Assholes That Make Life On Earth Nothing But Bullshit


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
These are people that spend their days pissing people off. They are people who get their jollies from making other people miserable or make life more difficult for the rest of us. People that if the drove off a cliff and died in a fiery ball of flames the world would be a much better place.



The filmmaker Michael Moore is one of the most popular of modern political commentators, however it is shown that he is often hypocritical about many issues which he is well-known for speaking about, including his making false claims of having ”working class” roots and being a ”populist who stands up for the little guy,” his investing in many of the companies he criticizes including defense contractors such as Haliburton, and his having hiring practices that he criticizes in others. [Note— Also Moore’s agent is Ari Emanuel, the brother of Obama’s original White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.]

Following are points describing the information contained in the chapter of Peter Schweizer's book Do As I Say (Not As I Do) speaking about Michael Moore.

— Michael Moore has become famous worldwide due to his books and films, and he has become extremely wealthy earning in the ”mid eight figures” so far, but Moore says ”I haven’t altered my life in any significant way” .. ”I think once you’re working class, you’re always working class.”(1) He has a well known persona of being a ”common sense average joe” who criticizes wealthy elitists and claims to give away up to 40 percent of his income.(2) However it is shown that his persona is manufactured, starting with him not having a blue collar background, and he is consistently hypocritical about most of the issues which he is well-known for criticizing.

— Despite his claims of being raised in the downtrodden blue-collar industrial town of Flint, Michigan, it is shown that Moore grew up in a relatively affluent middle class family in a neighboring suburb of Davidson, where he and his three siblings went to private Catholic School. His father had a comfortable job with General Motors and retired at the age of fifty-three.(3) Moore continued to proclaim Flint being his home, even fourteen years after living in the area when he wrote in the Los Angeles Times that he was ”heading home to Flint” after the Oscars in 2003.

— After graduating from High School, Moore started publishing a small newspaper called the Michigan Voice, which was heavily subsidized by John Stuart Mott, a grandson of one of the the founders of General Motors who shared Moore’s political views. Moore claimed that he made very little money before his first commercial success with the movie Roger & Me, but it is shown that in 1988 he received a $50,000 advance from a New York Publisher for a book about General Motors, and he received another $50,000 from Mother Jones after he was fired from his job as editor, as well as receiving a $20,000 grant from the consumer rights advocate Ralph Nader.

— An article published by the British Film Institute details that when Moore visited London for business such as promoting his film Roger & Me that he flew on the Concorde and stayed at the Ritz, but he booked a room at a cheap hotel down the street where he could meet with journalists while posing as a ”man of humble circumstances.”(5)

— Moore proclaims himself an ”economic populist” who can relate to people, but his targets are actually usually average Americans rather than wealthy Elites and CEOs. The New Yorker Magazine called him out on his actual intended audience in Roger & Me not being the working class but rather affluent liberal snobs of the Upper West Side, and the United Auto Workers condemned the movie. Other movies such as The Big One have been criticized for their real targets being ordinary citizens. It is also explained how Moore’s works are made popular overseas due to his reinforcing of negative American stereotypes.

— A common theme which Moore also communicates is that racism is rampant in America, and it is shown that despite Moore hilighting racial disparities in the entertainment industry, his widespread hiring for his own projects has not in any way lived up to the standards of racial diversity that he prescribes for others, with the large number of employees in senior positions that he has hired for his projects being almost exclusively white, despite Moore even writing in his book Stupid White Men that ”If you’re African American and you’d like to work in the media... then I encourage you to drop me a line and send me your resume.” It is described how out of 134 of Moore’s past and present higher level employees such as producers, editors, and cinematographers, only three were African American.

— It is also shown that Moore is also not committed to hiring ”working class” people as he has claimed, as most of his high level employees are shown to be entertainment industry veterans with previous high level experience such as producing movies and working on popular television shows.
Read more here....Surprising facts about the filmmaker Michael Moore, from the book ”Do As I Say (Not As I Do)” — News of Interest.TV
Here's an asshole that is busy trying to destroy America...


George Soros is a hugely influential yet relatively little known political figure. He is one of the world’s wealthiest men who has amassed much of his fortune through investing in world currencies at points in time shortly before political changes occur which effect the values of those currencies. He is a philanthropist who is frequently well thought of by many and is often perceived as using much of his fortune for creating progressive political change.

A look behind the scenes, however, reveals that Soros is a key globalist individual who is essentially a ”front man” for giving a humanitarian and progressive face to globalist agendas. [Note— His supposed speculative investments are often coordinated with the people who create the currency changes he is betting on in the first place, being planned at meetings such as secretive Bilderberg conferences. Soros’ philanthropy has perceived themes of progress and humanitarianism, but it is shown that his influence forwards globalist ulterior motives. His foundations fund left wing information outlets which have an appearance of being legitimate but in fact often disseminate deceptive information, such as the Center for American Progress,, The Nation, and Think Progress, among many others.]

Also it is shown that despite being a publicly outspoken critic of George Bush and Neocon imperialism, Soros has been a large investor along with the Bush family in the Carlyle Group, which is one of the largest elements of the "Military Industrial Complex."

Following are points describing the information contained in the chapter of the book Do As I Say (Not As I Do) speaking about George Soros.

— Soros became well known during the cold war for funding dissident groups behind the iron curtain and then providing hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to those countries.

