Another Message from the Universe


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
In the past 2 days, it's been really interesting especially if you're able to pay attention and listen.

Maybe it was the Solar flare, but on the day my son returned home from Italy, the DVD box with about 100 hours of recorded programs was wiped clean and one of the computers started acting like it had a stroke, it took 45 minutes to boot up. Sure Windows sucks, but 45 minutes?

That night I have a conversation with my brother and for no reason I can think of he tells me "honey never spoils" and I file that away under "that's something information coming through my brother meant for me - and it's probably way more important than I think it is, or soon will be very important"

Last night, we have no running water. I live in a nice little community in Westchester County with no sidewalks. The water main down the corner broke in 2 separate places. I walked the dog this morning and the street was closed and dug up in at least 4 separate places. The water came back on this morning and all seemed well.

Then about 30 minutes ago, no water. I called the local police and they said they're sending the water crew out here again.

Tomorrow I'm going to Walmart and start to stock up on bottled water, canned goods and probably sugar, flour and yes, honey because it never spoils. Then I'm also going to Sports Authority and buying up a years supply of water filters and augment my camping supplies.

What would happen if for some reason the water never came back? Am I prepared? This morning my answer would have been, "Fuck no!" This time tomorrow it will be, We'll see"
We always have at least four weeks worth of what we would need to survive in a disaster.
Just checked my emails before retiring for the evening and got this:

Anyway, did you receive the following news? Were you


Did you know that Australia’s rice crop last year (which
helps supply the world) was only 2 percent of previous
harvests? Yes, you read that right – a mere 2 percent.

Worldwide, food is going to be short.

Did you hear the shocking news that the loss of fish
stocks worldwide may be as high as 90 percent? (Hauraki
Herald, June 15, 2010)


See you at Walmart tomorrow!
That does it....I'm moving back to SLC and joining the Mormon Militia. :D

Well damn dude, you're going to need a years worth of supplies if your going to be a card carrying mormon.
I don't know....But I've seen some serious stockpiles.


well except for water i could go a year. I cant imagine more then that. My stock room is rather like the scene out of the shining where they give a tour of the kitchen.

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