ANC news released video of trump lawyers admitting trump (the boss) damaging statements


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Poor Jim-

Gets up- puts his Hate Trump jammies with feet in the hamper.

Takes a long shower, using his Trump soap on a rope and Melania scrubby

Gets dressed and wears his super duper secret Hate Trump underoos.

Pours coffee or covfefe into Trump sucks mug.

Kicks the dog he named Trump so he could kick him





This is from the "Boss." These lawyers admitted that trump told them he was not going to leave the White House. This is racketeering 101.
How? The president can say anything he wants. He has immunity.
Nah. It sounds about right. The man knew he'd lost, but just couldn't accept it or admit it to his sheep, or even concede with any dignity. Just a weak, pitiful excuse for a human being, much less a grown man with any character, at all.
Nah, you are a pinhead.

This is from the "Boss." These lawyers admitted that trump told them he was not going to leave the White House. This is racketeering 101.
Ok you've made it obvious, you're another paid shill. Anti-Trump posts 10 times a day. Paid shill.
I think I found a group picture of you guys on the internet.
Poor Jim-

Gets up- puts his Hate Trump jammies with feet in the hamper.

Takes a long shower, using his Trump soap on a rope and Melania scrubby

Gets dressed and wears his super duper secret Hate Trump underoos.

Pours coffee or covfefe into Trump sucks mug.

Kicks the dog he named Trump so he could kick him




Blah blah blah

I thought he would be convicted of a felony next year. But now it looks like two felonies at in Georgia and more in DC. repubs nominate Felon....INCREDIBLE!
Nah. It sounds about right. The man knew he'd lost, but just couldn't accept it or admit it to his sheep, or even concede with any dignity. Just a desperate, weak, pitiful excuse for a human being, much less a grown man with any character, at all.
If he played Wheel of Fortune, he would claim the wheel cheated him each spin. He is a man baby.
Nah. It sounds about right. The man knew he'd lost, but just couldn't accept it or admit it to his sheep, or even concede with any dignity. Just a desperate, weak, pitiful excuse for a human being, much less a grown man with any character, at all.
and yet he's 10 times the competent leader than the guy you voted for .

This is from the "Boss." These lawyers admitted that trump told them he was not going to leave the White House. This is racketeering 101.
So did President Trump remain in office or not?

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