— In 2003 Soros gave $10 million to the organization ”Americans Coming Together” in an ”urgent crusade” to defeat Bush, and he traveled the United States speaking to college campuses and the media talking about the importance of Bush being defeated in the upcoming election, comparing Bush to a Nazi and saying ”He’s leading the U.S. and the world toward a vicious circle of escalating violence,” and he spoke about how civil liberties would disappear under Bush. [Note— Such rhetoric was staged for ulterior motives, as Soros is one of the ”Bilderberg” global elite, and he knew that the baton would be passed to whatever Democratic Presidency that would be put in place after the Bush presidency to continue the same imperialist agendas, but with Soros then being in a perceived position of righteousness.]

— Soros thinks of himself as a philosopher and speaks of a utopian ”open society” existing in equilibrium, that would ”maximize the freedom of individuals to live as they wish,” and Soros has claimed having messianic fantasies since childhood which he says he is now able to live out.(2) [Note— While globalist strategies claim to be utopian in nature, they involve consolidation and transfer of global power to only a few globalist elite individuals through making use of deception of the world’s populace, and such strategies also involve extreme world depopulation which Soros also supports.]

— Soros portraits himself as a capitalist that has converted to the leftist cause and uses his money for good, such as to fight capitalism, reverse globalism, and increase taxes for the wealthy. [Note— Soros was able to get away with claims of reversing globalism more in the past as the topic was not well understood by enough people. He is in fact one of the most influential globalists.] ”He supports legalization of drugs, unfettered immigration, and advocates euthanasia and assisted suicide. Among his other causes are abortion rights, atheism, sex education, gun control, and gay marriage.” [Note— Many such stances may seem agreeable to a lot of people, however many of those issues have deeper implications that most left wing media outlets (many funded by Soros) are not willing to discuss.]

— Soros was born in 1930 to a Jewish family in Hungary. The Germans invaded Hungary when George was 14 years old, and during the occupation he hid by assuming the identity of a gentile and had a surrogate father whose job was to confiscate the property of Hungarian Jews in order to hand it over to the Germans. After the war, George was able to slip through the Soviet occupation and moved to England where he studied at the London School of Economics, and he eventually moved to the United States for a career of a currency speculator and stock market trader.(4)

— Soros started the ”Quantum Fund” in 1973 starting with a few million dollars in assets, and today the fund is worth over $10 Billion. His timing is usually perfect and his choices impeccable for making large profits. [Note— Soros’ success is largely due to being among the highest ranking global elite, where he has advance knowledge and even control over world events which others do not, thus giving him the ability to invest with complete confidence. He could be much wealthier if he wanted to be.]

— Soros is publicly critical of capitalism, but his wealth has been accumulated through an extremely predatory form of capitalism known as ”currency speculation,” which bets on values of the currencies of countries rising and falling. Also, his investments are internationally known as a "guarantee," so his merely making a public statement is enough to effect the market, which is an aspect that he has unethically exploited in the past. Soros’ Quantum Fund is established ”offshore,” which exempts it from Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules.

— Soros is well known for once betting $10 billion on the British pound in 1992 and then making a $1 billion profit in one day, which ended up heavily costing the British economy and taxpayers. He did similar trades in 1993 with the Danish Kroner,(9) and in 1998 with the Russian Ruble. He also caused economic damage in Asia and then reentered the market purchasing factories and infrastructure at heavily reduced prices.(10)

— Soros’s philanthropic efforts almost always serve to empower ulterior motives, such as when he ”opens” previously ”closed” developing countries and then takes ownership of important assets in those countries at bargain prices, such as his giving millions of dollars of aid to Kosovo and then paying $50 million to take ownership of a gold and silver mine claimed to be worth over $5 billion.(13)

— Soros has frequently been criticized for his hypocrisy of exploiting the capitalist systems which he publicly criticizes and claims are in need of reform. The American ”left wing” had criticized Soros about his activities in the past, but he has since purchased much of it’s influence and he now dictates agendas of many well-known information sources such as the Center for American Progress,, The Nation, and Think Progress, among many others. [Note— At the same time, most other left wing outlets are also now being consolidated and controlled by sources pushing the same pro-globalism agendas. Soros often escapes criticism for his unethical investing practices due to having an image of being a ”humanitarian philanthropist,” but in reality his activities are forwarding deceptive globalist agendas.]

Read more here....Surprising facts about the globalist financier George Soros, from the book ”Do As I Say (Not As I Do)” — News of Interest.TV
These are people that spend their days pissing people off. They are people who get their jollies from making other people miserable or make life more difficult for the rest of us. People that if the drove off a cliff and died in a fiery ball of flames the world would be a much better place.



The filmmaker Michael Moore is one of the most popular of modern political commentators, however it is shown that he is often hypocritical about many issues which he is well-known for speaking about, including his making false claims of having ”working class” roots and being a ”populist who stands up for the little guy,” his investing in many of the companies he criticizes including defense contractors such as Haliburton, and his having hiring practices that he criticizes in others. [Note— Also Moore’s agent is Ari Emanuel, the brother of Obama’s original White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.]

Following are points describing the information contained in the chapter of Peter Schweizer's book Do As I Say (Not As I Do) speaking about Michael Moore.

— Michael Moore has become famous worldwide due to his books and films, and he has become extremely wealthy earning in the ”mid eight figures” so far, but Moore says ”I haven’t altered my life in any significant way” .. ”I think once you’re working class, you’re always working class.”(1) He has a well known persona of being a ”common sense average joe” who criticizes wealthy elitists and claims to give away up to 40 percent of his income.(2) However it is shown that his persona is manufactured, starting with him not having a blue collar background, and he is consistently hypocritical about most of the issues which he is well-known for criticizing.

