Has Anyone Seen This?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
On Sunday a possibly intoxicated passenger on a South London tram vented her frustrations in front of an involuntary audience of passengers. Emma West, 34, appeared in court on charges of hate speech. But she's not alone, and it's been suggested she's just a player in a wider conspiracy. Two other females have been filmed on public transport in Britain echoing similar sentiments. I'm assuming that the American media has ignored these incidents for reasons only known to a few.

Further evidence of indigenous exasperation.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-xeStoNHFY"]Emma West lets rip on a packed tram:[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVi9I88KbPM&feature=watch_response"]Further comment.[/ame]
On Sunday a possibly intoxicated passenger on a South London tram vented her frustrations in front of an involuntary audience of passengers. Emma West, 34, appeared in court on charges of hate speech. But she's not alone, and it's been suggested she's just a player in a wider conspiracy. Two other females have been filmed on public transport in Britain echoing similar sentiments. I'm assuming that the American media has ignored these incidents for reasons only known to a few.

Further evidence of indigenous exasperation.

Emma West lets rip on a packed tram:

Further comment.

we don't pay a lot of attention to the news out of third world countries.

On Sunday a possibly intoxicated passenger on a South London tram vented her frustrations in front of an involuntary audience of passengers. Emma West, 34, appeared in court on charges of hate speech. But she's not alone, and it's been suggested she's just a player in a wider conspiracy. Two other females have been filmed on public transport in Britain echoing similar sentiments. I'm assuming that the American media has ignored these incidents for reasons only known to a few.

Well....I am curious why you would think that a chick going on a drunken rant in Great Britain would be of major importance to the American media. Just curious
I'm assuming that the American media has ignored these incidents for reasons only known to a few.

Well dude...seriously. Why would the American media pay attention to this? Someone getting drunk and making an ass of themselves is a typical Saturday night anywhere you go. :lol: I mean I just don't see a major news story here.
The bigger question is why don't Swaggert's drunken and bigoted rants on the tube make the nightly news in America?
i am pretty sure that the american media ignores the drunken rants of people on trains in america as well as england.......
I've never made a YouTube video, Ravi. Although if I did you'd no-doubt obsess over it.

Anyway, what's your take on the OP and its accompanying footage?
She does have a point swagger, her country all them darkies Her rant got her locked up for a week
As the response videographer explains, we don't talk like that in public here in the U.S.
We're living in intimidation and fear for speaking our minds against minorities.
I've never made a YouTube video, Ravi. Although if I did you'd no-doubt obsess over it.

Anyway, what's your take on the OP and its accompanying footage?
I think the woman in the second video is a race-baiter. No one gives a fuck what some drunk vomits on the tube in England.

btw, I thought the British called themselves British, not English.
She's has a right to be pissed. I see this shit every day, and, Del, America is becoming a third world country because we, like Britain, just accept this shit. Come on peeps. Get real. If ya don't live with these creeps, you fuck-os in your little gated isolated communities, Ya don't know what yer missin'. Fuck heads. Feel free to be condescending. And YOU will, I know.
She's has a right to be pissed. I see this shit every day, and, Del, America is becoming a third world country because we, like Britain, just accept this shit. Come on peeps. Get real. If ya don't live with these creeps, you fuck-os in your little gated isolated communities, Ya don't know what yer missin'. Fuck heads. Feel free to be condescending. And YOU will, I know.

You call us peeps, fuck-os, and fuck heads.

And then you say, "Feel free to be condescending?"

She's has a right to be pissed. I see this shit every day, and, Del, America is becoming a third world country because we, like Britain, just accept this shit. Come on peeps. Get real. If ya don't live with these creeps, you fuck-os in your little gated isolated communities, Ya don't know what yer missin'. Fuck heads. Feel free to be condescending. And YOU will, I know.

You call us peeps, fuck-os, and fuck heads.

And then you say, "Feel free to be condescending?"


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