Are We Already A Three Party Nation?


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007

There are lots of arguments on why we need a third party candidate or even a third party. The reasons given are simply that the two party system is a groundwork for embedded interests and a third party would create more diversification. In other words a challenge to the status quo. Diversity may be a positive in your portfolio, but is it one in politics?

I would argue it is not, and the tea party could be seen as an example of my assumption. The Tea Party grew out of the discontent over change in our 2008 presidential election, but its roots go back much farther. American discontent with their elected representatives has always been a part of the political scene and eventually most presidents lose their glow if events prove cumbersome. Only after they are gone, are they revived in history, and in the minds of the political revisionists.

So who is this third party, are they made up solely of the Tea party or do the roots go deeper? David Deutsch in the 'Beginning of Infinity' outlines the complexity of sharing power with a third party. No longer is the winner, the winner, for now they must please a faction they may not even agree with, or even the voters do not agree with. Now the third party possesses a power not given to it by the majority of voters simply because they now control what the other parties can do. You see this today with the stagnation in the House of Representatives and the impact it has had on the nation.

Afterthought: maybe we are now a four party nation, with the fourth party being the 24 by 7 news and blogosphere of each and every word someone says rightly or wrongly and then whether the words have wings to fly or broken wings that crash. Consider voters busy with life who pay little attention except this fourth party bangs away so hard, and so frequently, it creates candidates or non candidates? I'll leave the fourth party there for now.
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Your idealistic viewpoint comes and goes every few years. Maybe you need to research the history of 3rd parties in American politics. Try reading this
Third party presidential candidates

Why did they all fail? Maybe because they didn't have the money of the two major parties? Riddle me this, why do the candidates with the most money win 96% of elections? The most "diverse" political option we have is "split-government" whereby the two parties need to compromise, or nothing happens. Either party rule has generally been a disaster.
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No, we don't need one and no, we will not become a "three party country."

That is all.
We've already got plenty of factions within both parties we have now. You've got the unions, environmentalists, pro-abortion, and so on for the dems. And of course the GOP has the TPers, the religious right, the NRA, etc. Don't know that it would make much difference if any one of them splintered off into their own separate political party, other than weakening the party they left. It is the great fear of the right that somebody like Palin or Paul would run as a 3rd party candidate and split the conservative vote, giving the election to Obama. That's precisely what happened in 1992 when Perot ran, he took enough votes from Bush41 to give Clinton the WH.
We are, in actuality, a 10 to 15 party nation. It's just that the people are too stupid to utilize the rest.
There is nothing magical about the dominance of republican and democrat political parties. During the early 20th century the socialist party was fully engaged in the political system. The concept the left wingers can't seem to grasp is that pesky old Constitution allows voters to choose candidates in the polling booth rather than at the point of a gun. Socialists can't win elections unless they camouflage themselves in democrat party politics.
I don't think we'll see a meaningful third party movement until the voting system changes. Winner-take-all, plurality elections pretty much guarantees to large parties build from various coalitions of special interest groups. I do think it's possible that one of the major parties could fracture, or even be replace, but it would settle right back into a two party system soon thereafter.

There are lots of arguments on why we need a third party candidate or even a third party. The reasons given are simply that the two party system is a groundwork for embedded interests and a third party would create more diversification. In other words a challenge to the status quo. Diversity may be a positive in your portfolio, but is it one in politics?

I would argue it is not, and the tea party could be seen as an example of my assumption. The Tea Party grew out of the discontent over change in our 2008 presidential election, but its roots go back much farther. American discontent with their elected representatives has always been a part of the political scene and eventually most presidents lose their glow if events prove cumbersome. Only after they are gone, are they revived in history, and in the minds of the political revisionists.

So who is this third party, are they made up solely of the Tea party or do the roots go deeper? David Deutsch in the 'Beginning of Infinity' outlines the complexity of sharing power with a third party. No longer is the winner, the winner, for now they must please a faction they may not even agree with, or even the voters do not agree with. Now the third party possesses a power not given to it by the majority of voters simply because they now control what the other parties can do. You see this today with the stagnation in the House of Representatives and the impact it has had on the nation.

Afterthought: maybe we are now a four party nation, with the fourth party being the 24 by 7 news and blogosphere of each and every word someone says rightly or wrongly and then whether the words have wings to fly or broken wings that crash. Consider voters busy with life who pay little attention except this fourth party bangs away so hard, and so frequently, it creates candidates or non candidates? I'll leave the fourth party there for now.