— Despite his claims of being raised in the downtrodden blue-collar industrial town of Flint, Michigan, it is shown that Moore grew up in a relatively affluent middle class family in a neighboring suburb of Davidson, where he and his three siblings went to private Catholic School. His father had a comfortable job with General Motors and retired at the age of fifty-three.(3) Moore continued to proclaim Flint being his home, even fourteen years after living in the area when he wrote in the Los Angeles Times that he was ”heading home to Flint” after the Oscars in 2003.

— After graduating from High School, Moore started publishing a small newspaper called the Michigan Voice, which was heavily subsidized by John Stuart Mott, a grandson of one of the the founders of General Motors who shared Moore’s political views. Moore claimed that he made very little money before his first commercial success with the movie Roger & Me, but it is shown that in 1988 he received a $50,000 advance from a New York Publisher for a book about General Motors, and he received another $50,000 from Mother Jones after he was fired from his job as editor, as well as receiving a $20,000 grant from the consumer rights advocate Ralph Nader.

— An article published by the British Film Institute details that when Moore visited London for business such as promoting his film Roger & Me that he flew on the Concorde and stayed at the Ritz, but he booked a room at a cheap hotel down the street where he could meet with journalists while posing as a ”man of humble circumstances.”(5)

— Moore proclaims himself an ”economic populist” who can relate to people, but his targets are actually usually average Americans rather than wealthy Elites and CEOs. The New Yorker Magazine called him out on his actual intended audience in Roger & Me not being the working class but rather affluent liberal snobs of the Upper West Side, and the United Auto Workers condemned the movie. Other movies such as The Big One have been criticized for their real targets being ordinary citizens. It is also explained how Moore’s works are made popular overseas due to his reinforcing of negative American stereotypes.

— A common theme which Moore also communicates is that racism is rampant in America, and it is shown that despite Moore hilighting racial disparities in the entertainment industry, his widespread hiring for his own projects has not in any way lived up to the standards of racial diversity that he prescribes for others, with the large number of employees in senior positions that he has hired for his projects being almost exclusively white, despite Moore even writing in his book Stupid White Men that ”If you’re African American and you’d like to work in the media... then I encourage you to drop me a line and send me your resume.” It is described how out of 134 of Moore’s past and present higher level employees such as producers, editors, and cinematographers, only three were African American.

— It is also shown that Moore is also not committed to hiring ”working class” people as he has claimed, as most of his high level employees are shown to be entertainment industry veterans with previous high level experience such as producing movies and working on popular television shows.
Read more here....Surprising facts about the filmmaker Michael Moore, from the book ”Do As I Say (Not As I Do)” — News of Interest.TV
I went to pick up Moore's latest documentary on DVD but was shocked when the store said they required money for it.
you all made some wonderful just shows you that assholes run the world,and have a lot of power and when they talk people people hear them.....
Herein are the assholes who believe they hold absolute power, appointed by a megalomaniac:

List of Goldman Sachs Alumni in Donald Trump’s Administration
Having worked there doesn't make you evil or part of a conspiracy. GS backed Hillary. Trump chose successful people instead of government lackeys. Hard for you to understand, I know.

Plutocracy is evil, self serving and exploits the many. Even fools understand this, of course complete idiots ^^^ can't.
...speaking of assholes....

Herein are the assholes who believe they hold absolute power, appointed by a megalomaniac:

List of Goldman Sachs Alumni in Donald Trump’s Administration
Having worked there doesn't make you evil or part of a conspiracy. GS backed Hillary. Trump chose successful people instead of government lackeys. Hard for you to understand, I know.

Plutocracy is evil, self serving and exploits the many. Even fools understand this, of course complete idiots ^^^ can't.

During an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos proclaimed that whites will become a minority within 30 years and that “this is our country”.

TUCKER CARLSON: So at an event several weeks ago in February you said this, and I wanted to ask you about it, and I’m quoting you, “I’m a proud Latino immigrant here in the United States. You know exactly what is going on here in the US. There are many people who do not want us to be here and who want to create a wall in order to separate us. But you know what, this is also our country. Let me repeat this, our country, not theirs, it’s our country.” Who’s the us, and who’s the they? Whose country is it?

JORGE RAMOS: This is our country, it is yours, it is mine and it is ours. The interesting this is with the Trump administration and many people who support Donald Trump they think it is their country, that it is a white country and they are absolutely wrong. This is not a white country, this is not their country, it is ours, and that is precisely what I’m saying. Look in 2044, the white population will become a minority, it will be a minority/majority country, that is precisely what I’m saying. Latinos, Asians, African-Americans, whites, it is our country Tucker.

However, Carlson embarrassed Ramos when he pointed out that Ramos was basically white.

Let me just point out that you are white, obviously, you are whiter than I am. You’ve got blue eyes. I don’t know exactly what you mean by white or Latino,” said Carlson.

Ramos had no rebuttal and simply went back to repeating his previous argument before claiming that anyone born in a Latino country is Latino even if their ethnicity is European.

Ramos is a blue-eyed light-skinned Mexican-European. Although his ancestry is not known, a picture of Ramos’ sister suggests that Ramos may indeed be more white than Tucker Carlson.

Drudge Report

Is Chuck Schumer a Liar?

Is Chuck Schumer a Liar?


Michael Walsh January 23, 2017
Would you buy a used car from this man? (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)

As is plainly evident, there will be no honeymoon for President Trump. The Left has refused to accept the results of the 2016 election and are already engaged in what they called the "Resistance" against... what, exactly? The time to express disapproval of Donald Trump was at the ballot box, except they lost. Now, they're taking out their impotent frustration in the streets and in the halls of Congress, where they are led in part by one of the nastiest men in American public life, Sen. Charles Schumer, who apparently has lied right to their faces. Surprise!

