Arab Envy Of Israel Contributes To Their Dysfunction


Jun 29, 2011
Historian Victor Davis Hanson: Arab Envy Of Israel Contributes To Their Low Self Esteem And Dysfunction

The real problem is that Israeli success, and the resulting sense of failure in the surrounding Arab world, fuels much of the rabid hatred.

Israel stoked the fury arising from Arabs' sense of weakness and self-contempt. In the world of the Palestinian lobster bucket, Israel's great sin is not bellicosity or aggression, but succeeding beyond the wildest dreams of its neighbors. How humiliating it must be to be incapable of even muttering the word "Israel" (hence the need for "Zionist entity"), but nevertheless preferring an Israeli to a Palestinian ID card.

...examine, for instance, an excerpt from the recent statements of the Palestinian-born Al-Jazeera editor-in-chief, Ahmed Sheikh, who granted an interview this month with Pierre Heumann, the Middle East correspondent of the Swiss weekly Die Weltwoche. He is not a mere propagandist, but a keen and influential observer of the current Arab temperament.
Sheikh: In many Arab states, the middle class is disappearing. The rich get richer and the poor get still poorer. Look at the schools in Jordan, Egypt or Morocco: You have up to 70 youngsters crammed together in a single classroom. How can a teacher do his job in such circumstances? The public hospitals are also in a hopeless condition. These are just examples. They show how hopeless the situation is for us in the Middle East.

Heumann: Who is responsible for the situation?

Sheikh: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most important reasons why these crises and problems continue to simmer. The day when Israel was founded created the basis for our problems. The West should finally come to understand this. Everything would be much calmer if the Palestinians were given their rights.

Heumann: Do you mean to say that if Israel did not exist, there would suddenly be democracy in Egypt, that the schools in Morocco would be better, that the public clinics in Jordan would function better?

Sheikh: I think so.

Heumann: Can you please explain to me what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has to do with these problems?

Sheikh: The Palestinian cause is central for Arab thinking.

Heumann: In the end, is it a matter of feelings of self-esteem?

Sheikh: Exactly. It's because we always lose to Israel. It gnaws at the people in the Middle East that such a small country as Israel, with only about 7 million inhabitants, can defeat the Arab nation with its 350 million. That hurts our collective ego. The Palestinian problem is in the genes of every Arab. The West's problem is that it does not understand this.

How strange that Mr. Sheikh, if for the wrong reasons, has inadvertently echoed the neoconservative thesis that only with fundamental reform will come Arab prosperity — a progress that in turn will bolster the "collective ego" enough for Arabs to forget an Israel that seems to "gnaw" at the Middle East.

Elsewhere in the interview Ahmed Sheikh, who enjoys a prominent role in forming recent public opinion throughout the Arab world, is largely prescient about the West's misunderstanding of the "genes of every Arab." As we see with the latest return of the surrealists to foreign policy influence, we surely do not understand the depths or causes of Arab and Muslim psychological exasperation with Israel.
Israel's Success Fuels Arab Hatred - CBS News
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Arabs and Jews have been fighting ever since Jacob and Esau.
The above is just a modern day excuse.
Arabs and Jews have been fighting ever since Jacob and Esau.
The above is just a modern day excuse.

Er, Esau wasn't an Arab.

Both Arabs and Jews claim Abraham as their father.
The Torah tells us, that Rebecca’s pregnancy was a difficult one. “The children clashed inside her.” Confused she asks of God: “Why is this happening to me?” God’s reply: “Two nations are in your womb. Two governments will separate from inside you. The upper hand will go from one nation to the other. The greater one will serve the younger.”

Jacob and Esau are grandsons of Abraham.
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Arabs and Jews have been fighting ever since Jacob and Esau.
The above is just a modern day excuse.

Er, Esau wasn't an Arab.

Both Arabs and Jews claim Abraham as their father.
The Torah tells us, that Rebecca’s pregnancy was a difficult one. “The children clashed inside her.” Confused she asks of God: “Why is this happening to me?” God’s reply: “Two nations are in your womb. Two governments will separate from inside you. The upper hand will go from one nation to the other. The greater one will serve the younger.”

Jacob and Esau are grandsons of Abraham.

Cite where in the OT is says Esau was an Arab. That would make Abraham an Arab.

Can you even provide archaeological evidence for the existence of Arabs before islime was invented in the 7th century CE? No, I didn't think so.