We need about 3 more Parties. All getting going at once. 1 Can never make it because Millions who would support it don't because they know it's helping the Guy least like they one they want if they do.

For Example if the Tea Party ran it's own Candidate all it would do at least in the first few elections is Take Votes Away from the GOP. But if you had 3 one more Right one Left and one Moderate. That could shake things up. Both sides losing Votes to Smaller Parties ;)

There are lots of arguments on why we need a third party candidate or even a third party. The reasons given are simply that the two party system is a groundwork for embedded interests and a third party would create more diversification. In other words a challenge to the status quo. Diversity may be a positive in your portfolio, but is it one in politics?

I would argue it is not, and the tea party could be seen as an example of my assumption. The Tea Party grew out of the discontent over change in our 2008 presidential election, but its roots go back much farther. American discontent with their elected representatives has always been a part of the political scene and eventually most presidents lose their glow if events prove cumbersome. Only after they are gone, are they revived in history, and in the minds of the political revisionists.

So who is this third party, are they made up solely of the Tea party or do the roots go deeper? David Deutsch in the 'Beginning of Infinity' outlines the complexity of sharing power with a third party. No longer is the winner, the winner, for now they must please a faction they may not even agree with, or even the voters do not agree with. Now the third party possesses a power not given to it by the majority of voters simply because they now control what the other parties can do. You see this today with the stagnation in the House of Representatives and the impact it has had on the nation.

Afterthought: maybe we are now a four party nation, with the fourth party being the 24 by 7 news and blogosphere of each and every word someone says rightly or wrongly and then whether the words have wings to fly or broken wings that crash. Consider voters busy with life who pay little attention except this fourth party bangs away so hard, and so frequently, it creates candidates or non candidates? I'll leave the fourth party there for now.

We already have a 3 party nation...

As a matter of fact if I was 4 years older I could run as the "fuck progressive" party for president if I really wanted to...

Third parties are not discouraged...

Most 3rd party candidates are loons tho - with the exception of the libertarian party.
The sad reality is that we don't even have a two party system. We have one party that pretends to be two.

This is what half-wits love to proclaim whenever they want to try and sound 'insightful,' but it's pure nonsense.
Is the DNC/GOP are a two headed monster. The American constituency is terrified of losing the wealth redistribution of the GOP/DNC professional politicians. Until Americans can once again learn to fend for themselves they will always run with the GOP/DNC nanny statists. Being free takes INDIVIDUAL responsibility & responsibility takes courage, very few Americans today have that courage.


There are lots of arguments on why we need a third party candidate or even a third party. The reasons given are simply that the two party system is a groundwork for embedded interests and a third party would create more diversification. In other words a challenge to the status quo. Diversity may be a positive in your portfolio, but is it one in politics?

I would argue it is not, and the tea party could be seen as an example of my assumption. The Tea Party grew out of the discontent over change in our 2008 presidential election, but its roots go back much farther. American discontent with their elected representatives has always been a part of the political scene and eventually most presidents lose their glow if events prove cumbersome. Only after they are gone, are they revived in history, and in the minds of the political revisionists.

So who is this third party, are they made up solely of the Tea party or do the roots go deeper? David Deutsch in the 'Beginning of Infinity' outlines the complexity of sharing power with a third party. No longer is the winner, the winner, for now they must please a faction they may not even agree with, or even the voters do not agree with. Now the third party possesses a power not given to it by the majority of voters simply because they now control what the other parties can do. You see this today with the stagnation in the House of Representatives and the impact it has had on the nation.

Afterthought: maybe we are now a four party nation, with the fourth party being the 24 by 7 news and blogosphere of each and every word someone says rightly or wrongly and then whether the words have wings to fly or broken wings that crash. Consider voters busy with life who pay little attention except this fourth party bangs away so hard, and so frequently, it creates candidates or non candidates? I'll leave the fourth party there for now.
We are a 2 party nation. Those that have and those that don't!

That's sorta true as in thinking of this topic a bit more it seems to me you have to look at the financial support the tea party has received, where it comes from, and why. Our third party may just be money, big money or corporate money.

With Citizens United the SCOTUS created or is that supported this third party. Everyone today who pays attention realizes our political system no longer works for the people or the country. The people foolishly don't vote in large enough numbers, and the few that do, vote in the present crowd that has an approval rating under the cellar. Why?

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