When President Donald Trump visited the CIA Saturday, he had hoped that CIA Director Mike Pompeo would accompany him. But when Trump arrived at the Langley, Virginia, headquarters of the Agency, he was instead accompanied by Congressman Mike Pompeo.

Representative Pompeo will almost certainly be confirmed as CIA Director on Monday. And the CIA will no doubt survive two days without its new leader. But the nastiness of the partisan sniping between top Republicans and Democrats that led to the delay may well have a lasting impact on the Senate - in this Congress and beyond.

According to six sources familiar with the negotiations over Pompeo's confirmation, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer told Republican leaders that he would allow Pompeo to be confirmed by voice vote on Inauguration Day, along with two other Trump nominees who have national security responsibilities. But Schumer broke his promise, these sources say, and offered an insulting excuse for having done so.

"Trust is important, even between adversaries," says Senator John Cornyn, one of the Republicans involved in the discussions. "And that trust has been damaged."

What a shock. Chuck Schumer, insulting? The man is a walking caricature of a rude, arrogant New Yorker, and the only wonder is that Cornyn, who's known him for years, professes to be surprised by his bad behavior. One upside is that newer senators, such as Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Richard Burr of North Carolina, now have no further reason to trust Chuck Schumer, ever.

Senator JERK: Al Franken Does Not “Play Nicely” With Others
by Jeff Dunetz

Much has been said about last weeks exchange between Senators Al Franken and Joe Lieberman. Franken’s refusal to give Lieberman a few moments to finish his thought was a breach of Senate etiquette, where being polite on the chamber’s floor is more important than party differences.

Throughout his Senate Campaign, Franken was portrayed as a bit of a jerk, short tempered, scathing tongue and someone who went around looking for an argument. After some good behavior during his first few months, Franken is proving that his reputation of being a real a**hole is entirely accurate.

….Franken has surprised some of his colleagues behind the scenes by getting into heated tangles with GOP staffers.

One such exchange took place in Franken’s office during a recent meeting with Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and his aides.

Franken invited Corker to his office to discuss an op-ed that Corker penned in a Tennessee newspaper opposing an amendment Franken offered to a defense bill. The measure gave the employees of defense contractors who suffer rape or sexual assault at the workplace the right to sue in court.

The meeting quickly deteriorated when Franken began berating one of Corker’s aides, according to GOP aides familiar with the incident. Franken’s sally was so harsh that Corker told Franken to lay off his aide and direct the comments at him instead.

Franken’s tough approach came as a surprise because Corker scheduled the meeting to mend fences after Franken confronted him about the op-ed during an angry exchange on the Senate floor.

Franken finds inappropriate times to pick a fight:

Another GOP staffer, an aide to a Senate Republican leader, found herself at the sharp end of Franken’s wit at a recent reception in the Senate’s Mansfield Room. The tongue-lashing took place at an event to celebrate the swearing-in of GOP Sen. George LeMieux (Fla.).

After the conversation began ordinarily, Franken started to grill the aide about what he sees as the failings of the GOP. Franken demanded to know why it had become the “Party of No” and had exaggerated facts in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, according to another GOP leadership aide.

….The incidents with GOP staff have reminded some Senate observers of a mocking interaction Franken had with a conservative student, Peter Fritz, at Carleton College during his Senate campaign. After learning of Fritz’s political orientation, Franken pressed him to defend Reaganomics and mimicked his speech patterns, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Aden-Wansbury vigorously denied that Franken made fun of Fritz and claimed that element of the report was inaccurate.

“There is a war within Al Franken,” said Lawrence Jacobs, a professor of political science at the University of Minnesota. “The Al Franken head tells him to steer away from the limelight and build his reputation. Then there is his heart, which is quite fiery.”

Jacobs said Franken must be careful not to engage in too many political brawls, or it could “reinforce for independent voters what they feared about him, that he’s a hot-headed partisan.”

Franken has not just confronted GOP aides at private meetings; he has also mixed it up with Republican colleagues in public on the Senate floor.

In addition to chewing out Corker over the op-ed, earlier this month Franken clashed loudly with Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) on the Senate floor. The dust-up was spurred by Thune’s claim that Democratic healthcare legislation would impose new taxes immediately but fail to implement benefits for several years.

Franken derided Thune’s floor presentation and implied that he had fabricated some of his facts, a more personal confrontation than usual in the clubby Senate. An irate Thune walked off the Senate floor after Franken revealed a private conversation they had on the topic.

“I asked if he mentioned any of the benefits that do kick in [immediately] and he said, ‘Uh no,’ ” Franken said in front of C-SPAN television cameras.

“We are entitled to our own opinions; we’re not entitled to our own facts,” Franken said, raising his voice. “Benefits kick in right away, and if you’re going to hold up a chart that says when taxes kick in and when benefits kick in … you better include the benefits that do kick in right away.”

Senator JERK: Al Franken Does Not "Play Nicely" With Others - The Lid

Al Franken: I think Jeff Sessions committed perjury -

Washington (CNN)Minnesota Sen.

Al Franken said he now believes that Attorney General Jeff Sessions committed perjury during his confirmation hearing when he did not disclose meetings with a Russian ambassador.
Sessions' response during the hearing to Franken's question about Russia and President Donald Trump's campaign was demonstrably false, Franken said Tuesday on CNN's "The Lead" with Jake Tapper.
"It's hard to come to any other conclusion than he just perjured himself," the Democratic member of the Senate Judiciary committee said.

Frankenstein is well known for wild accusations like this. He even wrote a book about it.

