Arab Author: "Arabs Are Good For Nothing"


Jun 29, 2011
Arab Author Nidhal Naisa: "Arabs Are Good For Nothing"
Nobody bothers to kick a dead cat. Unfortunately, the Arabs, to some extent, are dead cats. Who would even bother to give these dead cats a kick? They are good for nothing. You cannot rely on them. They turn their backs on one another. They fight one another.

Yesterday, an Arab summit was held, but 8 leaders did not show up. They officially boycotted the summit.

Some people say that the Arabs have contributed in some way to civilization, but their only contribution was the invention of the zero. Unfortunately, they remain at the zero phase and have not moved on. In fact, they remain below zero and have not made any significant contribution to human civilization.

I am very happy and proud that the Arabs recently produced
the largest plate of hummus, pickles or tbouli salad. That is all they care about: fried pastries, pickles, baba ghanoush. This is what they are good at: cotton candy, shanklish or beet kibbeh

[ame=]Arabs Are Good For Nothing - YouTube[/ame]

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