Anthem standing Steeler Villanueva becomes sixth best selling NFL jersey overnight


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I don't think the NFL will get the message, but the owners certainly will, and as such, the players salaries.

Patriotism is a reasonable expression in any society in which there is enough to be patriotic about. When you put aside your grievances to honour others who have put aside a hell of a lot more for your freedom, it's a sign of strength not weakness.

Instead, Villanueva, a former US Army captain and an Army Ranger who earned a Bronze Star for valor in serving three tours of duty in Afghanistan, emerged from the tunnel to stand with much of the crowd during “The Star-Spangled Banner.” He instantly became a cult hero, his jersey becoming the sixth-best-selling on the NFL website not even 24 hours removed from existing in offensive-line obscurity.

“We thought we were all in attention with the same agreement, obviously, ” longtime Steelers star linebacker James Harrison told Penn Live. “But, I guess we weren’t.”

More than anything, the other Steelers seemed confused.
LIbtardos have shit in their bed, AGAIN.

This fake outrage, race card cluster fuck is getting shoved down libtardos throats and it's going to get worse for them.

America won't put up with this disrespectful shit. And the viewer numbers are crashing. Fuck em.

Villanueva's jersey sells are soaring! A true patriot.

"Regardless, Villanueva has become an overnight hero.

As noted by ESPN’s Darren Rovell, Villanueva’s No. 78 Steelers jersey is currently the sixth-best selling and searched jersey on
As a Ravens fan I'd gladly wear a Alejandro Villanueva jersey to Steelers vs Ravens in Baltimore this Sunday.
Wow. I thought he was a man that stood up for his beliefs. He was nothing but a pussy that wasnt man enough to tell the others what he was doing.

There is something very wrong with your mental processes.
This guy is a hero, but.................. I agree with Tomlin's decision to keep the team off the field during the anthem.

This is the answer, it will take all the power away from the activists.
He was a hero before this.
Yup, Army Ranger who was awarded a Bronze Star with Valor. An anchor baby that came back to attend West Point as a football player.

His parents being in the country legally at the time he was born doesn't make him an anchor baby. That term is reserved for babies born to illegals that weren't supposed to be here.

Try again, NL.
He was a hero before this.
Yup, Army Ranger who was awarded a Bronze Star with Valor. An anchor baby that came back to attend West Point as a football player.
His parents are here illegally? Really? Do you have a link?
Lots of anchor babies are born here from parents who are here legally. All those parents coming here from China are here legally.
I got the data from Wikipedia. There is a link to it in post #10. They have a bio page on him. His parents were here because his father was in a training program for NATO as a Spanish officer.
He was a hero before this.
Yup, Army Ranger who was awarded a Bronze Star with Valor. An anchor baby that came back to attend West Point as a football player.

His parents being in the country legally at the time he was born doesn't make him an anchor baby. That term is reserved for babies born to illegals that weren't supposed to be here.

Try again, NL.
You are wrong.

Then you should be able to refute my statement with proof.

I'm waiting, NL.
He was a hero before this.
Yup, Army Ranger who was awarded a Bronze Star with Valor. An anchor baby that came back to attend West Point as a football player.

His parents being in the country legally at the time he was born doesn't make him an anchor baby. That term is reserved for babies born to illegals that weren't supposed to be here.

Try again, NL.
You are wrong.

Then you should be able to refute my statement with proof.

I'm waiting, NL.
I can, but I try not to be of assistance to racist jerks like you. Anyone who can type "anchor baby definition" into their search engine, google or whatever, can confirm what an anchor baby is if they don't already know.
He was a hero before this.
Yup, Army Ranger who was awarded a Bronze Star with Valor. An anchor baby that came back to attend West Point as a football player.

His parents being in the country legally at the time he was born doesn't make him an anchor baby. That term is reserved for babies born to illegals that weren't supposed to be here.

Try again, NL.
You are wrong.

Then you should be able to refute my statement with proof.

I'm waiting, NL.
I can, but I try not to be of assistance to racist jerks like you. Anyone who can type "anchor baby definition" into their search engine, google or whatever, can confirm what an anchor baby is if they don't already know.

Just as I thought. You have nothing but baseless claims.

I know what an anchor baby is. In fact, my statement of fact that he isn't one is because of his situation of not being born to illegals.

I'll take your refusal to post what you said you can as surrender. Run along and get back to kissing Obama's black ass, NL.

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