are the cain smears racism, or is that just for obama ??


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
is it a two way street. it occurred to me i haven't heard too many people screaming racism, i was wondering if it was just a democrat condition ?? does his shade of blackness matter ? tough questions.

there seems to be a double standard.

has this come full circle?
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but Herman "Toby" Cain gets caught getting a little on the side & he's drug through the freakin sewers. Maybe it's the great black dope against the great white hope syndrome??? I'd hate to think that people were that skin pigmentation shallow.

is it a two way street. it occurred to me i haven't heard too many people screaming racism, i was wondering if it was just a democrat condition ?? does his shade of blackness matter ? tough questions.

there seems to be a double standard.

Garrett Morris and Julian Bond on IQ tests - YouTube

has this come full circle?
but Herman "Toby" Cain gets caught getting a little on the side & he's drug through the freakin sewers. Maybe it's the great black dope against the great white hope syndrome??? I'd hate to think that people were that skin pigmentation shallow.

is it a two way street. it occurred to me i haven't heard too many people screaming racism, i was wondering if it was just a democrat condition ?? does his shade of blackness matter ? tough questions.

there seems to be a double standard.

Garrett Morris and Julian Bond on IQ tests - YouTube

has this come full circle?
Race should never be a factor. Too bad so many dopes are hung up on it.
The powers at be on the left don't actually care about race themselves, they just try to force the rest of the US to care about race.
Nope. The difference is that Cain is is a liar, adulterer, and womanizer. Obama is not.
Or was your thinking that if one black person is accused of something, they all should be?
I'm pretty sure that a white person who is a racist would not vote for a black political candidate.....for any office......let alone POTUS.

So, if you are claiming that there are white Obama supporters who are evidenced by their lack of support for Cain, I think you might just be reaching a wee-little-tiny bit.

You've wasted time.
is it a two way street. it occurred to me i haven't heard too many people screaming racism, i was wondering if it was just a democrat condition ?? does his shade of blackness matter ? tough questions.

there seems to be a double standard.


has this come full circle?

i don't know... was smearing anthony weiner anti-semitism?
How about we forget race and Obama and return to, uh, the Republilcans' LOVE of "family values."

It SEEMS to me that a couple of decades ago, Republicans were all FOR character in candidates, so much that they spent the budget of several small countries to impeach Clinton for enjoying Monica. This week I heard a Repub Cain supporter say that consentual sex between adults is nobody else's business. I damn near choked on my morning orange juice.

SO, character no longer matters?
How about we forget race and Obama and return to, uh, the Republilcans' LOVE of "family values."

It SEEMS to me that a couple of decades ago, Republicans were all FOR character in candidates, so much that they spent the budget of several small countries to impeach Clinton for enjoying Monica. This week I heard a Repub Cain supporter say that consentual sex between adults is nobody else's business. I damn near choked on my morning orange juice.

SO, character no longer matters?

Republicans can turn on a dime when it comes to that sort of thing. They have short - but creative - memories.
Cain's a buck dancing, Mammy singing, ugly-fat-white woman chaser. He should have been a gangsta rapper.
How about we forget race and Obama and return to, uh, the Republilcans' LOVE of "family values."

It SEEMS to me that a couple of decades ago, Republicans were all FOR character in candidates, so much that they spent the budget of several small countries to impeach Clinton for enjoying Monica. This week I heard a Repub Cain supporter say that consentual sex between adults is nobody else's business. I damn near choked on my morning orange juice.

SO, character no longer matters?
When has Character ever mattered to distinguished Statists as yourself? The Democratics are replete with Criminals that are continually shielded. YOU have zero room to speak.:eusa_hand:

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