Al Franken makes a living off of accusing people of lying. Most people appear with him and expect an honest debate, but instead end up having to defend themselves from a prepared bushwacking and one sided affair.

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Obama asked point blank about wiretaps; his answer speaks VOLUMES - Allen B. West -

Obama asked point blank about wiretaps; his answer speaks VOLUMES
By Michael Cantrell

9:46am March 10, 2017

If you thought 2017 would bring about the end of being irritated by Barack Obama, you’re about to be severely disappointed, because it appears his annoying liberalism is going to continue being a thorn in the side for a little while longer.
One of those obnoxious traits we’ve all become accustomed to is Obama’s ability to use deflection to avoid tough questions and derail the media — who, let’s be honest, wanted to be derailed so as not to implicate their hero in any wrong doing — to keep from being held accountable for his actions.
Recently, Obama was asked if he was at all concerned about Trump’s accusations that he had Trump Tower wiretapped, and true to form, the former president “rolled his eyes” and then deflected saying he was more concerned about The Donald kicking people off of insurance.

Fox News contributor Guy Benson was quick to point out the irony of Obama’s comments about people getting kicked off insurance.
It doesn’t seem there’s ever going to be a time in the president’s life when he’s actually going to take responsibility for his own actions and admit that maybe, just maybe, some — or all — of what he did while in office was the wrong move.
The sign of maturity for any man is his ability to take responsibility for his own mistakes, which clearly indicates in this situation that for eight years we had a petulant child as president, which might account for why we’re in such bad shape today.
What do you think would happen to you if you were traveling and refused to produce your passport and refused to cooperate with the TSA? Muhammad Ali Jr found out. He was asked to produce a passport and refused, then he told the TSA officials to go fuck themselves when they asked him to remove his jewelry after setting off the metal-detector. He thinks he's being picked on because of his name. No, this is standard procedure in airports now bub. Ask yourself how many Muslims are named Muhammad.


Muhammad Ali's son says he was detained at airport again

Muhammad Ali Jr. was detained and questioned at a Washington airport on Friday before being allowed to board a flight to Fort Lauderdale, a lawyer for the late heavyweight champion's son said.

Ali had traveled to Washington on Wednesday, without incident, to speak with members of a congressional subcommittee on border security about a previous detention. Ali and his mother, Khalilah Camacho Ali, were stopped at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport after returning from Jamaica on Feb. 7.

Attorney Chris Mancini said Ali was detained for 20 minutes after attempting to board a JetBlue Airways flight home to Florida on Friday. Mancini said Ali spoke to Department of Homeland Security officials by telephone and showed his driver's license and passport before being allowed to board.

Ali’s identity was confirmed by the agency before boarding the flight, a spokeswoman for the Transportation Security Administration said.

"None of this was happening Wednesday," Mancini said in a telephone interview. "Going to Washington obviously opened up a can of worms at DHS."


Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was on the same flight as Ali. Schultz tweeted a photo with Ali saying that "religiously profiling son of 'The Greatest' will not make us safe."

Ali told members of Congress on Thursday that he felt like his "human rights" were violated.

"I felt just like I felt at my father's funeral. I didn't know what to think. I was just dumbfounded," Ali said.

The mother and son have said in interviews that they believe they have been stopped because they are Muslim with Arabic names. Muhammad Ali Jr. and his mother are both born in the United States.
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Maxine Waters Calls Trump's Cabinet A Bunch Of "Scumbags"
Rep. Maxine Waters has seemingly become the spine the Democrats so desperately need to tackle the GOP and the Trump administration. The California congresswoman, whose blunt honesty coupled with priceless facial expressions, have scored her a new generation of admirers who are tired of all the politics and simply want the straight talk. Tuesday night, (Feb. 21) Waters appeared on MSNBC’s “All In With Chris Hayes” and in true Maxine Waters fashion, held nothing back when discussing Donald Trump’s administration, specifically its alleged ties with Russia.

READ Rep. Maxine Waters Wants No Parts Of Donald Trump: ‘I Don’t Respect Him’

“This is a bunch of scumbags. That’s what they are, who are all organized around making money,” Waters said.

Hayes was visibly taken back by Waters’ candor and asked the congresswoman to elaborate. Waters then proceeded to eviscerate the Trump administration calling the cabinet the “Kremlin clan” for its proposed dealings with Russia, and specifically tore into White House chief of staff Reince Priebus’ attempt to water down a New York Times story backing this claim.

“Priebus has been trying to clean up for Donald Trump for far too long. When he was making outrageous statements, when he was basically lying, ” said the U.S. Representative for California’s 43rd congressional district. “Time is going to run out.” Water then urged the American people to pay closer attention to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who reportedly has a relationship with Russian president Vladamir Putin.

READ Morehouse Flips Presidents’ Day To ‘Obama Day’

“I believe that Tillerson’s real job is to get in here and get those sanctions lifted. It’s clear to me, and I just think the American people had better understand what’s going on,” Waters said.



Buzzfeed recently published a completely unverified smear of Donald Trump and it was immediately debunked.

It is very clear that the piece was nothing more than an effort to bring down Trump.

That hasn’t stopped Congresswoman Maxine Waters from spreading it around.

In fact, she just went on television and said it was true.

From The Daily Caller:

Rep. Maxine Waters claimed, without evidence, that the most salacious allegations made against President Trump in an unsubstantiated Russian dossier are true.

“Oh, I think it should be taken a look at,” Waters said. “I think they should really read it, understand it, analyze it, and determine what’s fact, what may not be fact. We already know that the part about the coverage they have on him with sex actions is supposed to be true. They have said that that’s absolutely true. Some other things they kind of allude to. Yes, I think he should go into that dossier and see what’s there.”
Buzzfeed recently published a completely unverified smear of Donald Trump and it was immediately debunked.

