that the shrimpers and fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico are out of business this year because of the Red Tide.

Would you eat this?


Are you claiming that red tide is caused by humans?
I think that maybe you think every thing is free but I know that my taxes go to pay for education and that incudes the state universities. So if we did not let our tax money get wasted unreasonably spending on the military, unreasonable spending on prisons and law enforcement, locking up on violent drug offenders and militarizing police departments, and handing out more money to the rich, we'd have more than enough to pay for educates and healthcare. But you paranoid world is out to get us, law and order for everyone but you types support this waste of money.

Notice I said UNREASONABLE SPENDING, not zero spending.

The government doesn't hand money to the rich. All government can do is take less of their money.

The problem with you on the left is you believe all money made in the private sector belongs to government, and what they allow is to keep is a gift from them to us.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

You are wrong. The government gives the rich money by the front-loader full.

Example: Scott Pruitt's EPA and Trump repealing environmental laws in place to protect our water supply, to whit:

1. Rivers in NC - coal ash dumps for Duke Energy, the gov't releasing Duke from cleaning the chemicals out of the wastewater before dumping in the rivers. The chemicals are KNOWN

2. Lake Okeechobee in Florida is a waste water dump for the sugar cane planters. The gov't waived the laws requiring them to remove the nitrogen and potassium and now Florida has the worst Red Tide in decades, killing millions of fish and wildlife.
Floridians have been advised NOT to eat seafood coming out of the Gulf of Mexico.

But the sugar conglomerates and Duke Energy save hundreds of millions of dollars after the regulations to clean up their waste were happily repealed by the whores in the White House.

That's how it works.
Any other questions, Dumbo?

Yes, why are you responding with something that doesn't even address my post? So one more time Dumbo: The government DOESN'T GIVE rich people anything. All they can do is take less from them.

No, you are still wrong.
In my sampler I explained that Duke Energy and the sugar conglomerates don't have to expend massive funds to third party services for clean up operations, saving them millions upon millions annually.
That is NOT the government taking less from them via taxes.

AND that is also the government taking money from the poor and middle class workers, when they either repeal or break current environmental laws, considering that the shrimpers and fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico are out of business this year because of the Red Tide.

Would you eat this?


I would add in that who pays for that clean up? Who pays to clean up all the dead sea life and clean up the water that is now too toxic for life to exist?

It sure isn't the industries that cause all of it.

You might want to do a little research on red tides.
Democracy is not in the US Constitution but Republic is there many times. Ancient Athens was where democracy began which made Ancient Athens fall. Ballot stuffing was the demise of Ancient Athens.
The government doesn't hand money to the rich. All government can do is take less of their money.

The problem with you on the left is you believe all money made in the private sector belongs to government, and what they allow is to keep is a gift from them to us.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

You are wrong. The government gives the rich money by the front-loader full.

Example: Scott Pruitt's EPA and Trump repealing environmental laws in place to protect our water supply, to whit:

1. Rivers in NC - coal ash dumps for Duke Energy, the gov't releasing Duke from cleaning the chemicals out of the wastewater before dumping in the rivers. The chemicals are KNOWN

2. Lake Okeechobee in Florida is a waste water dump for the sugar cane planters. The gov't waived the laws requiring them to remove the nitrogen and potassium and now Florida has the worst Red Tide in decades, killing millions of fish and wildlife.
Floridians have been advised NOT to eat seafood coming out of the Gulf of Mexico.

But the sugar conglomerates and Duke Energy save hundreds of millions of dollars after the regulations to clean up their waste were happily repealed by the whores in the White House.

That's how it works.
Any other questions, Dumbo?

Yes, why are you responding with something that doesn't even address my post? So one more time Dumbo: The government DOESN'T GIVE rich people anything. All they can do is take less from them.

No, you are still wrong.
In my sampler I explained that Duke Energy and the sugar conglomerates don't have to expend massive funds to third party services for clean up operations, saving them millions upon millions annually.
That is NOT the government taking less from them via taxes.

AND that is also the government taking money from the poor and middle class workers, when they either repeal or break current environmental laws, considering that the shrimpers and fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico are out of business this year because of the Red Tide.

Would you eat this?


I would add in that who pays for that clean up? Who pays to clean up all the dead sea life and clean up the water that is now too toxic for life to exist?

It sure isn't the industries that cause all of it.

You might want to do a little research on red tides.

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