Anyone seen the the new Trump Campaign? It is pretty Amazing. Nothing like timely well chosen photography to to punch up an ad.

Given Trump's fear campaign has failed so badly so far, why do you think it will suddenly start working?

And isn't it an admission by Trump that he has no other issues to run on?
Cannot imagine it working. He's toast.

I couldn't imagine him winning either. Thats why I think he'll win again. The 2018 Senate races didn't seem to reflect much appetite for change. That was before Covid and Floyd though.


Someone wrote on here something I think is true:

Americans think we're Obama.
Americans actually are Trump.

If so, that is sad.
That is a strange logic. I do not think I am blessed with an overly optimistic attitude. He has always been the president with the lowest approval ratings in history of American presidency. More voters thought he was a man of poor character from the beginning. He was continuously connected to Russia and it's (once KGB always KGB) communist strongman leader Putin (once a communist always a communist) in admiration and subservience. Add to that the new history of bad hiring, firings, corrupt federal key insiders, insults to allies, treaties walked away from or broken unilaterally, assauts on healthcare for the poor with promise to proctect certain benefits and replace with a new plan, (that he had his people quietly go about taking away coverage also and never ever suggested a plan to replace, his open admiration for the job autocrats are doing in their countries, his two faced outward support for the military while attacking their soldiers, veterans, gold star families, system of military justice, and even Illegally misdirecting funds from the military for his pet project as if he could rule by fiat as other dictators, and now sabotaging our ability and resolve in the global pandemic, by minimizing the danger, encouraging followers to resist, putting out false information and just crazy seemingly made up information and attacking the public health officials trying go get a handle on the situation. He is simply the absolute worst president in the history of our country and I am pretty sure the jig is up.
I cannot express how much I hope you’re right.

Still, the midterm Senate races were in an atmosphere where a lot of this was known. It was pretty much a dead heat.

I have some hope but not much. Biden is not Trump. Other than that there isn’t much to love

I don’t think Biden is so bad, not very exciting, but right now boring and Stable and sane sound wonderful.

...unfortunately, like you, I keep my hopes in check, I also never expected Trump to win.

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