The archeological record verifies the existence of Jews dating back to before 1200 BCE, 2000 years before any arab trash
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click on the image to make it bigger.
$the line of arabs and jews.jpg

Notice where is says Abraham, Issac, Ishmael
Jacob and Esau
Jacob became Israelites
Ishmael and Esau became Arabs
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click on the image to make it bigger.
View attachment 18069

Notice where is says Abraham, Issac, Ishmael
Jacob and Esau
Jacob became Israelites
Ishmael and Esau became Arabs

I already asked you to cite for me in the OT where it says Esau was an Arab.

And, provide an archaeological record for the existence of an Arab civilization prior to islime in the 7th century CE.

The archaeological record verifies Jews existed in at least 1200 BCE, 2000 years before the Arab trash.

Watcha got for me?
Er, Esau wasn't an Arab.

Both Arabs and Jews claim Abraham as their father.
The Torah tells us, that Rebbecca’s pregnancy was a difficult one. “The children clashed inside her.” Confused she asks of God: “Why is this happening to me?” God’s reply: “Two nations are in your womb. Two governments will separate from inside you. The upper hand will go from one nation to the other. The greater one will serve the younger.”

Jacob and Esau are grandsons of Abraham.

Cite where in the OT is says Esau was an Arab. That would make Abraham an Arab.

I never said that Esau was Arab
I never said Abraham was Arab.
I said that Esau's blood line became Arabs, along with Ishmael.
Esau married a daughter of Ishmael's
Both Arabs and Jews claim Abraham as their father.
The Torah tells us, that Rebbecca’s pregnancy was a difficult one. “The children clashed inside her.” Confused she asks of God: “Why is this happening to me?” God’s reply: “Two nations are in your womb. Two governments will separate from inside you. The upper hand will go from one nation to the other. The greater one will serve the younger.”

Jacob and Esau are grandsons of Abraham.

Cite where in the OT is says Esau was an Arab. That would make Abraham an Arab.

I never said that Esau was Arab
I never said Abraham was Arab.
I said that Esau's blood line became Arabs, along with Ishmael.
Esau married a daughter of Ishmael's

You have any archaeological evidence for the existence of any Ishmael the Arab? No, I didn't think so.

The Jews existed thousands of years before the arab excrement, verified by archaeology, and wrote the 10 Commandments when arabs later buried their own babies alive.

Today, arab subhumans continue to murder their children in honor killings.
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I never said that Esau was Arab
I never said Abraham was Arab.
I said that Esau's blood line became Arabs, along with Ishmael.
Esau married a daughter of Ishmael's

You have any archaeological evidence for the existence of any Ishmael the Arab? No, I didn't think so.

The Jews existed thousands of years before the arab excrement, verified by archaeology, and wrote the 10 Commandments when arabs later buried their own babies alive.

Today, arab subhumans continue to murder their children in honor killings.

I am agreeing with you that Jews (Hebrews) were before Arabs.
I never said otherwise. You are accusing me of something I did not say.
You have any archaeological evidence for the existence of any Ishmael the Arab? No, I didn't think so.

The Jews existed thousands of years before the arab excrement, verified by archaeology, and wrote the 10 Commandments when arabs later buried their own babies alive.

Today, arab subhumans continue to murder their children in honor killings.

I am agreeing with you that Jews (Hebrews) were before Arabs.
I never said otherwise. You are accusing me of something I did not say.

You suggested incorrectly that Jews and Arabs have been fighting since Biblical times.

I'm unaware of any body of physical evidence of even an Arab civilization pre-dating islime which was invented 1000 years after the Biblical period ended.
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But they have been fighting since Biblical times. Since around 9th Century B.C. when the Monolith Inscription mention Arabs.

Sorry but DNA shows that Jews and Arabs come from the same blood line. Just like the Bible says.
What they revealed was that Arabs and Jews are essentially a single population, and that Palestinians are slap bang in the middle of the different Jewish populations.
Epiphenom: The shared genetic heritage of Jews and Palestinians
But they have been fighting since Biblical times. Since around 9th Century B.C. when the Monolith Inscription mention Arabs. Sorry but DNA shows that Jews and Arabs come from the same blood line. Just like the Bible says. What they revealed was that Arabs and Jews are essentially a single population, and that Palestinians are slap bang in the middle of the different Jewish populations.
Oh! So, why aren't arabs jewish?
But they have been fighting since Biblical times. Since around 9th Century B.C. when the Monolith Inscription mention Arabs.

