Anyone drive for Uber? What was your experience, and, of course, did you make any money?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Took my first Uber Ride a few weeks ago, just wondering how it is possible to make money driving Uber....
If it wasn't "possible" drivers wouldn't drive.

I don't know about could have lots of people trying it out and quitting, and having new people just fill in behind them.......
I don't know about could have lots of people trying it out and quitting, and having new people just fill in behind them.......
I do a lot of travelling and often take Uber in various cities and I have talked to a lot of uber drivers.

The ride share companies are exceedingly greedy is the essence of the problem from what I have heard.

They seem exempt from the labor least no one is going after them and they need to be gone after.

A large percentage of their work force are old people trying to supplement their social security and in these inflationary times....they have little choice...who else is going to hire a old man...other than the ride share companies?

Foreign drivers also compose a big percentage of ride share drivers....willing to work long, long hours for little money.... because they are desperate and America's work force is growing increasingly desperate.

A illegal immigrant in Chicago has more income (from the gubmint) than a hard working American Citizen of the working class.

In Chicago a illegal gets approx. 9 thousand a month from the gubmint ...aka vouchers etc.

In order to make a living a driver has to work 7 days a week and about 12 hours a day.

Drivers with no family do better and foreign drivers who cannot speak english also fare few riders will complain about them....they do not take it as an insult when the driver does not talk to them or entertain them....aka they reason he does not understand english....I have been told many drivers pretend not to speak they do not have to engage in conversation or be complained about.
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Very difficult and one accident will wipe out your $$$
From what i have heard there is no job security with any of the ride share companies.......accidents are career enders as well as passengers who complain about their drivers....sometime legit many times not.....aka passengers filing false claims to get a free ride etc. simple because they do not like their driver etc. many passengers expect not only to be driven to their destination but expect the driver to kiss their ass as well as entertain them aka telling jokes being entertainingly funny etc.

The companies encourage their customers to snitch on the drivers...that is how the companies control the drivers....the whole system is run by algorithms or by people in bangladesh etc. sitting at home making pennies using their phone to threaten drivers.

Similar situation to a guy whose wife is prone to backseat driving....he just has to put up with it.

Many folks think that only they know how to drive and are quick to report a driver who does not drive like they think he should....if a driver gets a lot of such feedback his career is cut very short.
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I don't know about could have lots of people trying it out and quitting, and having new people just fill in behind them.......
One has to be desperate to be a ride share driver....aka people that cannot find a decent job aka senior citizens and foreigners.

There are a few that make decent money but to do that one has to be very good with conversational skills and have the ability to tell a good joke and or make people laugh in some manner....such drivers get good tips.

The majority of drivers get very few tips....a lot of riders are of a certain minority well known for never tipping no matter what...most of them will not even tip at a restaurant.

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