It is very clear that the piece was nothing more than an effort to bring down Trump.

That hasn’t stopped Congresswoman Maxine Waters from spreading it around.

In fact, she just went on television and said it was true.

From The Daily Caller:

Rep. Maxine Waters claimed, without evidence, that the most salacious allegations made against President Trump in an unsubstantiated Russian dossier are true.

“Oh, I think it should be taken a look at,” Waters said. “I think they should really read it, understand it, analyze it, and determine what’s fact, what may not be fact. We already know that the part about the coverage they have on him with sex actions is supposed to be true. They have said that that’s absolutely true. Some other things they kind of allude to. Yes, I think he should go into that dossier and see what’s there.”

This video is self-explanatory.

Life, What the hell is going on?: Shia LaBeouf Is An Asshole Of Epic Proportions

You wanna know a secret? Shia LeBeouf is a fucking awful actor. No matter what emotion he’s supposed to express, he gives the impression of a borderline special-needs kid trying to work out if he’s been insulted or not.

Pick any Shia LeBeouf movie. Go to any scene with him in, freeze it, and look at his face. You’ll see what I mean. Mostly confused with a hint of anger or aggression. Like a 4”9 alcoholic with a Napoleon complex who tries to pick a fight with you down the pub. The guy you’ll refuse to have a battle of wits with…but only because it’s unsporting to fight with someone so obviously unarmed.

Actually, I tell a lie. He has his shit-eating grin as well. Add to that the fact that he looks like a partially melted David Schwimmer, and movie material he ain’t.

12 Times That Shia LaBeouf Made An Absolute Ass Of Himself

It seems that a week can't go by without Shia LaBeouf somehow making a total douche out of himself. Whether it's some sort of Joaquin Phoenix-esque performance art piece or a very public mental breakdown, the press has been lapping up every morsel of his strange behaviour, but it's not exactly like the guy's erratic actions have just been confined to the last two months. LaBeouf became something of a notorious "bad boy" not long after accepting the Transformers role, with arrests and altercations with the authorities becoming pretty regular tabloid stories. He's also burned a number of professional bridges along the way, and simply, if this is all part of some strange publicity stunt, it's working, though at the same time appears to be alienating a lot of his cinematic brethren. It's a shame because, despite his derision, LaBeouf has proven himself to be a reliably solid actor who could be propelled to greatness if he found a meaty role and took a step back from all this silliness. Sadly, he's going the other way, following up his recent Shia Labeouf-athon by occupying a lift in Oxford as some sort of art installation. He's clearly attempting some sort of transition where every banal thing he does is counted as art.

Read more here.....12 Times That Shia LaBeouf Made An Absolute Ass Of Himself
Avengers director Joss Whedon isn't just an asshole, he's crazy.


Liberal Director Joss Whedon Sneers: Pence Is a ‘Loathsome Swine’

Liberal director Joss Whedon on Wednesday fumed that Mike Pence is a “loathsome,” “unethical” “swine.” But he’s still better than Donald Trump. BuzzFeed reporters Steven Perlberg and Lissandra Villa talked to prominent Democrats about new-found affection for the Vice President. Well, sort of.

In an e-mail to BuzzFeed, the director of The Avengers and creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer excoriated, “Mike Pence is a loathsome swine who has every intention of stripping basic rights from most of the country. And he’s blithely complicit in abetting Bannon’s deliberate dissolution of our democracy.”

However, he allowed, “Would I prefer he were president instead of the quivering, Tang-sweating, praise-eating, Putin-smooching, laser-pointer-chasing man-brat we have now? Yes.”

“Other than Hillary Clinton,” the BuzzFeed reporters identified people Whedon would want as president instead of Trump: “Hillary Clinton — includes Veruca Salt, Smaug, and four radishes in a bowl.”

In mid-November (after the election), the celebrity was in denial, saying that “Trump cannot be allowed to take office.” In January, Whedon appeared to call Ivanka Trump a dog. The director later asserted he had been misunderstood. On February 27, he mocked Trump voters as "obnoxious" and "uncaring."

The BuzzFeed story also included this quote from an ex-Obamaspeechwriter:

"I'd sleep easier with almost any other human being as president than Donald Trump," the former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau told BuzzFeed News. "I'm not as worried [Pence] would accidentally start a nuclear war because some Breitbart lunatic floated a conspiracy that got under his skin."


Joss Whedon - Encyclopedia Dramatica
Joss Whedon is a fat excuse for a director who, with a combination of plagiarism, woman-hating and pandering to pathetic nerds, was able to build a successful career in spite of multiple failures and no talent, before abruptly turning into a fedora wearing, propaganda spewing, subservient hyper-feminist who spends his time sucking up to irrelevant internet celebrities in hopes that they will let him forget the fact that everything he has ever produced contains half-dressed bitches and whores, and that his most favorite character that he ever created would threaten to punish women by raping them.

In fact, quite a lot of Whedon's productions contain rape. Besides the aforementioned character in Firefly, another one of his shows contains multiple rapes and, if you think this is all in his past, you should know that, even before the movie came out, the trailers for the recent Age of Ultron (which SJWs are already calling sexist) already contained a subtle rape joke. So it's safe to assume that Whedon's obsession with feminism is probably the result of guilt over having some kind of rape fetish.