Sorry but DNA shows that Jews and Arabs come from the same blood line. Just like the Bible says.
What they revealed was that Arabs and Jews are essentially a single population, and that Palestinians are slap bang in the middle of the different Jewish populations.
Epiphenom: The shared genetic heritage of Jews and Palestinians

14 million Jews: Number of Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates in science and economics: 180
350 million Arabs: Number of Arab Nobel Prize Laureates in science and economics: Zero

No relationship there :badgrin:
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Historian Victor Davis Hanson: Arab Envy Of Israel Contributes To Their Low Self Esteem And Dysfunction

The real problem is that Israeli success, and the resulting sense of failure in the surrounding Arab world, fuels much of the rabid hatred.

Israel stoked the fury arising from Arabs' sense of weakness and self-contempt. In the world of the Palestinian lobster bucket, Israel's great sin is not bellicosity or aggression, but succeeding beyond the wildest dreams of its neighbors. How humiliating it must be to be incapable of even muttering the word "Israel" (hence the need for "Zionist entity"), but nevertheless preferring an Israeli to a Palestinian ID card.

...examine, for instance, an excerpt from the recent statements of the Palestinian-born Al-Jazeera editor-in-chief, Ahmed Sheikh, who granted an interview this month with Pierre Heumann, the Middle East correspondent of the Swiss weekly Die Weltwoche. He is not a mere propagandist, but a keen and influential observer of the current Arab temperament.
Sheikh: In many Arab states, the middle class is disappearing. The rich get richer and the poor get still poorer. Look at the schools in Jordan, Egypt or Morocco: You have up to 70 youngsters crammed together in a single classroom. How can a teacher do his job in such circumstances? The public hospitals are also in a hopeless condition. These are just examples. They show how hopeless the situation is for us in the Middle East.

Heumann: Who is responsible for the situation?

Sheikh: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most important reasons why these crises and problems continue to simmer. The day when Israel was founded created the basis for our problems. The West should finally come to understand this. Everything would be much calmer if the Palestinians were given their rights.

Heumann: Do you mean to say that if Israel did not exist, there would suddenly be democracy in Egypt, that the schools in Morocco would be better, that the public clinics in Jordan would function better?

Sheikh: I think so.

Heumann: Can you please explain to me what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has to do with these problems?

Sheikh: The Palestinian cause is central for Arab thinking.

Heumann: In the end, is it a matter of feelings of self-esteem?

Sheikh: Exactly. It's because we always lose to Israel. It gnaws at the people in the Middle East that such a small country as Israel, with only about 7 million inhabitants, can defeat the Arab nation with its 350 million. That hurts our collective ego. The Palestinian problem is in the genes of every Arab. The West's problem is that it does not understand this.

How strange that Mr. Sheikh, if for the wrong reasons, has inadvertently echoed the neoconservative thesis that only with fundamental reform will come Arab prosperity — a progress that in turn will bolster the "collective ego" enough for Arabs to forget an Israel that seems to "gnaw" at the Middle East.

Elsewhere in the interview Ahmed Sheikh, who enjoys a prominent role in forming recent public opinion throughout the Arab world, is largely prescient about the West's misunderstanding of the "genes of every Arab." As we see with the latest return of the surrealists to foreign policy influence, we surely do not understand the depths or causes of Arab and Muslim psychological exasperation with Israel.
Israel's Success Fuels Arab Hatred - CBS News

What a crock...It only proves Israel armed by the West has superior weapons...It also proves that Israel will never have peace and like the Crusaders will lose the hundreds of years war of attrition...
Actually, the DNA evidence shows that both populations include multiple Y-Chromosome DNA haplotypes, so they cannot be all descendants of one man (as the Bible claims)
Semi Race yes but this is a discussion related to evolution and environmental changes so I really don't want to get into this, but a connection over 5 thousand years no.
What a crock...It only proves Israel armed by the West has superior weapons...It also proves that Israel will never have peace and like the Crusaders will lose the hundreds of years war of attrition...

"....It only proves Israel armed by the West has superior weapons..."

a-huh. you said it bub. imagine - whose ever REALLY in charge of those "superior weapons" - and can 'flip the switch' - if that person (people) were as fucked up in the head (brainwashed) like 'them' (hamas, al queda, islamic jihad, icehole, etc, ETC "evil terrorist group")................there would be even MORE of a bloodbath than what's going on now.

IMAGINE - fool !

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