The plump, geeky, comic book loving cancer that is killing screenwriting, Joss Whedon is exactly what Quentin Tarantino would be like if raised by Mr. Rogers. His father and grandfather were both prominent TV writers. So he grew up in the lap of Hollywood luxury. Beaten senseless and robbed every day of high school by the girls' chess club, Whedon then attended Winchester College in England, one of the snobbiest schools in the world, where he was only thrashed once a fortnight by the girls' rowing team. He got his hipness with the Winchester alpha pussy-males by reciting old Monty Python sketches at them. Some have speculated that these formative events were the inspiration for his subsequent works that featured scantily clad women who are unafraid to use violence to plow through large numbers of foes: Buffy Summers, Illyria, River Tam, Melaka Fray, etc. etc. (when they aren't crying naked in a corner, begging for a man to save them, that is-preferably a snobby Englishman).

So how did this "hero of alt-culture" and comic book whore become such a powerful Holywood figure? He done it the easy and happy way: he was born into it. His old man Tom Whedon wrote for children's TV shows. And his grandfather, John Whedon, wrote for TV shows in the 1950s and 1960s. You can thank grandpa for The Donna Reed Show plus a number of other whitebread faggity sitcoms. So Little Joseph grew up knowing people in the TV biz he could pitch his shit-encrusted script ideas to. It's a dynasty! Even Joss's brothers are in the family business, grinding out script feces for a variety of nerd-friendly TV shows.

Whedon began his professional career by freelance writing for s(h)itcoms and eating from the garbage cans behind doughnut shops. Finally, he wrote a screenplay titled Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It bombed in theaters and Whedon decided that his failure was better suited for television. He was correct: BTVS ran for seven successful years, keeping the streets safe from goths, emos, 16-year-old girls and necrophiliacs for one hour a week or more if a marathon was running. Syndication and a DVD collection of the series ensure that BTVS will continue (to bring him residual payments). Thanks to his later association with the Marvel Studios money puking tree and directing the Avengers movies, his name is equal to its weight in solid tinsel all over Tinseltown. The first Avengers movie, a craptacular ocean of green-screen CG effects and awful overacting, is currently the No. 3 top-grossing film of all time.

Whedon is now unspeakably rich and spends much of his fortune hiring contract killers to commit major slayage on the jocks who flushed him down the second floor toilet in school. He was tapped to write and direct a Wonder Woman movie by Warner Brothers. Rumors that Wonder Woman will become a 16-year-old girl who can mop the floor with hordes of minions remain unconfirmed. And the Marvel connection continues to raise his public image, with executive production credits on top-rated TV fartfests like Agents of SHIELD. Perhaps this will balm his troubled little soul over not ever winning an Oscar and only one Emmy award after more than 25 years in the "business".

"It's not MY fault ;_;" - Whedon's mantra
Whedon fucks up a lot, and when he does, it is never his fault.
When he ruined Runaways, he blamed director Jean-Pierre Jeunet. For the stupidity of his Alien: Resurrection script he blamed everyone but himself, saying: "They said the lines ... mostly ... but they said them all wrong... They cast it wrong. And they designed it wrong. And they scored it wrong. They did everything wrong that they could possibly do", as if the stupid plot (he wrote where the main bad guy looks like a dried up turd) wasn't the reason the movie flopped. He also shifted the blame for the idiocy of the script (which, again, he wrote) in X-Men on "Halle Berry's wooden performance". More recently, Whedon has failed at creating a remake of Gerry Anderson's Joe 90 for Fox called Dollhouse (but would have been more accurate as "Dullhouse"). We eagerly await to see who he will blame for his own shortcomings this time. HE'S BLAMING FOX! Of course. The fact Fox cancelled a better show to make room for a second season of this ratings repellent, Whedon still accused them of somehow fucking up the show that he made.

UPDATE: Avengers 2 didn't do as well in movie theaters as Avengers 1 so Joss did an interview talking shit about the studio and blaming them. Sweet sweet pussy.

Stealing Movies
Joss and LionsGate are currently being sued for $10 million dollars by someone who claims that Whedon stole a movie's entire plot from a book he wrote. The guy's book Little White Trip was released for free online and is nearly identical to Whedon's film Cabin in the Woods, including plot, themes, characters and pretty much everything else besides names and the cabin being a reality show instead of a government program. The only question that remains to be answered is: If this guy is lying, why not at least take credit for a movie that wasn't a massive flop?
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Rachel Maddow (a.k.a. Rachel Madcow) is a "politics-obsessed" manly bulldyke lesbo who hosts yet another hopelessly idiotic "political debate and talk show" on MSNBC. She's like a sort-of-male Keith Olbermann who, defying all laws of science, manages to be even less interesting and more irritating. She's best known for confusing many people about her gender and sexuality, and inducing many false hard-ons. She is loved by all members of the liberal media, who enjoy watching a show about a borderline retarded dyke whose idea of debating is making unfunny comments about people she's never seen or talked to, from the safety of her (notably empty) studio. Her viewers compose solely of lesbians and 12-year-old boys.

Rachel is a minority among liberal television personalities in that she is one of the only commentators who has ever tasted pussy, although whether she has one herself is a matter of ongoing debate. Republicans find this confusing on two levels. They don't have the slightest clue what pussy actually tastes like, given their penchant for faggotry. And since many of them are pedophiles, they find her feminine manliness and lack of boobs reminiscent of their favorite Dominican boy. See Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh. Really, if it weren't for her membership with MSNBC, she'd probably be the conservatives' next darling.

The Rachel Maddow Show
The Rachel Maddow Show, unlike many others on FOX News and even MSNBC, is quite anti-lulz. Maddow rarely argues, yells at, or cuts off anyone she is interviewing or debating with on her show, and rarely, if ever, says anything controversial. She actually lets people on her show complete their bullshit-laced sentences. Her show almost always consists of the usual loony liberal bullshit that is spawned from TV.

She got her job on the show, not very long ago when Keith Olbermann went temporarily insane and the MSNBC Gods appointed Rachel Maddow to fill in for him while he was locked up in a mental institution. Since she is so good at what she does and because Keith Olbermann is in love with her she received her own show, taking over Dan Abrams' time slot. It is speculated that nothing of value was lost (mostly because Dan now owns TheMarySue). This, however, does not cover up her presence on television as proof the human race as a whole has regressed.

Rachel Maddow - Encyclopedia Dramatica

Even though she advocates a New York view on politics and avoids confrontation, she has an obvious haet for Donald Trump and derives great, manly pleasure from showing him acting like a douche. A recent study has shown that Maddow's show consists entirely of awkward silences following her clunky, robot-like attempts at jokes and asinine comments pertaining to Republican politicians that alternate between stating the obvious and flaunting her persecution complex.

Last Thursday in a desperate effort to embarrass the President, Rachel overhyped a story about Donald Trump's twelve-year-old tax returns, which backfired and embarrassed MSNBC, who had once touted her as "arguably the smartest person on television". The stunt gained her failing show its best ratings ever, and mockery from liberals:

"I love the idea that I am the voice of women. Look at me. It's like: really?
The one woman in the room that is really mannish.
I look like a dude. My breath even smells like fish, so I'm quite consistent."
—Rachel Maddow, stating the obvious.​


Rachel Maddow Being Served With Defamation Complaint Filed by Larry Klayman,
Founder of Judicial Watch
#MAGA #TrumpTrain #AmericaFirst

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These are people that spend their days pissing people off. They are people who get their jollies from making other people miserable or make life more difficult for the rest of us. People that if the drove off a cliff and died in a fiery ball of flames the world would be a much better place.



The filmmaker Michael Moore is one of the most popular of modern political commentators, however it is shown that he is often hypocritical about many issues which he is well-known for speaking about, including his making false claims of having ”working class” roots and being a ”populist who stands up for the little guy,” his investing in many of the companies he criticizes including defense contractors such as Haliburton, and his having hiring practices that he criticizes in others. [Note— Also Moore’s agent is Ari Emanuel, the brother of Obama’s original White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.]

Following are points describing the information contained in the chapter of Peter Schweizer's book Do As I Say (Not As I Do) speaking about Michael Moore.

— Michael Moore has become famous worldwide due to his books and films, and he has become extremely wealthy earning in the ”mid eight figures” so far, but Moore says ”I haven’t altered my life in any significant way” .. ”I think once you’re working class, you’re always working class.”(1) He has a well known persona of being a ”common sense average joe” who criticizes wealthy elitists and claims to give away up to 40 percent of his income.(2) However it is shown that his persona is manufactured, starting with him not having a blue collar background, and he is consistently hypocritical about most of the issues which he is well-known for criticizing.

— Despite his claims of being raised in the downtrodden blue-collar industrial town of Flint, Michigan, it is shown that Moore grew up in a relatively affluent middle class family in a neighboring suburb of Davidson, where he and his three siblings went to private Catholic School. His father had a comfortable job with General Motors and retired at the age of fifty-three.(3) Moore continued to proclaim Flint being his home, even fourteen years after living in the area when he wrote in the Los Angeles Times that he was ”heading home to Flint” after the Oscars in 2003.

— After graduating from High School, Moore started publishing a small newspaper called the Michigan Voice, which was heavily subsidized by John Stuart Mott, a grandson of one of the the founders of General Motors who shared Moore’s political views. Moore claimed that he made very little money before his first commercial success with the movie Roger & Me, but it is shown that in 1988 he received a $50,000 advance from a New York Publisher for a book about General Motors, and he received another $50,000 from Mother Jones after he was fired from his job as editor, as well as receiving a $20,000 grant from the consumer rights advocate Ralph Nader.

— An article published by the British Film Institute details that when Moore visited London for business such as promoting his film Roger & Me that he flew on the Concorde and stayed at the Ritz, but he booked a room at a cheap hotel down the street where he could meet with journalists while posing as a ”man of humble circumstances.”(5)

— Moore proclaims himself an ”economic populist” who can relate to people, but his targets are actually usually average Americans rather than wealthy Elites and CEOs. The New Yorker Magazine called him out on his actual intended audience in Roger & Me not being the working class but rather affluent liberal snobs of the Upper West Side, and the United Auto Workers condemned the movie. Other movies such as The Big One have been criticized for their real targets being ordinary citizens. It is also explained how Moore’s works are made popular overseas due to his reinforcing of negative American stereotypes.

— A common theme which Moore also communicates is that racism is rampant in America, and it is shown that despite Moore hilighting racial disparities in the entertainment industry, his widespread hiring for his own projects has not in any way lived up to the standards of racial diversity that he prescribes for others, with the large number of employees in senior positions that he has hired for his projects being almost exclusively white, despite Moore even writing in his book Stupid White Men that ”If you’re African American and you’d like to work in the media... then I encourage you to drop me a line and send me your resume.” It is described how out of 134 of Moore’s past and present higher level employees such as producers, editors, and cinematographers, only three were African American.

— It is also shown that Moore is also not committed to hiring ”working class” people as he has claimed, as most of his high level employees are shown to be entertainment industry veterans with previous high level experience such as producing movies and working on popular television shows.
Read more here....Surprising facts about the filmmaker Michael Moore, from the book ”Do As I Say (Not As I Do)” — News of Interest.TV

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